Blender : Modelling with cross sections
By Toussaint Frédéric
Translated from french by Saraja Olivier

S  t  e  p    1 :
We'll start by creating the main cross section of our object.
If you have a square mesh in the middle of your working space when starting Blender, use the right button of the mouse to select it and then hit the X-KEY. Confirm "erase selected".
In the top view (NUM-7) you must add a "surface curve" (space bar: add->surface->curve). Please note that classic curves don't work when using this modelling method. Once the object added, you can also note that your are automatically in the edit mode, as shown by this button , which is toggled on. If everything went right, you should have the following result :

The yellow color of the vertices indicates that they are selected. To deselect all or select all, press the A-KEY. To select a single vertex just select it with the right mouse button. To select many vertices at once, press the B-KEY to create a box selection tool and then move your mouse while holding the left button of the mouse.