Displacement Mapping with Blender
By Anthony C. D'Agostino

S  t  e  p     9 :


In conclusion, displacement mapping is a good modeling technique that can be used to create a variety of different objects.  Keep in mind that you are not limited to simple geometric shapes.  For example, you could use a paint program to draw a face and then apply cylindrical mapping to a highly subdivided mesh, which will probably need to have the maximum number of vertices (65,000) in order to show enough detail.  Depending on how good your painting skills are, you could end up with a very nice model of a human head.

There are other good uses for the technique and all you have to do is use your imagination.  With a little creativity, you will be able to create almost anything.

If you create any interesting renderings with these scripts, please let me know.  Also, feel free to contact me if you have any comments or questions.