KPovModeler 0.2

Written by Olivier Saraja (
English version

Step 6: Creating the Sphere

For this step, we should already be at ease, because we begin to understand kpovmodeler's general behavior. In the Object Tree, select the Scene entry. Creating the Sphere is as easy as creating the Ground:

Using the menu: Insert > Finite Solid Primitives > Sphere
Using the toolbar: click on the sphere icon  icon

Insert Object As

As before, select First Child when asked for.

The Object Properties View offers you immediately to change its settings, which we'll do right now. By setting the Radius value to 1 (don't forget to hit Enter or press Apply), we make sure that the Sphere will be in contact with the ground. Otherwise, since we moved the ground one unit bottom, the sphere will look like floating above the ground.

sphere Object Properties View

Of course, a rendering now will give a strange result: as already seen before, the Sphere appears with a black matte material. We will set a proper material in the following step.

sphere rendering no colors