Blender : Animating a fire with Blender
By Saraja Olivier

S  t  e  p   4 :

We will add rigth away a texture to our fire, and set the many parameters to get, at last, a realistic looking fire. please call the Texture Buttons (F6-KEY or ) and add a new texture (ADD NEW) by clicking on the  button. A row of texture types then appears. Choose the  button to access the marble texture parameters. Try the following values :  NoiseSize : 0.500, NoiseDepth : 6 and Turbulence : 15.00. Perfect !

Please go back into the Material Buttons (F4-KEY or ) in order to tune our parameters. The new texture shows hideous pink stripes, which is Blender's default secondary color. Our first move will be to change the R, G and B sliders values in the area devoted to textures parameters, on the right. Choose R: 1.000, G: 1.000 and B: 0.600 to get a lovely yellow that will enhance the orange colour of the Halo. We are almost at a end ! We will now stretch the texture in order to have our true fire texture ! Set SizeY: 0.300. Always in the area devoted to the texture parameters, turn on the  button to let Blender transfer to the material the transparency settings of the texture. Only one step left to have our great fire !

Each particle will be given a Halo and we have to define its size. Set the parameter HaloSize: 4.00 and render the first picture of your animation (F12) to check the result and move the emitter up or down accordingly, if you wish. What a lovely fire ! We should associate it a good smoke effect for the illusion to be perfect.