NextGEN Gallery by Alex Rabe & NextGEN DEV Team = V1.3.5 - 17.07.2009 = * Bugfix : Fixed XSS issue for Page title = V1.3.4 - 07.07.2009 = * Added : New filter ngg_gallery_object and ngg_image_object * Bugfix : Fix double rendering of a gallery if two album shortcodes are used * Bugfix : Fix for custom field ngg_gal_sort * Bugfix : Changed capapbility check for upload * Bugfix : Check for correct version OR memory limit = V1.3.3 - 11.06.2009 = * Changed : Load Thickbox images via wp_footer() * Bugfix : Widget setting couldnot be saved = V1.3.2 - 10.06.2009 = * Changed : Resize maximum to 1280 x 1280 with nggshow (THX to onezero) * Bugfix : Bugfix for Multifile upload * Bugfix : Bugfix for sortorder under jQuery 1.3 * Bugfix : Workaround for more albums per page, need more rework * Bugfix : AJAX reload didn't work if slideshow is shown by default * Bugfix : Redirect links didn't work if permalinks are deactivates * Bugfix : Add new gallery in manage-overview didn't use defaultpath = V1.3.1 - 07.06.2009 = * Bugfix : Fixed ZIP upload, wrong variable used * Bugfix : Check for array before foreach in album missing = V1.3.0 - 07.06.2009 = * NEW : Subalbum support * NEW : Search for images in the admin tab * NEW : Add new gallery also in manage tab * NEW : AJAX support for Imagebrowser and gallery navigation (THX to Anty) * NEW : Added zip upload via URL (THX to Juan Jose Galvez) * Added : jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin v1.44 * Added : SWFUpload V2.2.0 * Changed : Remove extension for Alttext during first import * Changed : Meta tag added via wp_head hook (THX to Viper) * Bugfix : Correct various PHP notice messages * Bugfix : Typo fix in custom fields for ngg_gal_ImageBrowser * Bugfix : Avoid upload of images in gallery without correct capability = V1.2.1 - 22.03.2009 = * NEW : Support for IE8 Web Slices in widgets * NEW : Add filter ngg_image_object * Changed : Descending order in add gallery menu * Bugfix : Exclude option didnT work for multi pages * Bugfix : Check for correct capability in manage gallery = V1.2.0 - 09.03.2009 = * NEW : Support for image tag cloud with shortcode [tagcloud] * NEW : Adding shortcode [recent max="7" template="filename" /] & [random max="7" template="filename" /] to show the most recent/random pictures (THX to Bernhard) * NEW : Crop thumbnails manually (THX to Simone Fumagalli) * NEW : Support for i18n with polyglot or qtrans plugin (THX to Boris Glumpler) * NEW : Canonical meta link support * Added : SWFUpload V2.2.0 B5 * Added : New memory limit check in upload screen * Bugfix : Language typo fixes * Bugfix : Admin Pagination fix * Bugfix : Typo fix in widgets * Bugfix : Init column script after document is ready * Bugfix : htmlspecialchars() instead htmlentities() for links in the a href title description * Bugfix : Upgrade routine didn't add sortorder to correct table (THX to Uwe) * Bugfix : Correct shotcode in media upload tab = V1.1.0 - 26.01.2009 = * NEW : Pagination for album page via custom fields ('ngg_paged_Galleries') * NEW : Support for fixed number of columns inside the gallery * NEW : Added pagination for galleries and images in admin section * NEW : New action hook after image is added to database, called 'ngg_added_new_image' * NEW : New template for caption below images, called via [nggallery id=x template=caption] * Added : SWFUpload V2.2.0 B4 * Changed : Rework of Manage image tables * Changed : Move imagerotator.swf to wp-content/uploads * Changed : Added a URL field to setup the path to the Imagerotator * Changed : Add additional parameter to gallery object * Changed : Load donators list external * Bugfix : Style fixes for tables in IE7 * Bugfix : All albums code couldn't use the slideshow, query is empty for 0 * Bugfix : Htmlentities() for links in the a href title description * Bugfix : Clean up mode for singlepic * Bugfix : Typo in widget settings = V1.0.2 - 19.12.2008 = * Added : Option to enable/disable the MediaRSS Feed * Added : For flash under FF3/WIN we should use outline: none; * Added : Use sort order also for Media RSS * Changed : Descending order for TinyMCE Editor * Changed : Added screencolor flashvar as bgcolor for the flash slideshow * Changed : Remove link to gallery in sidebar widget * Bugfix : Check for empty gallery title and show name instead * Bugfix : Album id=all / Album id=0 didn't show content * Bugfix : Check for a empty description and alttext * Bugfix : Remove HTML tags from slideshow * Bugfix : Load SWFobject always when the imagerotator exist * Bugfix : Zip-Upload in existing gallery failed * Bugifx : Typo in functions.php (THX to David Horat) = V1.0.1 - 11.12.2008 = * Bugfix : Change upgrade routine, import_date_time could cause a memory problem * Bugfix : Help pages will not show up in non-english enviroment * Bugfix : Show gallery name if title is empty = V1.0.0 - 11.12.2008 = * NEW : Adding some rewrite rules for the Blog title for a better SEO (Will be continued...) * NEW : Added ImageMagick support (currently a bit experimental) (THX to Frederic de Ranter) * NEW : Automatic unistall via register_uninstall_hook() * NEW : Added a presort option to sort easier the images * NEW : Lookup for a nggallery.css in the theme folder * NEW : Added Date/Time field to database and import it from EXIF, new sort option * NEW : Multi Widgets to show links to Media RSS feeds (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : PicLens support for galleries (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : Copy/Move images between galleries (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : Media RSS feeds (either for galleries, albums or global) (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : Image tag management (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : Convert all shortcodes to WP shortcodes API * NEW : AJAX based thumbnail generator * NEW : Create output via template files, more flexible and support for multiple templates * NEW : Extended role system. Each gallery has now a author * NEW : [thumb id="4,5,12,..."] shortcode. You can now insert thumbnails for one or more images (that are not necessarly inside the same gallery). * Changed : Add swfupload 2.2.0. Support for Adobe Flash 10 upload * Changed : Update all Admin pages for Wordpress 2.7 Admin UI * Changed : New icon for TinyMCE and WP2.7 Menue from * Changed : Move update message to admin.php * Changed : Widgets are now core and doesn't need to be activate, rework as Multi Widgets * Changed : Improved the gallery management page. * Changed : Rename the filter 'ngg_create_gallery_thumbcode' to 'ngg_get_thumbcode'. * Changed : Convert tags to WP-Taxonomy tables, no more need for ngg_tags, ngg_pic2tags * Changed : Arrange manage fields in a new way * Changed : Support now SSL * Changed : Use JQuery UI instead of interface lib * Changed : Updated to swfobject 2.1 * Changed : Rework of database queries and new central nggdb class * Bugfix : Changed CSS for singlepic padding to margin * Bugfix : Check for zero in Exif Focal Length * Bugfix : Round instead inval for square thumbnails * Removed : Do not longer check for myGallery folders * Removed : Use now PclZip from WP Core * Removed : Wordpress 2.1 - 2.3 files deleted = V0.99 - 27.09.2008 = * Changed : Included swfobject version 2.1 * Bugfix : Recognize the zip better * Bugfix : Limit the length of the title in the media-upload * Bugfix : Round instead inval for square thumbnails = V0.98 - 15.07.2008 = * Bugfix : Removed all whitespaces at EOF = V0.97 - 10.07.2008 = * Changed : Get new path contstant from WP2.6 * Changed : Minor updates for WP2.6 * Changed : Added new filters (THX to Vincent Prat) * Removed : Revert singlepic wrapper, breaks validation = V0.96 - 18.05.2008 = * Changed : Use postbox for gallery settings * Added : New filter function to add custom columns * Bugfix : Fixed width for Thickbox in Manage gallery * Bugfix : fixed width for media upload select box * Bugfix : Remove

tag in singlepic regex * Bugfix : Correct format of shutter speed * Bugfix : Album name in Short code not useable = V0.95 - 25.04.2008 = * Bugfix : Correction in media-upload to fit with Wordpress 2.5.1 * Bugfix : Attribute_escape all objects in media-upload * Bugfix : Correct sortorder for albums * Bugfix : Typo correction (THX to Momo-I) = V0.94 - 20.04.2008 = * Added : New filter option ngg_create_gallery_link * Changed : Reduce amount of DB queries in albums (Big THX to Alexandr Kindras) * Changed : Revert wpautop priority change. Doesn't good for other plugins = V0.93 - 12.04.2008 = * Added : Select Full-Size or Singlepic in Media Upload * Added : Check for minimum 8 MB Memory * Changed : Priority from wpautop must be before gallery * Bugfix : Added Screencolor to Widgets * Bugfix : Clean CSS class in setup.php * Bugfix : Change PHP short tag (Thx to Archedition) * Bugfix : Remove tab.png from CSS (Thx to Frisco) * Bugfix : Remove newline and encode quotes in Media-Upload (THX to Trip Mellinger) = V0.92 - 30.03.2008 = * Changed : Higher priority for filter in WP2.5 final * Changed : Do not increase memory_limit with ini_set * Added : Read EXIF field ImageDescription = V0.91 - 24.03.2008 = * Changed : Resample mode back to 3 * Changed : Add DIV "ngg-singlepic-wrapper" for SingelPic (THX to Travel-Junkie) * Changed : Increase Tweakfactor for Memory Check * Bugfix : Use admin.css only on NextGEN pages (THX tp Oliver) * Bugfix : Updates widgets (V1.21) for ImageRotator 3.15 * Bugfix : Change order of rewrite rules for WP 2.5 * Bugfix : Include Dashboard CSS also for page "nextgen-gallery" = V0.90 - 18.03.2008 = * NEW : Sort order for images * NEW : Updated style for Wp 2.5 * NEW : Media upload tab integration for WP 2.5 * Added : Change wp shortcode filter * Added : TinyMCE V3 Button for WordPress 2.5 * Added : Singlepic center class * Changed : New default parameter for ImageRotator 3.15 * Changed : By default enable metadata import * Changed : Moved disable/enable flash setting to add gallery * Changed : wpdb->escape gallerytag in nggfunctions * Changed : Sort files after scan folder * Changed : Check for filename during upload * Changed : Remove jQuery plugin for navigation * Changed : Remove myGallery import * Changed : Resample mode default set to 5, causes problems at PHP 4.4.8 /PHP 5.2.4 * Bugfix : nggextractXML missing stripslashes * Bugfix : P tags not closed in manage.php * Bugfix : Remove " from singlepic class * Bugfix : Rewrite rule for ImageBrowser added = V0.83 - 14.02.2008 = * Changed : New Interfaces.js from WP Core 2.5, for sortable bug under IE7 * Changed : Update to jQuery V1.2.2, deregister older version from WP * Changed : Add ini_set 128MB for memory-limit * Bugfix : SWFUpload Cookie Post_Params are overwritten , no upload possible * Bugfix : WPMU options are not saved after installation * Bugfix : Remove Flush rewrite rules during install = V0.82 - 09.02.2008 = * Bugfix : add_filter (searchnggallerytags) not proper included for some other plugins = V0.81 - 04.02.2008 = * Changed : Use stristr first to reduce CPU cycles (THX to Alakhnor) * Changed : Flush Rewrites rules after option update * Changed : Rework for folder check under Safe-Mode * Bugfix : Check for array in get_option() (THX to Alessandro) * Bugfix : Add Cookie to SWFUpload, show Error code included * Bugfix : galShowOrder = Sildeshow at first didn't work * Bugfix : Remove reference from ngg_getOnlyImages = V0.80 - 02.02.2008 = * NEW : SWFUpload integrated : Show upload progress and select multiple files in the file browser dialog. * NEW : Progress bar for resize, watermark and thumbnail operation * NEW : Import Meta data from images * NEW : Show Meta data information * NEW : Cache option for SinglePic * NEW : Permalink support * NEW : Custom fields support - Change the settings for each post/page * Changed : Up to 10 Widgets, exclude galleries from random/recent images. * Changed : Refactor permission check for Safe-Mode Check and mkdir/chmod * Changed : Admin CSS in new folder/file for better structure * Changed : Clean up folder structure * Changed : Clean up code in manage.php, functions.php * Changed : Moved several functions into nggAdmin Class (functions.php) * Changed : Update to jQuery V1.1.4 (v1.2.1 causes problems with interface.js) * Changed : Hide used galleries in album admin page * Changed : Remove float in singlepic code and added class ngg-left , ngg-right (THX to Nathan Sylvain) * Changed : Edit style setting (added new class .desc , THX to Sebastian) * Changed : Check for galleryfolder instead name (THX to Luke Poland) * Changed : Delete images per default * Changed : Change CSS (ngg-album-compact) , remove width & height setting from code * Bugfix : Fixed static front page problem * Bugfix : Missing stripslashes & html_entity_decode * Bugfix : Change Album CSS (THX to Thomas-DK) * Bugfix : Watermark for GIF not correct supported * Bugfix : Missing wp_nonce at setup page * Bugfix : Add DIV in Slideshow link (for Safari & Opera) * Added : Screencolor flashvar for JW Image Rotator 3.13 or higher * Added : Set WP-CHARSET / COLLATE during installation * Added : Updated to Pclzip.lib.php v2.6 * Added : CSS ID field for gallery & images * WPMU : New site admin page (wpmu.php) * WPMU : Integrated quota check * WPMU : No update check * WPMU : Remove edit style (THX to Kristin) * WPMU : Remove uninstall button * WPMU : Remove server settings * WPMU : Gallery path set to blog.dir * Added : Support for WPMU = V0.74 - 01.12.2007 = * NEW : Added meta reader class, first step to integrated meta data import = V0.73 - 20.10.2007 = * Added : Support for Shutter Reloaded * Update to jQuery Tabs 2.7.4 * Changed : Remove $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] for IIS compatibility * Bugfix : Option Sildeshow didn't jump to overview = V0.72 - 13.09.2007 = * Added : Missing overflow:hidden in ngg-album.css * Added : New experimental stylesheet hovereffect.css * Changed : Better check for memory limit in zip-files * Bugfix : Missing stripslashes for alttext (THX to Lawrence) * Bugfix : Navigation didn't highlight page 1 (THX to Brot) * Bugfix : Albums automatic minimize if more than 4 galleries * Bugfix : Missing check_admin_referer in style (THX again to Christopher) = V0.71 - 07.09.2007 = * Added : Add defer="defer" to Slideshow to avoid IE crash (THX to Simbo) * Bugfix : Bugfix for slideshow to show all pictures * Bugfix : Wrong check_admin_referer in albums (THX to Christopher) * Bugfix : No exclude check in counter and widgets (THX to Christopher) * Bugfix : Check for existing role (THX to Lost in Network) * Bugfix : Label in roles are wrong (THX to Joern) = V0.70 - 06.09.2007 = * NEW : Add role manager page and capabilities * NEW : Show gallery with [tags=list of tags] * NEW : Show album with [albumtags=list of tags] * NEW : Tag system for all images * NEW : Option for append related images * NEW : Option to show description below thumbnail * NEW : Option to show ImageBrowser instead JS effect * Added : Add Full size link to thickbox * Added : Check for page/postid in tag processing * Added : Sildeshow widget can now contain all images * Added : Minimize/Maximize option for albums * Added : Deregister jQuery V1.1.2 for WP2.2 (to use V1.1.3.1) * Added : Integrate wp_nonce_field at all admin pages * Changed : Update to Thickbox 3.1 + mods for NextGEN gallery * Changed : Moved "clear:both" into class "ngg-clear" (THX to Gero) * Changed : Switched from jQuery Interface to jQuery Tabs from Klaus Hartl * Remove : Remove option for singlepic link * Remove : Remove options for imagebrowser * Bugfix : Most Recent image in Widget are wrong * Bugfix : More XHTML valid , htmlspecialchars() after add_query_arg() * Bugfix : Sanitize file name before upload * Bugfix : Sanitize folder name (THX to Tom Fowler) * Bugfix : Show title/alt in jQuery plugin (THX to Gregory Green) * Bugfix : i18n support for Gallery tab * Bugfix : Reduce memory-needs for plugin * Bugfix : Typo/spelling correction * Bugfix : Removed myGallery author from contribute list = V0.64 - 31.07.2007 = * Bugfix : Remove arrows in image browser text * Bugfix : Include nggadmintab.php with dirname * Bugfix : Zip-Upload under Mac > look for basename = V0.63 - 10.07.2007 = * NEW : You can now upload a zip file into a existing gallery * Added : Remove subfolder in Zip-files * Added : Show required memory for thumbnail creation * Added : Updated to jQuery.multifile 1.22 * Added : Install-Upgrade for WordPress 2.3 * Bugfix : Supress unlink error message for thumbs * Bugfix : Support upload of zip files from MAC * Bugfix : Add Stripslash for image description * Bugfix : Use for Singlepic not rel="Gallery name" * Bugfix : Moved RSS/Snoopy includes into function = V0.62 - 06.07.2007 = * NEW : Import for myGallery * Added : Updated to jQuery * Bugfix : Check for memory_limit setting, otherwise pass the test * Bugfix : Thumbcode not insert for nggDisplayRandomImages and nggDisplayRecentImages = V0.61 - 29.06.2007 = * Added : Forgot the file jquery.nextgen.pack.js and jquery.nextgen.js = V0.60 - 27.06.2007 = * NEW : Select a image from the Upload Tab * NEW : Tag [imagebrowser=id] for a Inline Gallery Browser * NEW : Show gallery without Subpages * NEW : Manage gallery : Function "Add a new page" * NEW : Manage gallery : Show/Hide thumbnails * Added : Slideshow option : Watermark / Background music * Added : Check for memory limit * Added : Show actual memory usage in overview * Added : Include function check in widget * Added : Latest Sidebar widget from KeViN * Added : Check for capability during installation * Changed : Remove P Tag around gallery tags ( THX to the work from John Godley ) * Bugfix : Delete picture, check for pid * Bugfix : admin/settings.php line #172: typos corrected (this=these,maxium=maximum). (THX to Helene D.) * Bugfix : admin/settings.php line #311: missing added. (THX to Helene D.) = V0.52 - 31.05.2007 = * Changed : Create better thubmnails in square mode (THX to Kees de Bruin) * Changed : Again , fixed ratio create better thumbnails (Also for widescreen photos) * Removed : Option "Resize image before cropping" removed and included in Create square thumbnail * Bugfix : Scan folder for new picture didn't set exclude = 0 * Bugfix : If no option is checked in thumbnails, resize failed (THK to Joern Kretzschmar) = V0.51 - 28.05.2007 = * Bugfix : Thumbnail permission not set correct * Bugfix : Folder permission check wrong * Bugfix : Remove echo in album (THX to Lazy) = V0.50 - 28.05.2007 = * NEW : Select multiple files for upload (THX to Diego A., * NEW : Sidebar widget contain now Slideshow, recent images and random images * Added : New Option for Imagerotator 3.8 (Slow zoom effect) * Added : Option for CDATA wrapper (not working proper) * Added : Option for Thickbox Loading Image * Added : CSS file for dKret2 (THK to Joern) * Added : Better file permission check * Changed : Fixed ratio create better thumbnails in portrait mode * Changed : All jQuery scripts are now in "No Conflict" mode * Changed : Script loading now via wp_enqueue_script * Changed : Add constant values for folder/file permission * Changed : Use description in * Bugfix : Remove wrong DIV tag in slideshow * Bugfix : Tag [Slideshow=id,width,height] didn't work proper * Bugfix : Name conflict in Album script (serialize) (THX to Die-Andis) * Bugfix : Changed check for CSS activation * Bugfix : Changed check for safe-mode (Don't ask) = V0.43 - 20.05.2007 = * Changed : Rename Thumbnail class to avoid php name collision * Bugfix : Missing translation flag in setup * Bugfix : Changed check for safe-mode * Bugfix : Changed check for Zip-File = V0.42 - 17.05.2007 = * Bugfix : Float function for singlepic not integrated, sorry ! * Bugfix : Remove clear:both in widget = V0.41 - 17.05.2007 = * NEW : Sidebar widget from KeViN * Update : Better album management for more galleries * Update : Thickbox v3 integrated * Added : Float selection for singlepic * Added : CSS class for widget * Added : CSS file for K2 theme * Added : German translation (THX to Lazy) * Added : Better check for safe-mode * Added : CSS Class for single-pic : class="ngg-singlepic" * Added : Option to resize image before cropping it (Setting reset of prior versions needed! Setup -> Reset Settings) * Changed : Image quality by default 85% (THX to ArizonaGroovejet) * Bugfix : Update wrong file when select other style * Bugfix : Fixed Permalink in album (THX to Helene D.) * Bugfix : Scan folder in empty gallery * Bugfix : Swfobjects only added with Thickbox effect * Bugfix : Umlauts are now handled correctly = V0.40 - 29.04.2007 = * NEW : TinyMCE Button integration * Removed : CSS Style : remove width/height in album = V0.39 - 28.04.2007 = * Added : Set ORDER BY for gallery * Bugfix : check now for Exclude != 1 * Bugfix : DB Query in function wrong * Bugfix : DB exlude = DEFAULT '0' * Bugfix : Scan folder in empty gallery = V0.38 - 28.04.2007 = * Bugfix : One time more remove get_settings :-) * Bugfix : $_GET in Manage gallery * Bugfix : exclude option = V0.37 - 28.04.2007 = * Bugfix : $_GET in Manage gallery * Bugfix : update DB installation routine = V0.36 - 26.04.2007 = * Bugfix : Stupid PHP beginner failure in album management = V0.35 - 26.04.2007 = * Rework : Folder name can be flexible * New option : Fullsize pic for Singlepic mode * New option : Select show order * Added : Check for WP2.1 * Added : Check for permission for default folder * Bugfix : Remove get_settings * Bugfix : Correction for Safe-Mode ON * Bugfix : Set Default '0' for table album.sortorder * Bugfix : Update sort order = V0.34 - 24.04.2007 = * Added : Add fix ration setting * Added : Add language file file * Bugfix : Change link in Album to get_bloginfo('wpurl') * Bugfix : Album CSS file not loaded = V0.33 - 23.04.2007 = * NEW : Overview Page * NEW : Core function * NEW : Slideshow