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You can specify four lights in your 3D scene. By default, The main 3D scene has only two ponctual lights enabled. Click on one of the 4 buttons light in the 3D modeler, this dialog box appears:
Several light type are available:
- Ambient light: Uniform light, you just have to specify its color.
- Unidirectional light: diffuses according to a constant direction. It's the same case as a ponctual light when the source is very very far from the observer. For example, the case of sun.
- Ponctual light: This light has a specified position. This light is similar to a headlight.
- Spot Light: it is a ponctual light but the light is only displayed in a light cone. You have to specify a value angle for this cone.
The best thing is to play with those lights to understand how they work!