General presentation
Sound in Videoporama

Sound in Videoporama

Videoporama manage three sound tracks :

Both tracks are mixed, that means that the sounds of both tracks are played at the same time. It's possible to adjust relative level of each sound object from one to another. This can be made by define the gain to apply to sound object on the original level (in plus or minus).

Remarks :

Main sound editing window

To access the sound editing window, click on the sound button button in the montage option tab.
The main sound editing window is compose of :

Main sound editing window

The diaporama length is displayed on top right corner as well as the time of soundtrack.

Compose soundtrack

Each editable soundtrack can be filled by three different sound object types :
The main actions are :
The editable soundtrack are limited to the duration of diaporama montage.

The specific option of each sound object type are explained in detail in the sound editor page.

When the sound montage is finished, it's possible to listen it by pressing the Render icon button, wait until the construct process is done and then listen by pressing the play button in the audio player section.

Using sound in Videoporama

See also