;;; Commentary: ;; This couple of lines adds .dz "dictzip" to jka-compr for automatic ;; decompression in Emacs 21 and XEmacs 21. It's not required in Emacs 22 ;; up where .dz is already built-in. ;; ;; .dz files are gzip format with compression restarts or something at ;; certain points to help random access. The plain "gzip" program can be ;; used to read the whole file, as done here. ;; ;; There's no support for compressing to re-write a .dz file. The "dictzip" ;; program won't write to an stdout pipe as it needs to seek back to fill in ;; a table in the header or something. Perhaps a wrapper script could go ;; through a temporary file if re-writing was really wanted. ;; ;; ;; ".dict" files are often compressed as ".dict.dz" and are UTF-8 coding. ;; That coding can be setup with ;; ;; (add-to-list 'file-coding-system-alist '("\\.dict\\'" . utf-8)) ;; ;; `modify-coding-system-alist' works too, but will error out in xemacs21 ;; where there's no utf-8 built-in, whereas an unknown charset entry is ;; quietly ignored.