XMatrix Member List

This is the complete list of members for XMatrix, including all inherited members.

tngmath::MatrixBase.__getitem__(const TIndex &i) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.__setitem__(const TIndex &i, const TScalar &d)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
__str__() const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.AppendedColumns(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &ar) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.AppendedRows(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &ar) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Assign(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &ar)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
AutoSpectrum(const Matrix::TScalar &dt, const Matrix::TScalar &dom) const XMatrix [Library]
AutoSpectrum(const Matrix::TScalar &dt, const Matrix::TIndex &m, const Matrix::TScalar &dom) const XMatrix [Class]
CBDraw(const std::string &file, const Matrix::TIndex &width, const Matrix::TIndex &height, const std::string &xaxis="$x$-Axis", const std::string &yaxis="$y$-Axis") const XMatrix [Class]
CDF() const XMatrix [Class]
Cholesky() const XMatrix [Class]
Cluster(const Matrix::TScalar &INPUT, const Matrix &INPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT) const XMatrix [Class]
Cluster(const Matrix::TScalar &INPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT) const XMatrix [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Col(const TIndex &col) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Cols() const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
ColWise()XMatrix [Library]
ConservativeResize(const TIndex &rows, const TIndex &cols=1)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Constant(const TIndex &rows, const double &value)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
Correlation() const XMatrix [Class]
Correlation(const Matrix &ar) const XMatrix [Class]
Covariance() const XMatrix [Class]
Covariance(const Matrix &ar) const XMatrix [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Cross(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &x) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
CrossSpectrum(const Matrix &ar2, const Matrix::TScalar &dt, const Matrix::TScalar &dom) const XMatrix [Library]
CrossSpectrum(const Matrix &ar2, const Matrix::TScalar &dt, const Matrix::TIndex &m, const Matrix::TScalar &dom) const XMatrix [Class]
CWise()XMatrix [Library]
DeleteCol(const TIndex &col)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.DeletedColumns(const TIndex &col, const TIndex &col2) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.DeletedRows(const TIndex &row, const TIndex &row2) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Determinant() const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Dot(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Dott(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Eigen()XMatrix [Class]
EigenInPlace(XMatrix **OUTPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT) const XMatrix [Class]
EigenLowerGeneral(const Matrix &mass, XMatrix **OUTPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT) const XMatrix [Class]
EigenSym(bool computeeigenvectors=true)XMatrix [Class]
EigenSym(const XMatrix &mass, bool computeeigenvectors=true)XMatrix [Class]
tngmath::Matrix.EigenSym(const Matrix &mass, bool computeeigenvectors=true)Matrix [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.EigenSymInPlace(MathArrayBase< TScalar > **OUTPUT, MathArrayBase< TScalar > **OUTPUT) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.EigenSymInPlace(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &mass, MathArrayBase< TScalar > **OUTPUT, MathArrayBase< TScalar > **OUTPUT) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
EigenSymUpper(bool computeeigenvectors=true)Matrix [Class]
EigenUpper(XMatrix **OUTPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT) const XMatrix [Class]
EigenUpperGeneral(const Matrix &mass, XMatrix **OUTPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT) const XMatrix [Class]
Exponential(const Matrix::TScalar &dt) const XMatrix [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.ExtractBlock(const TIndex &row, const TIndex &col, const TIndex &row2, const TIndex &col2) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.ExtractColumns(const TIndex &col, const TIndex &col2=-1) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.ExtractRows(const TIndex &row, const TIndex &row2=-1) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
FFT(const Matrix::TScalar &dt, const Matrix::TScalar &dom) const XMatrix [Class]
Get(const TIndex &nrow) const Matrix [Library]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Get(const TIndex &nrow) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Get(const TIndex &nrow, const TIndex &ncol) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
tngmath::MatrixBase.GramSchmidt(const TIndex &col)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.GramSchmidt(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &x) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Hankel(const TIndex &m) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Histogram(const Matrix::TIndex &nclasses) const XMatrix [Class]
Identity(const TIndex &rows, const TIndex &cols)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IFT(const Matrix::TScalar &dt, const Matrix::TScalar &dom) const XMatrix [Class]
Image(const std::string &file, const int &posterize=0) const XMatrix [Class]
Init()MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
tngmath::MatrixBase.InnerProduct(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Invert() const XMatrix [Class]
InvertComplex() const XMatrix [Class]
IPhi(const Matrix::TScalar &fac=1) const XMatrix [Class]
IsApprox(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other, const TScalar &s) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IsApproxToConstant(const TScalar &value, const TScalar &s) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IsDiagonal(const TScalar &s) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IsIdentity(const TScalar &s) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IsLowerTriangular(const TScalar &s) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IsScalar() const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IsUnitary(const TScalar &s) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IsUpperTriangular(const TScalar &s) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IsVector() const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
IsZero(const TScalar &s) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
Kendall() const XMatrix [Class]
Kurtosis() const XMatrix [Class]
LDLT()XMatrix [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.LinearRegression(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &y, const bool compute) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
LLT()XMatrix [Class]
LU()XMatrix [Class]
Matrix(const MathArrayBase< double > &ar)Matrix [Library]
Matrix(const SparseMatrix &ar)Matrix [Class]
Matrix(const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &x)Matrix [Library]
Matrix(const TIndex &nrow, const TIndex &ncol=1)Matrix [Library]
MaxCoeff(TIndex *OUTPUT, TIndex *OUTPUT) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Mean() const XMatrix [Class]
Mean(const Matrix &ar) const XMatrix [Class]
MinCoeff(TIndex *OUTPUT, TIndex *OUTPUT) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
ModAdd(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
ModDiv(const TScalar &other)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
ModMul(const TScalar &other)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
ModSub(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Norm() const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
Normalize()MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Ones(const TIndex &rows, const TIndex &cols=1)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
tngmath::MatrixBase.operator*(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.operator*(const TScalar &other) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
tngmath::MatrixBase.operator+(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.operator-(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.operator/(const TScalar &other) const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
operator=(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &ar)XMatrix [Library]
tngmath::MatrixBase.OuterProduct(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Output(const std::string &file) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
PDF(const Matrix::TIndex &nclasses=0) const XMatrix [Class]
Phi(const Matrix::TScalar &fac=1) const XMatrix [Class]
Print(const std::string &format="%g ") const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
PrintComplex(const std::string &format="%g ") const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
QR()XMatrix [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.QuadraticRegression(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &y, const bool full, const bool compute) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Quantile(const Matrix::TScalar &alpha) const XMatrix [Class]
Random(const TIndex &rows, const TIndex &cols=1)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
Rank() const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Rasterize(TScalar xlo, TScalar xhi, const TIndex &nx, TScalar ylo, TScalar yhi, const TIndex &ny, const bool trans=false) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Resize(const TIndex &rows, const TIndex &cols=1)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Rotate(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &center, const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &omega) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Row(const TIndex &row) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Rows() const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
RowWise()XMatrix [Library]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Set(const TScalar &val)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Set(const TIndex &nrow, const TScalar &val)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Set(const TIndex &nrow, const TIndex &ncol, const TScalar &val)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
SetBlock(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &ar, const TIndex &row, const TIndex &col)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
SetColumns(const TIndex &col, const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &ar)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
SetConstant(const double &value)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
SetDiagonal(const TScalar &d)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
SetDiagonal(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &d)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
SetIdentity()MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
SetLinearMap(const TScalar &lefttop, const TScalar &bottom)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
SetLinearMap(const TScalar &lefttop, const TScalar &bottom, const TScalar &right)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
SetOnes()MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
SetRandom()MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
SetRows(const TIndex &row, const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &ar)MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
SetZero()MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
Sigma() const XMatrix [Class]
Sigma(const Matrix &ar) const XMatrix [Class]
Skewness() const XMatrix [Class]
Solve(const Matrix &rhs) const XMatrix [Class]
SolveLowerTriangular(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &n) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
SolveUpperTriangular(const MathArrayBase< TScalar > &n) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.Sort(const TIndex &col=0, const bool up=true) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Sum() const MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
SVD()XMatrix [Class]
SVDInPlace(XMatrix **OUTPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT, XMatrix **OUTPUT) const XMatrix [Class]
tngmath::MatrixBase.SVDInPlace(MathArrayBase< TScalar > **OUTPUT, MathArrayBase< TScalar > **OUTPUT, MathArrayBase< TScalar > **OUTPUT) const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
Swap(MathArrayBase< TScalar > &other)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
Swap(Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
ToScalar() const MathArrayBase< double > [Class]
TransposeInPlace()MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
Wave(const Matrix::TIndex &mother, const Matrix::TScalar &dt) const XMatrix [Library]
Wave(const Matrix::TIndex &mother, const Matrix::TScalar &dt, const Matrix::TIndex &jtot) const XMatrix [Class]
XMatrix()XMatrix [Library]
XMatrix(const XMatrix &ar)XMatrix [Library]
XMatrix(const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &x)XMatrix [Library]
XMatrix(const TIndex &nrow, const TIndex &ncol=1)XMatrix [Library]
Zero(const TIndex &rows, const TIndex &cols=1)MathArrayBase< double > [Library]
~XMatrix()XMatrix [Library]

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