tmath::Matrix Member List

This is the complete list of members for tmath::Matrix, including all inherited members.

__neg__() const tmath::Matrix [inline]
__str__() const tmath::Matrix
Add(const Matrix &other)tmath::Matrix
AppendColumns(const Matrix &m)tmath::Matrix
AppendRows(const Matrix &m) (defined in tmath::Matrix)tmath::Matrix
Assign(const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &ar)tmath::Matrix [inline]
Assign(const MatrixBlock &ar)tmath::Matrix [inline]
Base typedef (defined in tmath::Matrix)tmath::Matrix
Block(const TUnsignedIndex &row, const TUnsignedIndex &col, const TUnsignedIndex &numrows, const TUnsignedIndex &numcols)tmath::Matrix
Col(const TUnsignedIndex &col)tmath::Matrix
Cols() const tmath::Matrix [inline]
ConservativeResize(const TUnsignedIndex &rows, const TUnsignedIndex &cols=1)tmath::Matrix
CW()tmath::Matrix [inline]
Div(const TScalar &other)tmath::Matrix [inline]
Dot(const Matrix &other) const tmath::Matrix
Dott(const Matrix &other) const tmath::Matrix
GetColumns(const TUnsignedIndex &col1, const TUnsignedIndex &ncol=1)tmath::Matrix
GetRows(const TUnsignedIndex &row1, const TUnsignedIndex &nrow=1) (defined in tmath::Matrix)tmath::Matrix
InnerProduct(const Matrix &other) const tmath::Matrix
IsApprox(const Matrix &other, const TScalar &s) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
IsApproxToConstant(const TScalar &value, const TScalar &s) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
IsDiagonal(const TScalar &s) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
IsIdentity(const TScalar &s) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
IsLowerTriangular(const TScalar &s) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
IsScalar() const tmath::Matrix [inline]
IsUnitary(const TScalar &s) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
IsUpperTriangular(const TScalar &s) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
IsVector() const tmath::Matrix [inline]
IsZero(const TScalar &s) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
Matrix()tmath::Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const Matrix &ar)tmath::Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &x)tmath::Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const TUnsignedIndex &nrow, const TUnsignedIndex &ncol=1)tmath::Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const MatrixBlock &x)tmath::Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const sparse::SparseMatrix &x)tmath::Matrix
Matrix(const sparse::SymSparseMatrix &x)tmath::Matrix
MaxCoeff(TEigenIndex *row, TEigenIndex *col) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
MinCoeff(TEigenIndex *row, TEigenIndex *col) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
Mul(const TScalar &other)tmath::Matrix [inline]
operator*(const Matrix &other) const tmath::Matrix
operator*(const TScalar &other) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
operator+(const Matrix &other) const tmath::Matrix
operator-(const Matrix &other) const tmath::Matrix
operator/(const TScalar &other) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
operator<(const TScalar &x) const tmath::Matrix [inline]
OuterProduct(const Matrix &other) const tmath::Matrix
Print(const std::string &format="%g ", const TUnsignedIndex &rows=20, const TUnsignedIndex &cols=20) const tmath::Matrix
Row(const TUnsignedIndex &row)tmath::Matrix
Rows() const tmath::Matrix [inline]
SetColumns(const Matrix &m, const TUnsignedIndex &col)tmath::Matrix
SetConstant(const TScalar &value)tmath::Matrix
SetLinearCols(const TScalar &a, const TScalar &b)tmath::Matrix
SetLinearRows(const TScalar &a, const TScalar &b)tmath::Matrix
SetRows(const Matrix &m, const TUnsignedIndex &row) (defined in tmath::Matrix)tmath::Matrix
Sub(const Matrix &other)tmath::Matrix
Swap(const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &ar)tmath::Matrix [inline]
TBuffer typedef (defined in tmath::Matrix)tmath::Matrix
TEigenIndex typedef (defined in tmath::Matrix)tmath::Matrix
Transpose() const tmath::Matrix [inline]
TransposeInPlace()tmath::Matrix [inline]
TScalar typedef (defined in tmath::Matrix)tmath::Matrix
TUnsignedIndex typedef (defined in tmath::Matrix)tmath::Matrix
~Matrix()tmath::Matrix [virtual]

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