#Panel Values : langageDict['PanelName'] = "Material pre-defined" #Search Value : langageDict['FindImageMenuName'] = "Search image" #Menus Panel: langageDict['ButtonsOpen'] = "Open..." langageDict['ButtonsSave'] = "Save" langageDict['ButtonsConfiguration'] = "Configuration" langageDict['ButtonsExport'] = "Export" langageDict['ButtonsImport'] = "Import" langageDict['ButtonsHelp'] = "Help" langageDict['ButtonsInformations'] = "Informations" langageDict['ButtonsCreate'] = "New" #OpenMenu Values : langageDict['OpenMenuTitle'] = "Validate the choice of the material" langageDict['OpenMenuLabel01'] = "INFORMATIONS ON THE MATERIAL" langageDict['OpenMenuLabel02'] = "Material" langageDict['OpenMenuLabel03'] = "Creator" langageDict['OpenMenuLabel04'] = "Category" langageDict['OpenMenuLabel05'] = "Descritpion" langageDict['OpenMenuLabel06'] = "Internet Link" langageDict['OpenMenuLabel07'] = "Email" langageDict['OpenMenuLabel08'] = "SEARCH" langageDict['OpenMenuLabel09'] = "HISTORY" #BookmarksMenu Values : langageDict['BookmarksMenuName'] = "Materials Database" #BookmarksMenu Values : langageDict['ErrorsMenuError001'] = "Important information(s) : If you have an error, please verify :" langageDict['ErrorsMenuError002'] = "1/ You have create or open an image," langageDict['ErrorsMenuError003'] = "2/ Raw image path." langageDict['ErrorsMenuError004'] = "No error : material has correctly saved." langageDict['ErrorsMenuError005'] = "No error : material has correctly exported." langageDict['ErrorsMenuError006'] = " --> Please verify your project is correctly saved." langageDict['ErrorsMenuError007'] = "Import is correctly." langageDict['ErrorsMenuError008'] = "No found the script '*.blex'. Archive is corrupted." langageDict['ErrorsMenuError009'] = "Error : Image not found :" langageDict['ErrorsMenuError010'] = "Solution : Please verify image path :" langageDict['ErrorsMenuError011'] = "Consulting : Prefer an Absolue address or raw the address by removing the " langageDict['ErrorsMenuError012'] = "characters '..', '/..', '\', '\\', '//../'" langageDict['ErrorsMenuError013'] = "CAUTION: The image will thus not be added at the time of export or the save." langageDict['ErrorsMenuError014'] = "INFORMATION: An image of substitution was added to avoid an error." langageDict['ErrorsMenuError015'] = " " langageDict['ErrorsMenuError016'] = " " langageDict['ErrorsMenuError017'] = " " langageDict['ErrorsMenuError018'] = " " langageDict['ErrorsMenuError019'] = " " langageDict['ErrorsMenuError020'] = " " #InformationsMenu Values : langageDict['InformationsMenuTitle'] = "Informations about the material" langageDict['InformationsMenuLabelName'] = "Material" langageDict['InformationsMenuName'] = "None" langageDict['InformationsMenuLabelCreator'] = "Creator" langageDict['InformationsMenuCreator'] = "None" langageDict['InformationsMenuLabelCategory'] = "Category" langageDict['InformationsMenuCategory'] = "None" langageDict['InformationsMenuLabelDescription'] = "Description" langageDict['InformationsMenuDescription'] = "None" langageDict['InformationsMenuLabelWebLink'] = "Internet Link" langageDict['InformationsMenuWebLink'] = "None" langageDict['InformationsMenuLabelEmail'] = "Email" langageDict['InformationsMenuEmail'] = "None" #WarningWin Values : langageDict['WarningWinTitle'] = "Important information(s)" langageDict['WarningWinLabel01'] = "An update of your parameters had just been effectued" langageDict['WarningWinLabel02'] = "Thank you for relaunching Blender so that the modifications are taken into account." langageDict['WarningWinLabel03'] = " " langageDict['WarningWinLabel04'] = " " langageDict['WarningWinLabel05'] = " " langageDict['WarningWinLabel06'] = " " langageDict['WarningWinLabel07'] = " " langageDict['WarningWinLabel08'] = " " langageDict['WarningWinLabel09'] = " " langageDict['WarningWinLabel10'] = " " #SaveMenu Values : langageDict['SaveMenuTitle'] = "Save the selected material" langageDict['SaveMenuLabel01'] = "Please seize the informations" langageDict['SaveMenuName'] = "Name of the material" langageDict['SaveMenuCreator'] = "Name of the creator" langageDict['SaveMenuCreatorValue'] = "You" langageDict['SaveMenuCategoryDefault'] = "Personal" langageDict['SaveMenuDescriptionLabel'] = "Description" langageDict['SaveMenuDescription'] = "A description of the material" langageDict['SaveMenuWebLinkLabel'] = "Internet link" langageDict['SaveMenuWebLink'] = "http://" langageDict['SaveMenuEmailLabel'] = "Email address" langageDict['SaveMenuEmail'] = "mon_email@company.com" langageDict['SaveMenuWarning01'] = "Be carful you have to validate correctly the fields at the risk of seeing Blender planting" langageDict['SaveMenuWarning02'] = "The bug was not corrected yet and the API Blender does not gives information about this kind" langageDict['SaveMenuWarning03'] = "Thank you for your understanding and for your patience" langageDict['SaveMenuWarning04'] = " " langageDict['SaveMenuWarning05'] = " " #SaveCategory Values : langageDict['SaveCategoryTitle'] = "Select a category" langageDict['SaveCategoryCategoryTitle'] = "Category" langageDict['SaveCategoryCarPaint'] = "Car Paint" langageDict['SaveCategoryDirt'] = "Dirt" langageDict['SaveCategoryFabricClothes'] = "Fabric Clothes" langageDict['SaveCategoryFancy'] = "Fancy" langageDict['SaveCategoryFibreFur'] = "Fibre Fur" langageDict['SaveCategoryGlass'] = "Glass" langageDict['SaveCategoryHalo'] = "Halo" langageDict['SaveCategoryLiquids'] = "Liquids" langageDict['SaveCategoryMetal'] = "Metal" langageDict['SaveCategoryMisc'] = "Misc" langageDict['SaveCategoryNature'] = "Nature" langageDict['SaveCategoryOrganic'] = "Organic" langageDict['SaveCategoryPersonal'] = "Personal" langageDict['SaveCategoryPlastic'] = "Plastic" langageDict['SaveCategorySky'] = "Sky" langageDict['SaveCategorySpace'] = "Space" langageDict['SaveCategoryStone'] = "Stone" langageDict['SaveCategoryToon'] = "Toon" langageDict['SaveCategoryWall'] = "Wall" langageDict['SaveCategoryWater'] = "Water" langageDict['SaveCategoryWood'] = "Wood" #ConfigurationMenu Values : langageDict['ConfigurationMenuTitle'] = "Create a confiuguration" langageDict['ConfigurationMenuLabel01'] = "Parameters of export" langageDict['ConfigurationMenuExportPath'] = "Path export" langageDict['ConfigurationMenuLabel02'] = "Parameters of the Database" langageDict['ConfigurationMenuLabel03'] = "Preview parameters" langageDict['ConfigurationMenuResolutionPreviewX'] = "Resolution X" langageDict['ConfigurationMenuResolutionPreviewY'] = "Resolution Y" langageDict['ConfigurationMenuDataBasePath'] = "Path of Database" langageDict['ConfigurationMenuWarning01'] = " " langageDict['ConfigurationMenuWarning02'] = " " langageDict['ConfigurationMenuWarning03'] = " " langageDict['ConfigurationMenuWarning04'] = " " langageDict['ConfigurationMenuWarning05'] = " " #ExportMenu Values : langageDict['ExportMenuTitle'] = "Export material pre-defined" langageDict['ExportMenuLabel01'] = "Please complete the informations" langageDict['ExportMenuName'] = "Name of the material" langageDict['ExportMenuCreator'] = "Name of the creator" langageDict['ExportMenuCreatorDefault'] = "You" langageDict['ExportMenuTakePreview'] = "Create a preview" #ImportMenu Values : langageDict['ImportMenuTitle'] = "Import a material" #HelpMenu Values : langageDict['HelpMenuTitle'] = "Help menu" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel01'] = "How to use modules" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel02'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel03'] = "- Frequent asked questions" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel04'] = "Open - How does it work ?" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel05'] = "This module allows you to obtain your files of materials. Once to have to click the module you will have to click Bookmarks, recently create 'Material Database '. You" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel06'] = "can activate the “mode icons” to see the contents of the icons form. The button 'ICONS' allows you to make a search(research) in the data/file. To show/see everything ..." langageDict['HelpMenuLabel07'] = "after searched materials, take an empty value in the module of search and validate. The historic module will allow you to reach the last 20 materials use." langageDict['HelpMenuLabel08'] = "Once your choice makes double click the material to allow you of the importer on your active object." langageDict['HelpMenuLabel09'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel10'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel11'] = "Save - What is it?" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel12'] = "This module allows you to protect the active material directly in the base. It is enough to you to use him(it) to complete fields (partially or totally) and to validate by" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel13'] = "the button 'OK'. You can re-use this material by way of the module 'Open'." langageDict['HelpMenuLabel14'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel15'] = "Export - Why?" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel16'] = "This module allows you to export a material in the form of feasible file by any other Blender. For Exporter you just have to click the module then of" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel17'] = "the directory, the name of the file as well as the name of the creator (it is has to say YOU), then to validate. To execute this file you will just have to open 'Texteditor'," langageDict['HelpMenuLabel18'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel19'] = "then 'Open text block'and to ask the file to export. Will not stay in you more than has to click the button 'Run Script' of 'Text editor'." langageDict['HelpMenuLabel20'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel21'] = "New - To what that is of use ?" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel22'] = "This module is going to allow you to load(charge) a model of material. You can juggle between the first four copies as you need a looking like base has" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel23'] = "Sphere Sphere/Cube/Plan/Suzanne Sphere/Cube/Plan/Suzanne Sphere/Cube/Plan/Suzanne Sph. This modele is the one to use to post(show) the previews of the base of materials. He(it) is practical for the creation of a material new." langageDict['HelpMenuLabel24'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel25'] = "I have to get(touch) it?" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel26'] = "This module allows to parameter the place where is situated the database of materials. Practice for the desirous persons to modify the place of the base." langageDict['HelpMenuLabel27'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel28'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel29'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel30'] = "Credits - It is what all names bizarre?" langageDict['HelpMenuLabel31'] = "It is about all the persons having to contribute has the creation of this addon and also thank once again for their precious help." langageDict['HelpMenuLabel32'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel33'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel34'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel35'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel36'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel37'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel38'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel39'] = " " langageDict['HelpMenuLabel40'] = " "