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/se3master/var/www/se3/includes/library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/ -> HTML.AllowedComments.txt (source)

   1  HTML.AllowedComments
   2  TYPE: lookup
   3  VERSION: 4.4.0
   4  DEFAULT: array()
   6  A whitelist which indicates what explicit comment bodies should be
   7  allowed, modulo leading and trailing whitespace.  See also %HTML.AllowedCommentsRegexp
   8  (these directives are union'ed together, so a comment is considered
   9  valid if any directive deems it valid.)
  10  --# vim: et sw=4 sts=4

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1