If you would like to contribute, you can consider the following: - help complete the documentation on http://wpkg.org/ - add your Silent installers to the wiki on http://wpkg.org/ (it's OK if they don't have the uninstallers) - see the TODO list and see if you can help - share your ideas and problems on the mailing list The following people contributed code to WPKG: Knud Ahrnell Albrechtsen - snakebyte ##at# email (dot) dk K. Dohmann - harlekin_666 #at# gmx (dot) net Andre Fantomass - ai #at# bsdler (dot) de Chris Freeze - cfreeze #at# cfreeze (dot) com Paul Griffith - paulg #at# cs (dot) yorku (dot) ca Stian Husemoen - stian (dot) husemoen #at# batbelt (dot) org Andre Ilie - ai #at# photonic-sense (dot) com Kristofer Kiik - kristofer.kiik #at# gmail (dot) com Suuri Kikkeli - suurikikkeli #at# yahoo (dot) com Gordon Klimm - Gordon.Klimm #at# gmx (dot) net Jason Lee - rl201 #at# cam (dot) ac (dot) uk Falko Trojahn - ftrojahn #at# smi-softmark (dot) de Thanks!