:: MASTER: Perform a basic workstation installation :: $Id: basese3.bat 7693 2013-03-03 15:33:02Z olikin $ @Echo off :: lancement d'un netdom.exe puis de l'ensemble des outils d'intégration à se3 :: c:\netinst\IntegSE3.cmd est appelé par la clé Runonce complétée ci-dessous todo.pl "%windir%\system32\reg.exe add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\" /v \"SE3install\" /d \"c:\netinst\IntegSE3.cmd\" /F" :: Defragment the drive to collect the free space. todo.pl defrag.bat :: Set Automatic Updates to download and update automatically (SP2 behavior) ::################### à faire puisque wpkg ne gère plus les maj windows todo.pl "auconfig.pl --day 0 --time 3 --wait 10 4" :: Update windows and turn off annoying stuff. :: To be made with Nlite !!!! much more effective ! :: todo.pl %%WINVER%%-updates.bat %%WINVER%%-notips.pl .reboot :: Set IIS startup type to manual and ignore if not installed. todo.pl ".ignore-err 255 startup-type.pl Manual IISADMIN" ".ignore-err 255 startup-type.pl Manual W3SVC" :: Turn off Windows Messenger service :: todo.pl "startup-type.pl Disabled Messenger" :: fichiers nécessaires localement pour les scripts lancés au reboot ultérieur todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\wget.exe %SystemDrive%\netinst\" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\netdom.job %SystemDrive%\netinst\" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\se3.job %SystemDrive%\netinst\" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\..\CPAU.exe %SystemDrive%\netinst\" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\se3ip.bat %SystemDrive%\netinst\se3ip.bat" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\se3.cmd %SystemDrive%\netinst\" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\Etapefinale.cmd %SystemDrive%\netinst\" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\se3netdom.cmd %SystemDrive%\netinst\" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\se3rapport.cmd %SystemDrive%\netinst\" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\joindomain.vbs %SystemDrive%\netinst\" todo.pl "call %SystemDrive%\netinst\permcred.bat && copy /Y %NETLOGON_DIR%\IntegSE3.cmd %SystemDrive%\netinst\" :: Installation d'un antivirus rapidement pour les quelques "trous" windows todo.pl "if exist z:\scripts\antivirus.bat call z:\scripts\antivirus.bat" :: il faut etre sur que le pilote video est installe pour que la resolution soit suportee : utiliser les driverspack pour cela ::todo.pl "if exist z:\wpkg\tools\nircmd.exe z:\wpkg\tools\nircmd.exe setdisplay 800 600 -updatereg -allusers" todo.pl "if exist z:\scripts\setresolution.bat call z:\scripts\setresolution.bat" :: si on est sur un windows2000, on recupère reg.exe todo.pl "if not exist %windir%\system32\reg.exe if exist z:\wpkg\tools\reg.exe copy /Y z:\wpkg\tools\reg.exe %windir%\system32\" :: Echo Pas d'expiration des mots de passe todo.pl "net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited" :: on finit l'installation des Driverpacks et on reboote todo.pl "if exist %SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe %SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe" .reboot