# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Graham Barr. All rights reserved. This program is # free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same # terms as Perl itself. package Net::LDAP::DSML; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); use Carp; use XML::SAX::Base; use Net::LDAP::Entry; @ISA = qw(XML::SAX::Base); $VERSION = "0.13"; # OO purists will hate this :) my %schema_typemap = qw( attribute-type at objectclass-type oc ); # syn # mr # mru # dts # dtc # nfm sub new { my $pkg = shift; my %opt = @_; my $sax; if ($sax = $opt{output}) { unless (ref($sax) and eval { $sax->isa('XML::SAX::Base') }) { require XML::SAX::Writer; $sax = XML::SAX::Writer->new( Output => $sax ); } $sax = Net::LDAP::DSML::pp->new( handler => $sax ) if $opt{pretty_print}; } else { $sax = Net::LDAP::DSML::output->new; } bless { @_, handler => $sax }, $pkg; } sub start_document { my ($self, $data) = @_; $self->{reader} = {}; } my %start_jumptable = qw( entry entry attr entry_attr objectclass entry_attr value entry_value oc-value entry_value directory-schema schema attribute-type schema_element objectclass-type schema_element name schema_name object-identifier schema_value syntax schema_syntax description schema_value equality schema_value substring schema_value ordering schema_value attribute schema_attr ); sub start_element { my ($self, $data) = @_; (my $tag = lc $data->{Name}) =~ s/^dsml://; my $label = $start_jumptable{$tag} or return; my $state = $self->{reader}; goto $label; entry: { $state->{entry} = { objectName => $data->{Attributes}{'{}dn'}{Value} }; return; } entry_attr: { my $name = $tag eq 'objectclass' ? $tag : lc $data->{Attributes}{'{}name'}{Value}; $state->{attr} = $state->{attrs}{$name} ||= do { my $aref = []; push @{$state->{entry}{attributes}}, { type => $data->{Attributes}{'{}name'}{Value}, vals => $aref }; $aref; }; return; } entry_value: { push @{$state->{attr}}, ''; $state->{value} = \${$state->{attr}}[-1]; $state->{encoding} = $data->{Attributes}{'{}encoding'}{Value} || ''; return; } schema: { $state->{schema} = {}; return; } schema_element: { my $Attrs = $data->{Attributes}; my $id = $Attrs->{'{}id'}{Value}; my $elem = $state->{elem} = { type => $schema_typemap{$tag} }; $state->{id}{$id} = $elem if $id; my $value; if (defined($value = $Attrs->{"{}type"}{Value})) { $elem->{lc $value} = 1; } foreach my $attr (qw( single-value obsolete user-modification )) { my $value = $Attrs->{"{}$attr"}{Value}; $elem->{$attr} = 1 if defined $value and $value =~ /^true$/i; } $elem->{superior} = $value if defined($value = $Attrs->{"{}superior"}{Value}); return; } schema_name: { my $elem = $state->{elem}; push @{$elem->{name}}, ''; $state->{value} = \${$elem->{name}}[-1]; return; } schema_syntax: { my $elem = $state->{elem}; my $bound = $data->{Attributes}{'{}bound'}{Value}; $elem->{max_length} = $bound if defined $bound; $elem->{$tag} = '' unless exists $elem->{$tag}; $state->{value} = \$elem->{$tag}; return; } schema_value: { my $elem = $state->{elem}; $elem->{$tag} = '' unless exists $elem->{$tag}; $state->{value} = \$elem->{$tag}; return; } schema_attr: { my $Attrs = $data->{Attributes}; my $required = $data->{Attributes}{'{}required'}{Value} || 'false'; my $ref = $data->{Attributes}{'{}ref'}{Value} or return; my $type = $required =~ /^false$/i ? 'may' : 'must'; push @{$state->{elem}{$type}}, $ref; return; } } my %end_jumptable = qw( entry entry attr entry_attr objectclass entry_attr value value oc-value value syntax value description value equality value substring value ordering value name value object-identifier value attribute-type schema_element objectclass-type schema_element directory-schema schema ); sub end_element { my ($self, $data) = @_; (my $tag = lc $data->{Name}) =~ s/^dsml://; my $label = $end_jumptable{$tag} or return; my $state = $self->{reader}; goto $label; entry: { my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new; $entry->{asn} = delete $state->{entry}; if (my $handler = $self->{entry}) { $handler->($entry); } else { push @{$state->{entries}}, $entry; } return; } entry_attr: { delete $state->{attr}; return; } value: { delete $state->{value}; delete $state->{encoding}; return; } schema_element: { my $elem = delete $state->{elem}; my $oid = $elem->{oid}; my $name; if (my $aliases = $elem->{name}) { $name = $elem->{name} = shift @$aliases; $elem->{aliases} = $aliases if @$aliases; } elsif ($oid) { $name = $oid; } else { croak "Schema element without a name or object-identifier"; } $elem->{oid} ||= $name; $state->{schema}{oid}{$oid} = $state->{schema}{$elem->{type}}{lc $name} = $elem; return; } schema: { my $id = $state->{id}; my $schema = $state->{schema}; foreach my $elem (values %{$schema->{oc}}) { if (my $sup = $elem->{superior}) { $sup =~ /#(.*)|(.*)/; if (my $ref = $id->{$+}) { $elem->{superior} = $ref->{name}; } else { $elem->{superior} = $+; } } foreach my $mm (qw(must may)) { if (my $mmref = $elem->{$mm}) { my @mm = map { /#(.*)|(.*)/; my $ref = $id->{$+}; $ref ? $ref->{name} : $+; } @$mmref; $elem->{$mm} = \@mm; } } } require Net::LDAP::Schema; bless $schema, 'Net::LDAP::Schema'; # Naughty :-) if (my $handler = $self->{schema}) { $handler->($schema); } return; } } sub characters { my ($self, $data) = @_; my $state = $self->{reader}; if (my $sref = $state->{value}) { $$sref = ($state->{encoding}||'') eq 'base64' ? do { require MIME::Base64; MIME::Base64::decode_base64($data->{Data}) } : $data->{Data}; } } sub _dsml_context { my ($self, $new) = @_; my $context = $self->{writer}{context}; my $handler = $self->{handler}; unless ($context) { $context = $self->{writer}{context} = []; $handler->start_document; $handler->xml_decl({ Standalone => '', Version => '1.0', Encoding => 'utf-8' }); } while (@$context and ($context->[-1] ne $new) and ($context->[-1] ne 'dsml' or $new eq '')) { my $old = pop @$context; $handler->end_element({ Name => "dsml:$old", LocalName => $old, NamespaceURI => 'http://www.dsml.org/DSML', Prefix => 'dsml' }); $handler->end_prefix_mapping({ NamespaceURI => 'http://www.dsml.org/DSML', Prefix => 'dsml' }) if $old eq 'dsml'; } if (!$new) { $handler->end_document; delete $self->{writer}{context}; } elsif (!@$context or $context->[-1] ne $new) { $self->_dsml_context('dsml') unless $new eq 'dsml' or @$context; push @$context, $new; my %data = ( Name => "dsml:$new", LocalName => $new, NamespaceURI => 'http://www.dsml.org/DSML', Prefix => 'dsml', ); if ($new eq 'dsml') { $handler->start_prefix_mapping({ NamespaceURI => 'http://www.dsml.org/DSML', Prefix => 'dsml' }); $data{Attributes} = { '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}dsml' => { Name => 'xmlns:dsml', LocalName => 'dsml', NamespaceURI => 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', Value => 'http://www.dsml.org/DSML', Prefix => 'xmlns' } }; } $handler->start_element(\%data); } } sub start_dsml { my $self = shift; $self->_dsml_context('') if $self->{writer}{context}; $self->_dsml_context('dsml'); } sub end_dsml { my $self = shift; $self->_dsml_context('') if $self->{writer} and $self->{writer}{context}; } sub write_entry { my $self = shift; my $handler = $self->{handler}; $self->_dsml_context('directory-entries'); my %attr; my %data = ( NamespaceURI => 'http://www.dsml.org/DSML', Prefix => 'dsml', Attributes => \%attr, ); foreach my $entry (@_) { my $asn = $entry->asn; @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:entry entry); %attr = ( '{}dn' => { Value => $asn->{objectName}, Name => "dn"} ); $handler->start_element(\%data); foreach my $attr ( @{$asn->{attributes}} ) { my $name = $attr->{type}; my $is_oc = lc($name) eq "objectclass"; if ($is_oc) { @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:objectclass objectclass); %attr = (); $handler->start_element(\%data); @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:oc-value oc-value); } else { @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:attr attr); %attr = ( "{}name" => { Value => $name, Name => "name" } ); $handler->start_element(\%data); @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:value value); } my %chdata; foreach my $val (@{$attr->{vals}}) { if ($val =~ /(^[ :]|[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/) { require MIME::Base64; $chdata{Data} = MIME::Base64::encode($val,""); %attr = ( '{}encoding' => { Value => 'base64', Name => "encoding"} ); } else { $chdata{Data} = $val; %attr = (); } $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->characters(\%chdata); %attr = (); $handler->end_element(\%data); } @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = $is_oc ? qw(dsml:objectclass objectclass) : qw(dsml:attr attr); %attr = (); $handler->end_element(\%data); } @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:entry entry); %attr = (); $handler->end_element(\%data); } } sub write_schema { my ($self, $schema) = @_; my $handler = $self->{handler}; $self->_dsml_context('dsml'); my %attr; my %data = ( NamespaceURI => 'http://www.dsml.org/DSML', Prefix => 'dsml', Attributes => \%attr, ); @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:directory-schema directory-schema); $handler->start_element(\%data); my %id; foreach my $attr ($schema->all_attributes) { $id{$attr->{name}} = 1; %attr = ( '{}id' => { Value => "#$attr->{name}", Name => 'id'}); if (my $sup = $attr->{superior}) { my $sup_a = $schema->attribute($sup); $attr{"{}superior"} = { Value => "#" . ($sup_a ? $sup_a->{name} : $sup), Name => 'superior' }; } foreach my $flag (qw(obsolete single-value)) { $attr{"{}$flag"} = { Value => 'true', Name => $flag } if $attr->{$flag}; } $attr{"{}user-modification"} = { Value => 'false', Name => 'user-modification', } unless $attr->{'user-modification'}; @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:attribute-type attribute-type); $handler->start_element(\%data); %attr = (); unless (($attr->{name} || '') eq ($attr->{oid} || '')) { @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:name name); $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->characters({Data => $attr->{name}}); $handler->end_element(\%data); } if (my $aliases = $attr->{aliases}) { @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:name name); foreach my $name (@$aliases) { $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->characters({Data => $name}); $handler->end_element(\%data); } } if (my $oid = $attr->{oid}) { @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = ("dsml:object-identifier","object-identifier"); $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->characters({Data => $oid}); $handler->end_element(\%data); } foreach my $elem (qw( description equality ordering substring )) { defined(my $text = $attr->{$elem}) or next; @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = ("dsml:$elem",$elem); $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->characters({Data => $text}); $handler->end_element(\%data); } if (my $syn = $attr->{syntax}) { if (defined(my $bound = $attr->{max_length})) { $attr{'{}bound'} = { Value => $bound, Name => 'bound', }; } @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:syntax syntax); $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->characters({Data => $syn}); $handler->end_element(\%data); } @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:attribute-type attribute-type); $handler->end_element(\%data); } foreach my $oc ($schema->all_objectclasses) { my $id = $oc->{name}; $id = $oc->{'object-identifier'} if $id{$id}; %attr = ( '{}id' => { Value => "#$id", Name => 'id'}); if (my $sup = $oc->{superior}) { my $sup_a = $schema->objectclass($sup); $attr{"{}superior"} = { Value => "#" . ($sup_a ? $sup_a->{name} : $sup), Name => 'superior' }; } if (my $type = (grep { $oc->{$_} } qw(structural abstract auxilary))[0]) { $attr{"{}type"} = { Value => $type, Name => 'type', }; } if ($oc->{obsolete}) { $attr{"{}type"} = { Value => 'true', Name => 'obsolete', }; } @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:objectclass-type objectclass-type); $handler->start_element(\%data); %attr = (); unless (($oc->{name} || '') eq ($oc->{'object-identifier'} || '')) { @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:name name); $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->characters({Data => $oc->{name}}); $handler->end_element(\%data); } if (my $aliases = $oc->{aliases}) { @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:name name); foreach my $name (@$aliases) { $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->characters({Data => $name}); $handler->end_element(\%data); } } foreach my $elem (qw( description object-identifier )) { defined(my $text = $oc->{$elem}) or next; @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = ("dsml:$elem",$elem); $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->characters({Data => $text}); $handler->end_element(\%data); } @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:attribute attribute); foreach my $mm (qw(must may)) { %attr = ( '{}required' => { Value => ($mm eq 'must' ? 'true' : 'false'), Name => 'required' }, '{}ref' => { Name => 'ref' }, ); my $mmref = $oc->{$mm} or next; foreach my $attr (@$mmref) { my $a_ref = $schema->attribute($attr); $attr{'{}ref'}{Value} = $a_ref ? $a_ref->{name} : $attr; $handler->start_element(\%data); $handler->end_element(\%data); } } @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:objectclass-type objectclass-type); $handler->end_element(\%data); } %attr = (); @data{qw(Name LocalName)} = qw(dsml:directory-schema directory-schema); $handler->end_element(\%data); } package Net::LDAP::DSML::pp; sub new { my $pkg = shift; bless { @_ }, $pkg; } sub start_element { my ($self, $data) = @_; my $handler = $self->{handler}; $handler->start_element($data); unless ($data->{Name} =~ /^(?:dsml:)?(?: value |oc-value |name |syntax |equality |substring |object-identifier |description |ordering |attribute )$/ix ) { $handler->ignorable_whitespace({Data => "\n"}); } } sub end_element { my $self = shift; my $handler = $self->{handler}; $handler->end_element(@_); $handler->ignorable_whitespace({Data => "\n"}); } sub xml_decl { my $self = shift; my $handler = $self->{handler}; $handler->xml_decl(@_); $handler->ignorable_whitespace({Data => "\n"}); } use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); sub DESTROY {} sub AUTOLOAD { (my $meth = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^.*:://; no strict 'refs'; *{$meth} = sub { shift->{handler}->$meth(@_) }; goto &$meth; } package Net::LDAP::DSML::output; sub new { bless {} } use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); sub DESTROY {} sub AUTOLOAD { (my $meth = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^.*:://; require XML::SAX::Writer; my $self = shift; $self->{handler} = XML::SAX::Writer->new; bless $self, 'Net::LDAP::DSML::pp'; $self->$meth(@_); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME NET::LDAP::DSML -- A DSML Writer for Net::LDAP =head1 SYNOPSIS For a directory entry; use Net::LDAP; use Net::LDAP::DSML; use IO::File; my $server = "localhost"; my $file = "testdsml.xml"; my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($server); $ldap->bind(); # # For file i/o # my $file = "testdsml.xml"; my $io = IO::File->new($file,"w") or die ("failed to open $file as filehandle.$!\n"); my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => $io, pretty_print => 1 ) or die ("DSML object creation problem using an output file.\n"); # OR # # For file i/o # open (IO,">$file") or die("failed to open $file.$!"); my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => *IO, pretty_print => 1) or die ("DSML object creation problem using an output file.\n"); # OR # # For array usage. # Pass a reference to an array. # my @data = (); $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => \@data, pretty_print => 1) or die ("DSML object cration problem using an output array.\n"); my $mesg = $ldap->search( base => 'o=airius.com', scope => 'sub', filter => 'ou=accounting', callback => sub { my ($mesg,$entry) =@_; $dsml->write_entry($entry) if (ref $entry eq 'Net::LDAP::Entry'); } ); die ("search failed with ",$mesg->code(),"\n") if $mesg->code(); For directory schema; A file or array can be used for output, in the following example only an array will be used. my $schema = $ldap->schema(); my @data = (); my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => \@data, pretty_print => 1 ) or die ("DSML object creation problem using an output array.\n"); $dsml->write_schema($schema); print "Finished printing DSML\n"; =head1 DESCRIPTION Directory Service Markup Language (DSML) is the XML standard for representing directory service information in XML. At the moment this module only writes DSML entry and schema entities. Reading DSML entities is a future project. Eventually this module will be a full level 2 consumer and producer enabling you to give you full DSML conformance. Currently this module has the ability to be a level 2 producer. The user must understand the his/her directory server will determine the consumer and producer level they can achieve. To determine conformance, it is useful to divide DSML documents into four types: 1.Documents containing no directory schema nor any references to an external schema. 2.Documents containing no directory schema but containing at least one reference to an external schema. 3.Documents containing only a directory schema. 4.Documents containing both a directory schema and entries. A producer of DSML must be able to produce documents of type 1. A producer of DSML may, in addition, be able to produce documents of types 2 thru 4. A producer that can produce documents of type 1 is said to be a level 1 producer. A producer than can produce documents of all four types is said to be a level 2 producer. =head1 CALLBACKS The module uses callbacks to improve performance (at least the appearance of improving performance ;) and to reduce the amount of memory required to parse large DSML files. Every time a single entry or schema is processed we pass the Net::LDAP object (either an Entry or Schema object) to the callback routine. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =over 4 =item new () Creates a new Net::LDAP::DSML object. There are 2 options to this method. C is a reference to either a file handle that has already been opened or to an array. C is an option to print a new line at the end of each element sequence. It makes the reading of the XML output easier for a human. B my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(); Prints xml data to standard out. my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => \@array); my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => *FILE); Prints xml data to a file or array. my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => \@array, pretty_print => 1); my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => *FILE, pretty_print => 1); Prints xml data to a file or array in pretty print style. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item start_dsml () Start a DSML file. =item end_dsml () End a DSML file. =item write_entry ( ENTRY ) Entry is a Net::LDAP::Entry object. The write method will parse the LDAP data in the Entry object and put it into DSML XML format. B my $entry = $mesg->entry(); $dsml->write_entry($entry); =item write_schema ( SCHEMA ) Schema is a Net::LDAP::Schema object. The write_schema method will parse the LDAP data in the Schema object and put it into DSML XML format. B my $schema = $ldap->schema(); $dsml->write_schema($schema); =back =head1 AUTHOR Graham Barr gbarr@pobox.com =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Graham Barr. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut