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/se3-unattended/var/se3/unattended/install/linuxaux/opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-multi/B/ -> Xref.pm (source)

   1  package B::Xref;
   3  our $VERSION = '1.01';
   5  =head1 NAME
   7  B::Xref - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
   9  =head1 SYNOPSIS
  11  perl -MO=Xref[,OPTIONS] foo.pl
  13  =head1 DESCRIPTION
  15  The B::Xref module is used to generate a cross reference listing of all
  16  definitions and uses of variables, subroutines and formats in a Perl program.
  17  It is implemented as a backend for the Perl compiler.
  19  The report generated is in the following format:
  21      File filename1
  22        Subroutine subname1
  23      Package package1
  24        object1        line numbers
  25        object2        line numbers
  26        ...
  27      Package package2
  28      ...
  30  Each B<File> section reports on a single file. Each B<Subroutine> section
  31  reports on a single subroutine apart from the special cases
  32  "(definitions)" and "(main)". These report, respectively, on subroutine
  33  definitions found by the initial symbol table walk and on the main part of
  34  the program or module external to all subroutines.
  36  The report is then grouped by the B<Package> of each variable,
  37  subroutine or format with the special case "(lexicals)" meaning
  38  lexical variables. Each B<object> name (implicitly qualified by its
  39  containing B<Package>) includes its type character(s) at the beginning
  40  where possible. Lexical variables are easier to track and even
  41  included dereferencing information where possible.
  43  The C<line numbers> are a comma separated list of line numbers (some
  44  preceded by code letters) where that object is used in some way.
  45  Simple uses aren't preceded by a code letter. Introductions (such as
  46  where a lexical is first defined with C<my>) are indicated with the
  47  letter "i". Subroutine and method calls are indicated by the character
  48  "&".  Subroutine definitions are indicated by "s" and format
  49  definitions by "f".
  51  =head1 OPTIONS
  53  Option words are separated by commas (not whitespace) and follow the
  54  usual conventions of compiler backend options.
  56  =over 8
  58  =item C<-oFILENAME>
  60  Directs output to C<FILENAME> instead of standard output.
  62  =item C<-r>
  64  Raw output. Instead of producing a human-readable report, outputs a line
  65  in machine-readable form for each definition/use of a variable/sub/format.
  67  =item C<-d>
  69  Don't output the "(definitions)" sections.
  71  =item C<-D[tO]>
  73  (Internal) debug options, probably only useful if C<-r> included.
  74  The C<t> option prints the object on the top of the stack as it's
  75  being tracked. The C<O> option prints each operator as it's being
  76  processed in the execution order of the program.
  78  =back
  80  =head1 BUGS
  82  Non-lexical variables are quite difficult to track through a program.
  83  Sometimes the type of a non-lexical variable's use is impossible to
  84  determine. Introductions of non-lexical non-scalars don't seem to be
  85  reported properly.
  87  =head1 AUTHOR
  89  Malcolm Beattie, mbeattie@sable.ox.ac.uk.
  91  =cut
  93  use strict;
  94  use Config;
  95  use B qw(peekop class comppadlist main_start svref_2object walksymtable
  96           OPpLVAL_INTRO SVf_POK OPpOUR_INTRO cstring
  97          );
  99  sub UNKNOWN { ["?", "?", "?"] }
 101  my @pad;            # lexicals in current pad
 102                  # as ["(lexical)", type, name]
 103  my %done;            # keyed by $$op: set when each $op is done
 104  my $top = UNKNOWN;        # shadows top element of stack as
 105                  # [pack, type, name] (pack can be "(lexical)")
 106  my $file;            # shadows current filename
 107  my $line;            # shadows current line number
 108  my $subname;            # shadows current sub name
 109  my %table;            # Multi-level hash to record all uses etc.
 110  my @todo = ();            # List of CVs that need processing
 112  my %code = (intro => "i", used => "",
 113          subdef => "s", subused => "&",
 114          formdef => "f", meth => "->");
 117  # Options
 118  my ($debug_op, $debug_top, $nodefs, $raw);
 120  sub process {
 121      my ($var, $event) = @_;
 122      my ($pack, $type, $name) = @$var;
 123      if ($type eq "*") {
 124      if ($event eq "used") {
 125          return;
 126      } elsif ($event eq "subused") {
 127          $type = "&";
 128      }
 129      }
 130      $type =~ s/(.)\*$/$1/g;
 131      if ($raw) {
 132      printf "%-16s %-12s %5d %-12s %4s %-16s %s\n",
 133          $file, $subname, $line, $pack, $type, $name, $event;
 134      } else {
 135      # Wheee
 136      push(@{$table{$file}->{$subname}->{$pack}->{$type.$name}->{$event}},
 137          $line);
 138      }
 139  }
 141  sub load_pad {
 142      my $padlist = shift;
 143      my ($namelistav, $vallistav, @namelist, $ix);
 144      @pad = ();
 145      return if class($padlist) eq "SPECIAL";
 146      ($namelistav,$vallistav) = $padlist->ARRAY;
 147      @namelist = $namelistav->ARRAY;
 148      for ($ix = 1; $ix < @namelist; $ix++) {
 149      my $namesv = $namelist[$ix];
 150      next if class($namesv) eq "SPECIAL";
 151      my ($type, $name) = $namesv->PV =~ /^(.)([^\0]*)(\0.*)?$/;
 152      $pad[$ix] = ["(lexical)", $type || '?', $name || '?'];
 153      }
 154      if ($Config{useithreads}) {
 155      my (@vallist);
 156      @vallist = $vallistav->ARRAY;
 157      for ($ix = 1; $ix < @vallist; $ix++) {
 158          my $valsv = $vallist[$ix];
 159          next unless class($valsv) eq "GV";
 160          # these pad GVs don't have corresponding names, so same @pad
 161          # array can be used without collisions
 162          $pad[$ix] = [$valsv->STASH->NAME, "*", $valsv->NAME];
 163      }
 164      }
 165  }
 167  sub xref {
 168      my $start = shift;
 169      my $op;
 170      for ($op = $start; $$op; $op = $op->next) {
 171      last if $done{$$op}++;
 172      warn sprintf("top = [%s, %s, %s]\n", @$top) if $debug_top;
 173      warn peekop($op), "\n" if $debug_op;
 174      my $opname = $op->name;
 175      if ($opname =~ /^(or|and|mapwhile|grepwhile|range|cond_expr)$/) {
 176          xref($op->other);
 177      } elsif ($opname eq "match" || $opname eq "subst") {
 178          xref($op->pmreplstart);
 179      } elsif ($opname eq "substcont") {
 180          xref($op->other->pmreplstart);
 181          $op = $op->other;
 182          redo;
 183      } elsif ($opname eq "enterloop") {
 184          xref($op->redoop);
 185          xref($op->nextop);
 186          xref($op->lastop);
 187      } elsif ($opname eq "subst") {
 188          xref($op->pmreplstart);
 189      } else {
 190          no strict 'refs';
 191          my $ppname = "pp_$opname";
 192          &$ppname($op) if defined(&$ppname);
 193      }
 194      }
 195  }
 197  sub xref_cv {
 198      my $cv = shift;
 199      my $pack = $cv->GV->STASH->NAME;
 200      $subname = ($pack eq "main" ? "" : "$pack\::") . $cv->GV->NAME;
 201      load_pad($cv->PADLIST);
 202      xref($cv->START);
 203      $subname = "(main)";
 204  }
 206  sub xref_object {
 207      my $cvref = shift;
 208      xref_cv(svref_2object($cvref));
 209  }
 211  sub xref_main {
 212      $subname = "(main)";
 213      load_pad(comppadlist);
 214      xref(main_start);
 215      while (@todo) {
 216      xref_cv(shift @todo);
 217      }
 218  }
 220  sub pp_nextstate {
 221      my $op = shift;
 222      $file = $op->file;
 223      $line = $op->line;
 224      $top = UNKNOWN;
 225  }
 227  sub pp_padsv {
 228      my $op = shift;
 229      $top = $pad[$op->targ];
 230      process($top, $op->private & OPpLVAL_INTRO ? "intro" : "used");
 231  }
 233  sub pp_padav { pp_padsv(@_) }
 234  sub pp_padhv { pp_padsv(@_) }
 236  sub deref {
 237      my ($op, $var, $as) = @_;
 238      $var->[1] = $as . $var->[1];
 239      process($var, $op->private & OPpOUR_INTRO ? "intro" : "used");
 240  }
 242  sub pp_rv2cv { deref(shift, $top, "&"); }
 243  sub pp_rv2hv { deref(shift, $top, "%"); }
 244  sub pp_rv2sv { deref(shift, $top, "\$"); }
 245  sub pp_rv2av { deref(shift, $top, "\@"); }
 246  sub pp_rv2gv { deref(shift, $top, "*"); }
 248  sub pp_gvsv {
 249      my $op = shift;
 250      my $gv;
 251      if ($Config{useithreads}) {
 252      $top = $pad[$op->padix];
 253      $top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
 254      $top->[1] = '$';
 255      }
 256      else {
 257      $gv = $op->gv;
 258      $top = [$gv->STASH->NAME, '$', $gv->SAFENAME];
 259      }
 260      process($top, $op->private & OPpLVAL_INTRO ||
 261                    $op->private & OPpOUR_INTRO   ? "intro" : "used");
 262  }
 264  sub pp_gv {
 265      my $op = shift;
 266      my $gv;
 267      if ($Config{useithreads}) {
 268      $top = $pad[$op->padix];
 269      $top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
 270      $top->[1] = '*';
 271      }
 272      else {
 273      $gv = $op->gv;
 274      $top = [$gv->STASH->NAME, "*", $gv->SAFENAME];
 275      }
 276      process($top, $op->private & OPpLVAL_INTRO ? "intro" : "used");
 277  }
 279  sub pp_const {
 280      my $op = shift;
 281      my $sv = $op->sv;
 282      # constant could be in the pad (under useithreads)
 283      if ($$sv) {
 284      $top = ["?", "",
 285          (class($sv) ne "SPECIAL" && $sv->FLAGS & SVf_POK)
 286          ? cstring($sv->PV) : "?"];
 287      }
 288      else {
 289      $top = $pad[$op->targ];
 290      $top = UNKNOWN unless $top;
 291      }
 292  }
 294  sub pp_method {
 295      my $op = shift;
 296      $top = ["(method)", "->".$top->[1], $top->[2]];
 297  }
 299  sub pp_entersub {
 300      my $op = shift;
 301      if ($top->[1] eq "m") {
 302      process($top, "meth");
 303      } else {
 304      process($top, "subused");
 305      }
 306      $top = UNKNOWN;
 307  }
 309  #
 310  # Stuff for cross referencing definitions of variables and subs
 311  #
 313  sub B::GV::xref {
 314      my $gv = shift;
 315      my $cv = $gv->CV;
 316      if ($$cv) {
 317      #return if $done{$$cv}++;
 318      $file = $gv->FILE;
 319      $line = $gv->LINE;
 320      process([$gv->STASH->NAME, "&", $gv->NAME], "subdef");
 321      push(@todo, $cv);
 322      }
 323      my $form = $gv->FORM;
 324      if ($$form) {
 325      return if $done{$$form}++;
 326      $file = $gv->FILE;
 327      $line = $gv->LINE;
 328      process([$gv->STASH->NAME, "", $gv->NAME], "formdef");
 329      }
 330  }
 332  sub xref_definitions {
 333      my ($pack, %exclude);
 334      return if $nodefs;
 335      $subname = "(definitions)";
 336      foreach $pack (qw(B O AutoLoader DynaLoader XSLoader Config DB VMS
 337                strict vars FileHandle Exporter Carp PerlIO::Layer
 338                attributes utf8 warnings)) {
 339          $exclude{$pack."::"} = 1;
 340      }
 341      no strict qw(vars refs);
 342      walksymtable(\%{"main::"}, "xref", sub { !defined($exclude{$_[0]}) });
 343  }
 345  sub output {
 346      return if $raw;
 347      my ($file, $subname, $pack, $name, $ev, $perfile, $persubname,
 348      $perpack, $pername, $perev);
 349      foreach $file (sort(keys(%table))) {
 350      $perfile = $table{$file};
 351      print "File $file\n";
 352      foreach $subname (sort(keys(%$perfile))) {
 353          $persubname = $perfile->{$subname};
 354          print "  Subroutine $subname\n";
 355          foreach $pack (sort(keys(%$persubname))) {
 356          $perpack = $persubname->{$pack};
 357          print "    Package $pack\n";
 358          foreach $name (sort(keys(%$perpack))) {
 359              $pername = $perpack->{$name};
 360              my @lines;
 361              foreach $ev (qw(intro formdef subdef meth subused used)) {
 362              $perev = $pername->{$ev};
 363              if (defined($perev) && @$perev) {
 364                  my $code = $code{$ev};
 365                  push(@lines, map("$code$_", @$perev));
 366              }
 367              }
 368              printf "      %-16s  %s\n", $name, join(", ", @lines);
 369          }
 370          }
 371      }
 372      }
 373  }
 375  sub compile {
 376      my @options = @_;
 377      my ($option, $opt, $arg);
 378    OPTION:
 379      while ($option = shift @options) {
 380      if ($option =~ /^-(.)(.*)/) {
 381          $opt = $1;
 382          $arg = $2;
 383      } else {
 384          unshift @options, $option;
 385          last OPTION;
 386      }
 387      if ($opt eq "-" && $arg eq "-") {
 388          shift @options;
 389          last OPTION;
 390      } elsif ($opt eq "o") {
 391          $arg ||= shift @options;
 392          open(STDOUT, ">$arg") or return "$arg: $!\n";
 393      } elsif ($opt eq "d") {
 394          $nodefs = 1;
 395      } elsif ($opt eq "r") {
 396          $raw = 1;
 397      } elsif ($opt eq "D") {
 398              $arg ||= shift @options;
 399          foreach $arg (split(//, $arg)) {
 400          if ($arg eq "o") {
 401              B->debug(1);
 402          } elsif ($arg eq "O") {
 403              $debug_op = 1;
 404          } elsif ($arg eq "t") {
 405              $debug_top = 1;
 406          }
 407          }
 408      }
 409      }
 410      if (@options) {
 411      return sub {
 412          my $objname;
 413          xref_definitions();
 414          foreach $objname (@options) {
 415          $objname = "main::$objname" unless $objname =~ /::/;
 416          eval "xref_object(\\&$objname)";
 417          die "xref_object(\\&$objname) failed: $@" if $@;
 418          }
 419          output();
 420      }
 421      } else {
 422      return sub {
 423          xref_definitions();
 424          xref_main();
 425          output();
 426      }
 427      }
 428  }
 430  1;

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1