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/se3-unattended/var/se3/unattended/install/linuxaux/opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/Tie/ -> File.pm (source)

   2  package Tie::File;
   3  require 5.005;
   4  use Carp ':DEFAULT', 'confess';
   5  use POSIX 'SEEK_SET';
   6  use Fcntl 'O_CREAT', 'O_RDWR', 'LOCK_EX', 'LOCK_SH', 'O_WRONLY', 'O_RDONLY';
   7  sub O_ACCMODE () { O_RDONLY | O_RDWR | O_WRONLY }
  10  $VERSION = "0.97_02";
  11  my $DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE = 1<<21;    # 2 megabytes
  12  my $DEFAULT_AUTODEFER_THRESHHOLD = 3; # 3 records
  13  my $DEFAULT_AUTODEFER_FILELEN_THRESHHOLD = 65536; # 16 disk blocksful
  15  my %good_opt = map {$_ => 1, "-$_" => 1}
  16                   qw(memory dw_size mode recsep discipline 
  17                      autodefer autochomp autodefer_threshhold concurrent);
  19  sub TIEARRAY {
  20    if (@_ % 2 != 0) {
  21      croak "usage: tie \@array, $_[0], filename, [option => value]...";
  22    }
  23    my ($pack, $file, %opts) = @_;
  25    # transform '-foo' keys into 'foo' keys
  26    for my $key (keys %opts) {
  27      unless ($good_opt{$key}) {
  28        croak("$pack: Unrecognized option '$key'\n");
  29      }
  30      my $okey = $key;
  31      if ($key =~ s/^-+//) {
  32        $opts{$key} = delete $opts{$okey};
  33      }
  34    }
  36    if ($opts{concurrent}) {
  37      croak("$pack: concurrent access not supported yet\n");
  38    }
  40    unless (defined $opts{memory}) {
  41      # default is the larger of the default cache size and the 
  42      # deferred-write buffer size (if specified)
  43      $opts{memory} = $DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE;
  44      $opts{memory} = $opts{dw_size}
  45        if defined $opts{dw_size} && $opts{dw_size} > $DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE;
  46      # Dora Winifred Read
  47    }
  48    $opts{dw_size} = $opts{memory} unless defined $opts{dw_size};
  49    if ($opts{dw_size} > $opts{memory}) {
  50        croak("$pack: dw_size may not be larger than total memory allocation\n");
  51    }
  52    # are we in deferred-write mode?
  53    $opts{defer} = 0 unless defined $opts{defer};
  54    $opts{deferred} = {};         # no records are presently deferred
  55    $opts{deferred_s} = 0;        # count of total bytes in ->{deferred}
  56    $opts{deferred_max} = -1;     # empty
  58    # What's a good way to arrange that this class can be overridden?
  59    $opts{cache} = Tie::File::Cache->new($opts{memory});
  61    # autodeferment is enabled by default
  62    $opts{autodefer} = 1 unless defined $opts{autodefer};
  63    $opts{autodeferring} = 0;     # but is not initially active
  64    $opts{ad_history} = [];
  65    $opts{autodefer_threshhold} = $DEFAULT_AUTODEFER_THRESHHOLD
  66      unless defined $opts{autodefer_threshhold};
  67    $opts{autodefer_filelen_threshhold} = $DEFAULT_AUTODEFER_FILELEN_THRESHHOLD
  68      unless defined $opts{autodefer_filelen_threshhold};
  70    $opts{offsets} = [0];
  71    $opts{filename} = $file;
  72    unless (defined $opts{recsep}) { 
  73      $opts{recsep} = _default_recsep();
  74    }
  75    $opts{recseplen} = length($opts{recsep});
  76    if ($opts{recseplen} == 0) {
  77      croak "Empty record separator not supported by $pack";
  78    }
  80    $opts{autochomp} = 1 unless defined $opts{autochomp};
  82    $opts{mode} = O_CREAT|O_RDWR unless defined $opts{mode};
  83    $opts{rdonly} = (($opts{mode} & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY);
  84    $opts{sawlastrec} = undef;
  86    my $fh;
  88    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($file, 'GLOB')) {
  89      # We use 1 here on the theory that some systems 
  90      # may not indicate failure if we use 0.
  91      # MSWin32 does not indicate failure with 0, but I don't know if
  92      # it will indicate failure with 1 or not.
  93      unless (seek $file, 1, SEEK_SET) {
  94        croak "$pack: your filehandle does not appear to be seekable";
  95      }
  96      seek $file, 0, SEEK_SET;    # put it back
  97      $fh = $file;                # setting binmode is the user's problem
  98    } elsif (ref $file) {
  99      croak "usage: tie \@array, $pack, filename, [option => value]...";
 100    } else {
 101      # $fh = \do { local *FH };  # XXX this is buggy
 102      if ($] < 5.006) {
 103      # perl 5.005 and earlier don't autovivify filehandles
 104      require Symbol;
 105      $fh = Symbol::gensym();
 106      }
 107      sysopen $fh, $file, $opts{mode}, 0666 or return;
 108      binmode $fh;
 109      ++$opts{ourfh};
 110    }
 111    { my $ofh = select $fh; $| = 1; select $ofh } # autoflush on write
 112    if (defined $opts{discipline} && $] >= 5.006) {
 113      # This avoids a compile-time warning under 5.005
 114      eval 'binmode($fh, $opts{discipline})';
 115      croak $@ if $@ =~ /unknown discipline/i;
 116      die if $@;
 117    }
 118    $opts{fh} = $fh;
 120    bless \%opts => $pack;
 121  }
 123  sub FETCH {
 124    my ($self, $n) = @_;
 125    my $rec;
 127    # check the defer buffer
 128    $rec = $self->{deferred}{$n} if exists $self->{deferred}{$n};
 129    $rec = $self->_fetch($n) unless defined $rec;
 131    # inlined _chomp1
 132    substr($rec, - $self->{recseplen}) = ""
 133      if defined $rec && $self->{autochomp};
 134    $rec;
 135  }
 137  # Chomp many records in-place; return nothing useful
 138  sub _chomp {
 139    my $self = shift;
 140    return unless $self->{autochomp};
 141    if ($self->{autochomp}) {
 142      for (@_) {
 143        next unless defined;
 144        substr($_, - $self->{recseplen}) = "";
 145      }
 146    }
 147  }
 149  # Chomp one record in-place; return modified record
 150  sub _chomp1 {
 151    my ($self, $rec) = @_;
 152    return $rec unless $self->{autochomp};
 153    return unless defined $rec;
 154    substr($rec, - $self->{recseplen}) = "";
 155    $rec;
 156  }
 158  sub _fetch {
 159    my ($self, $n) = @_;
 161    # check the record cache
 162    { my $cached = $self->{cache}->lookup($n);
 163      return $cached if defined $cached;
 164    }
 166    if ($#{$self->{offsets}} < $n) {
 167      return if $self->{eof};  # request for record beyond end of file
 168      my $o = $self->_fill_offsets_to($n);
 169      # If it's still undefined, there is no such record, so return 'undef'
 170      return unless defined $o;
 171    }
 173    my $fh = $self->{FH};
 174    $self->_seek($n);             # we can do this now that offsets is populated
 175    my $rec = $self->_read_record;
 177  # If we happen to have just read the first record, check to see if
 178  # the length of the record matches what 'tell' says.  If not, Tie::File
 179  # won't work, and should drop dead.
 180  #
 181  #  if ($n == 0 && defined($rec) && tell($self->{fh}) != length($rec)) {
 182  #    if (defined $self->{discipline}) {
 183  #      croak "I/O discipline $self->{discipline} not supported";
 184  #    } else {
 185  #      croak "File encoding not supported";
 186  #    }
 187  #  }
 189    $self->{cache}->insert($n, $rec) if defined $rec && not $self->{flushing};
 190    $rec;
 191  }
 193  sub STORE {
 194    my ($self, $n, $rec) = @_;
 195    die "STORE called from _check_integrity!" if $DIAGNOSTIC;
 197    $self->_fixrecs($rec);
 199    if ($self->{autodefer}) {
 200      $self->_annotate_ad_history($n);
 201    }
 203    return $self->_store_deferred($n, $rec) if $self->_is_deferring;
 206    # We need this to decide whether the new record will fit
 207    # It incidentally populates the offsets table 
 208    # Note we have to do this before we alter the cache
 209    # 20020324 Wait, but this DOES alter the cache.  TODO BUG?
 210    my $oldrec = $self->_fetch($n);
 212    if (not defined $oldrec) {
 213      # We're storing a record beyond the end of the file
 214      $self->_extend_file_to($n+1);
 215      $oldrec = $self->{recsep};
 216    }
 217  #  return if $oldrec eq $rec;    # don't bother
 218    my $len_diff = length($rec) - length($oldrec);
 220    # length($oldrec) here is not consistent with text mode  TODO XXX BUG
 221    $self->_mtwrite($rec, $self->{offsets}[$n], length($oldrec));
 222    $self->_oadjust([$n, 1, $rec]);
 223    $self->{cache}->update($n, $rec);
 224  }
 226  sub _store_deferred {
 227    my ($self, $n, $rec) = @_;
 228    $self->{cache}->remove($n);
 229    my $old_deferred = $self->{deferred}{$n};
 231    if (defined $self->{deferred_max} && $n > $self->{deferred_max}) {
 232      $self->{deferred_max} = $n;
 233    }
 234    $self->{deferred}{$n} = $rec;
 236    my $len_diff = length($rec);
 237    $len_diff -= length($old_deferred) if defined $old_deferred;
 238    $self->{deferred_s} += $len_diff;
 239    $self->{cache}->adj_limit(-$len_diff);
 240    if ($self->{deferred_s} > $self->{dw_size}) {
 241      $self->_flush;
 242    } elsif ($self->_cache_too_full) {
 243      $self->_cache_flush;
 244    }
 245  }
 247  # Remove a single record from the deferred-write buffer without writing it
 248  # The record need not be present
 249  sub _delete_deferred {
 250    my ($self, $n) = @_;
 251    my $rec = delete $self->{deferred}{$n};
 252    return unless defined $rec;
 254    if (defined $self->{deferred_max} 
 255        && $n == $self->{deferred_max}) {
 256      undef $self->{deferred_max};
 257    }
 259    $self->{deferred_s} -= length $rec;
 260    $self->{cache}->adj_limit(length $rec);
 261  }
 263  sub FETCHSIZE {
 264    my $self = shift;
 265    my $n = $self->{eof} ? $#{$self->{offsets}} : $self->_fill_offsets;
 267    my $top_deferred = $self->_defer_max;
 268    $n = $top_deferred+1 if defined $top_deferred && $n < $top_deferred+1;
 269    $n;
 270  }
 272  sub STORESIZE {
 273    my ($self, $len) = @_;
 275    if ($self->{autodefer}) {
 276      $self->_annotate_ad_history('STORESIZE');
 277    }
 279    my $olen = $self->FETCHSIZE;
 280    return if $len == $olen;      # Woo-hoo!
 282    # file gets longer
 283    if ($len > $olen) {
 284      if ($self->_is_deferring) {
 285        for ($olen .. $len-1) {
 286          $self->_store_deferred($_, $self->{recsep});
 287        }
 288      } else {
 289        $self->_extend_file_to($len);
 290      }
 291      return;
 292    }
 294    # file gets shorter
 295    if ($self->_is_deferring) {
 296      # TODO maybe replace this with map-plus-assignment?
 297      for (grep $_ >= $len, keys %{$self->{deferred}}) {
 298        $self->_delete_deferred($_);
 299      }
 300      $self->{deferred_max} = $len-1;
 301    }
 303    $self->_seek($len);
 304    $self->_chop_file;
 305    $#{$self->{offsets}} = $len;
 306  #  $self->{offsets}[0] = 0;      # in case we just chopped this
 308    $self->{cache}->remove(grep $_ >= $len, $self->{cache}->ckeys);
 309  }
 311  ### OPTIMIZE ME
 312  ### It should not be necessary to do FETCHSIZE
 313  ### Just seek to the end of the file.
 314  sub PUSH {
 315    my $self = shift;
 316    $self->SPLICE($self->FETCHSIZE, scalar(@_), @_);
 318    # No need to return:
 319    #  $self->FETCHSIZE;  # because av.c takes care of this for me
 320  }
 322  sub POP {
 323    my $self = shift;
 324    my $size = $self->FETCHSIZE;
 325    return if $size == 0;
 326  #  print STDERR "# POPPITY POP POP POP\n";
 327    scalar $self->SPLICE($size-1, 1);
 328  }
 330  sub SHIFT {
 331    my $self = shift;
 332    scalar $self->SPLICE(0, 1);
 333  }
 335  sub UNSHIFT {
 336    my $self = shift;
 337    $self->SPLICE(0, 0, @_);
 338    # $self->FETCHSIZE; # av.c takes care of this for me
 339  }
 341  sub CLEAR {
 342    my $self = shift;
 344    if ($self->{autodefer}) {
 345      $self->_annotate_ad_history('CLEAR');
 346    }
 348    $self->_seekb(0);
 349    $self->_chop_file;
 350      $self->{cache}->set_limit($self->{memory});
 351      $self->{cache}->empty;
 352    @{$self->{offsets}} = (0);
 353    %{$self->{deferred}}= ();
 354      $self->{deferred_s} = 0;
 355      $self->{deferred_max} = -1;
 356  }
 358  sub EXTEND {
 359    my ($self, $n) = @_;
 361    # No need to pre-extend anything in this case
 362    return if $self->_is_deferring;
 364    $self->_fill_offsets_to($n);
 365    $self->_extend_file_to($n);
 366  }
 368  sub DELETE {
 369    my ($self, $n) = @_;
 371    if ($self->{autodefer}) {
 372      $self->_annotate_ad_history('DELETE');
 373    }
 375    my $lastrec = $self->FETCHSIZE-1;
 376    my $rec = $self->FETCH($n);
 377    $self->_delete_deferred($n) if $self->_is_deferring;
 378    if ($n == $lastrec) {
 379      $self->_seek($n);
 380      $self->_chop_file;
 381      $#{$self->{offsets}}--;
 382      $self->{cache}->remove($n);
 383      # perhaps in this case I should also remove trailing null records?
 384      # 20020316
 385      # Note that delete @a[-3..-1] deletes the records in the wrong order,
 386      # so we only chop the very last one out of the file.  We could repair this
 387      # by tracking deleted records inside the object.
 388    } elsif ($n < $lastrec) {
 389      $self->STORE($n, "");
 390    }
 391    $rec;
 392  }
 394  sub EXISTS {
 395    my ($self, $n) = @_;
 396    return 1 if exists $self->{deferred}{$n};
 397    $n < $self->FETCHSIZE;
 398  }
 400  sub SPLICE {
 401    my $self = shift;
 403    if ($self->{autodefer}) {
 404      $self->_annotate_ad_history('SPLICE');
 405    }
 407    $self->_flush if $self->_is_deferring; # move this up?
 408    if (wantarray) {
 409      $self->_chomp(my @a = $self->_splice(@_));
 410      @a;
 411    } else {
 412      $self->_chomp1(scalar $self->_splice(@_));
 413    }
 414  }
 416  sub DESTROY {
 417    my $self = shift;
 418    $self->flush if $self->_is_deferring;
 419    $self->{cache}->delink if defined $self->{cache}; # break circular link
 420    if ($self->{fh} and $self->{ourfh}) {
 421        delete $self->{ourfh};
 422        close delete $self->{fh};
 423    }
 424  }
 426  sub _splice {
 427    my ($self, $pos, $nrecs, @data) = @_;
 428    my @result;
 430    $pos = 0 unless defined $pos;
 432    # Deal with negative and other out-of-range positions
 433    # Also set default for $nrecs 
 434    {
 435      my $oldsize = $self->FETCHSIZE;
 436      $nrecs = $oldsize unless defined $nrecs;
 437      my $oldpos = $pos;
 439      if ($pos < 0) {
 440        $pos += $oldsize;
 441        if ($pos < 0) {
 442          croak "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript $oldpos";
 443        }
 444      }
 446      if ($pos > $oldsize) {
 447        return unless @data;
 448        $pos = $oldsize;          # This is what perl does for normal arrays
 449      }
 451      # The manual is very unclear here
 452      if ($nrecs < 0) {
 453        $nrecs = $oldsize - $pos + $nrecs;
 454        $nrecs = 0 if $nrecs < 0;
 455      }
 457      # nrecs is too big---it really means "until the end"
 458      # 20030507
 459      if ($nrecs + $pos > $oldsize) {
 460        $nrecs = $oldsize - $pos;
 461      }
 462    }
 464    $self->_fixrecs(@data);
 465    my $data = join '', @data;
 466    my $datalen = length $data;
 467    my $oldlen = 0;
 469    # compute length of data being removed
 470    for ($pos .. $pos+$nrecs-1) {
 471      last unless defined $self->_fill_offsets_to($_);
 472      my $rec = $self->_fetch($_);
 473      last unless defined $rec;
 474      push @result, $rec;
 476      # Why don't we just use length($rec) here?
 477      # Because that record might have come from the cache.  _splice
 478      # might have been called to flush out the deferred-write records,
 479      # and in this case length($rec) is the length of the record to be
 480      # *written*, not the length of the actual record in the file.  But
 481      # the offsets are still true. 20020322
 482      $oldlen += $self->{offsets}[$_+1] - $self->{offsets}[$_]
 483        if defined $self->{offsets}[$_+1];
 484    }
 485    $self->_fill_offsets_to($pos+$nrecs);
 487    # Modify the file
 488    $self->_mtwrite($data, $self->{offsets}[$pos], $oldlen);
 489    # Adjust the offsets table
 490    $self->_oadjust([$pos, $nrecs, @data]);
 492    { # Take this read cache stuff out into a separate function
 493      # You made a half-attempt to put it into _oadjust.  
 494      # Finish something like that up eventually.
 495      # STORE also needs to do something similarish
 497      # update the read cache, part 1
 498      # modified records
 499      for ($pos .. $pos+$nrecs-1) {
 500        my $new = $data[$_-$pos];
 501        if (defined $new) {
 502          $self->{cache}->update($_, $new);
 503        } else {
 504          $self->{cache}->remove($_);
 505        }
 506      }
 508      # update the read cache, part 2
 509      # moved records - records past the site of the change
 510      # need to be renumbered
 511      # Maybe merge this with the previous block?
 512      {
 513        my @oldkeys = grep $_ >= $pos + $nrecs, $self->{cache}->ckeys;
 514        my @newkeys = map $_-$nrecs+@data, @oldkeys;
 515        $self->{cache}->rekey(\@oldkeys, \@newkeys);
 516      }
 518      # Now there might be too much data in the cache, if we spliced out
 519      # some short records and spliced in some long ones.  If so, flush
 520      # the cache.
 521      $self->_cache_flush;
 522    }
 524    # Yes, the return value of 'splice' *is* actually this complicated
 525    wantarray ? @result : @result ? $result[-1] : undef;
 526  }
 529  # write data into the file
 530  # $data is the data to be written.
 531  # it should be written at position $pos, and should overwrite
 532  # exactly $len of the following bytes.  
 533  # Note that if length($data) > $len, the subsequent bytes will have to 
 534  # be moved up, and if length($data) < $len, they will have to
 535  # be moved down
 536  sub _twrite {
 537    my ($self, $data, $pos, $len) = @_;
 539    unless (defined $pos) {
 540      die "\$pos was undefined in _twrite";
 541    }
 543    my $len_diff = length($data) - $len;
 545    if ($len_diff == 0) {          # Woo-hoo!
 546      my $fh = $self->{fh};
 547      $self->_seekb($pos);
 548      $self->_write_record($data);
 549      return;                     # well, that was easy.
 550    }
 552    # the two records are of different lengths
 553    # our strategy here: rewrite the tail of the file,
 554    # reading ahead one buffer at a time
 555    # $bufsize is required to be at least as large as the data we're overwriting
 556    my $bufsize = _bufsize($len_diff);
 557    my ($writepos, $readpos) = ($pos, $pos+$len);
 558    my $next_block;
 559    my $more_data;
 561    # Seems like there ought to be a way to avoid the repeated code
 562    # and the special case here.  The read(1) is also a little weird.
 563    # Think about this.
 564    do {
 565      $self->_seekb($readpos);
 566      my $br = read $self->{fh}, $next_block, $bufsize;
 567      $more_data = read $self->{fh}, my($dummy), 1;
 568      $self->_seekb($writepos);
 569      $self->_write_record($data);
 570      $readpos += $br;
 571      $writepos += length $data;
 572      $data = $next_block;
 573    } while $more_data;
 574    $self->_seekb($writepos);
 575    $self->_write_record($next_block);
 577    # There might be leftover data at the end of the file
 578    $self->_chop_file if $len_diff < 0;
 579  }
 581  # _iwrite(D, S, E)
 582  # Insert text D at position S.
 583  # Let C = E-S-|D|.  If C < 0; die.  
 584  # Data in [S,S+C) is copied to [S+D,S+D+C) = [S+D,E).
 585  # Data in [S+C = E-D, E) is returned.  Data in [E, oo) is untouched.
 586  #
 587  # In a later version, don't read the entire intervening area into
 588  # memory at once; do the copying block by block.
 589  sub _iwrite {
 590    my $self = shift;
 591    my ($D, $s, $e) = @_;
 592    my $d = length $D;
 593    my $c = $e-$s-$d;
 594    local *FH = $self->{fh};
 595    confess "Not enough space to insert $d bytes between $s and $e"
 596      if $c < 0;
 597    confess "[$s,$e) is an invalid insertion range" if $e < $s;
 599    $self->_seekb($s);
 600    read FH, my $buf, $e-$s;
 602    $D .= substr($buf, 0, $c, "");
 604    $self->_seekb($s);
 605    $self->_write_record($D);
 607    return $buf;
 608  }
 610  # Like _twrite, but the data-pos-len triple may be repeated; you may
 611  # write several chunks.  All the writing will be done in
 612  # one pass.   Chunks SHALL be in ascending order and SHALL NOT overlap.
 613  sub _mtwrite {
 614    my $self = shift;
 615    my $unwritten = "";
 616    my $delta = 0;
 618    @_ % 3 == 0 
 619      or die "Arguments to _mtwrite did not come in groups of three";
 621    while (@_) {
 622      my ($data, $pos, $len) = splice @_, 0, 3;
 623      my $end = $pos + $len;  # The OLD end of the segment to be replaced
 624      $data = $unwritten . $data;
 625      $delta -= length($unwritten);
 626      $unwritten  = "";
 627      $pos += $delta;             # This is where the data goes now
 628      my $dlen = length $data;
 629      $self->_seekb($pos);
 630      if ($len >= $dlen) {        # the data will fit
 631        $self->_write_record($data);
 632        $delta += ($dlen - $len); # everything following moves down by this much
 633        $data = ""; # All the data in the buffer has been written
 634      } else {                    # won't fit
 635        my $writable = substr($data, 0, $len - $delta, "");
 636        $self->_write_record($writable);
 637        $delta += ($dlen - $len); # everything following moves down by this much
 638      } 
 640      # At this point we've written some but maybe not all of the data.
 641      # There might be a gap to close up, or $data might still contain a
 642      # bunch of unwritten data that didn't fit.
 643      my $ndlen = length $data;
 644      if ($delta == 0) {
 645        $self->_write_record($data);
 646      } elsif ($delta < 0) {
 647        # upcopy (close up gap)
 648        if (@_) {
 649          $self->_upcopy($end, $end + $delta, $_[1] - $end);  
 650        } else {
 651          $self->_upcopy($end, $end + $delta);  
 652        }
 653      } else {
 654        # downcopy (insert data that didn't fit; replace this data in memory
 655        # with _later_ data that doesn't fit)
 656        if (@_) {
 657          $unwritten = $self->_downcopy($data, $end, $_[1] - $end);
 658        } else {
 659          # Make the file longer to accommodate the last segment that doesn'
 660          $unwritten = $self->_downcopy($data, $end);
 661        }
 662      }
 663    }
 664  }
 666  # Copy block of data of length $len from position $spos to position $dpos
 667  # $dpos must be <= $spos
 668  #
 669  # If $len is undefined, go all the way to the end of the file
 670  # and then truncate it ($spos - $dpos bytes will be removed)
 671  sub _upcopy {
 672    my $blocksize = 8192;
 673    my ($self, $spos, $dpos, $len) = @_;
 674    if ($dpos > $spos) {
 675      die "source ($spos) was upstream of destination ($dpos) in _upcopy";
 676    } elsif ($dpos == $spos) {
 677      return;
 678    }
 680    while (! defined ($len) || $len > 0) {
 681      my $readsize = ! defined($len) ? $blocksize
 682                 : $len > $blocksize ? $blocksize
 683                 : $len;
 685      my $fh = $self->{fh};
 686      $self->_seekb($spos);
 687      my $bytes_read = read $fh, my($data), $readsize;
 688      $self->_seekb($dpos);
 689      if ($data eq "") { 
 690        $self->_chop_file;
 691        last;
 692      }
 693      $self->_write_record($data);
 694      $spos += $bytes_read;
 695      $dpos += $bytes_read;
 696      $len -= $bytes_read if defined $len;
 697    }
 698  }
 700  # Write $data into a block of length $len at position $pos,
 701  # moving everything in the block forwards to make room.
 702  # Instead of writing the last length($data) bytes from the block
 703  # (because there isn't room for them any longer) return them.
 704  #
 705  # Undefined $len means 'until the end of the file'
 706  sub _downcopy {
 707    my $blocksize = 8192;
 708    my ($self, $data, $pos, $len) = @_;
 709    my $fh = $self->{fh};
 711    while (! defined $len || $len > 0) {
 712      my $readsize = ! defined($len) ? $blocksize 
 713        : $len > $blocksize? $blocksize : $len;
 714      $self->_seekb($pos);
 715      read $fh, my($old), $readsize;
 716      my $last_read_was_short = length($old) < $readsize;
 717      $data .= $old;
 718      my $writable;
 719      if ($last_read_was_short) {
 720        # If last read was short, then $data now contains the entire rest
 721        # of the file, so there's no need to write only one block of it
 722        $writable = $data;
 723        $data = "";
 724      } else {
 725        $writable = substr($data, 0, $readsize, "");
 726      }
 727      last if $writable eq "";
 728      $self->_seekb($pos);
 729      $self->_write_record($writable);
 730      last if $last_read_was_short && $data eq "";
 731      $len -= $readsize if defined $len;
 732      $pos += $readsize;
 733    }
 734    return $data;
 735  }
 737  # Adjust the object data structures following an '_mtwrite'
 738  # Arguments are
 739  #  [$pos, $nrecs, @length]  items
 740  # indicating that $nrecs records were removed at $recpos (a record offset)
 741  # and replaced with records of length @length...
 742  # Arguments guarantee that $recpos is strictly increasing.
 743  # No return value
 744  sub _oadjust {
 745    my $self = shift;
 746    my $delta = 0;
 747    my $delta_recs = 0;
 748    my $prev_end = -1;
 749    my %newkeys;
 751    for (@_) {
 752      my ($pos, $nrecs, @data) = @$_;
 753      $pos += $delta_recs;
 755      # Adjust the offsets of the records after the previous batch up
 756      # to the first new one of this batch
 757      for my $i ($prev_end+2 .. $pos - 1) {
 758        $self->{offsets}[$i] += $delta;
 759        $newkey{$i} = $i + $delta_recs;
 760      }
 762      $prev_end = $pos + @data - 1; # last record moved on this pass 
 764      # Remove the offsets for the removed records;
 765      # replace with the offsets for the inserted records
 766      my @newoff = ($self->{offsets}[$pos] + $delta);
 767      for my $i (0 .. $#data) {
 768        my $newlen = length $data[$i];
 769        push @newoff, $newoff[$i] + $newlen;
 770        $delta += $newlen;
 771      }
 773      for my $i ($pos .. $pos+$nrecs-1) {
 774        last if $i+1 > $#{$self->{offsets}};
 775        my $oldlen = $self->{offsets}[$i+1] - $self->{offsets}[$i];
 776        $delta -= $oldlen;
 777      }
 779  #    # also this data has changed, so update it in the cache
 780  #    for (0 .. $#data) {
 781  #      $self->{cache}->update($pos + $_, $data[$_]);
 782  #    }
 783  #    if ($delta_recs) {
 784  #      my @oldkeys = grep $_ >= $pos + @data, $self->{cache}->ckeys;
 785  #      my @newkeys = map $_ + $delta_recs, @oldkeys;
 786  #      $self->{cache}->rekey(\@oldkeys, \@newkeys);
 787  #    }
 789      # replace old offsets with new
 790      splice @{$self->{offsets}}, $pos, $nrecs+1, @newoff;
 791      # What if we just spliced out the end of the offsets table?
 792      # shouldn't we clear $self->{eof}?   Test for this XXX BUG TODO
 794      $delta_recs += @data - $nrecs; # net change in total number of records
 795    }
 797    # The trailing records at the very end of the file
 798    if ($delta) {
 799      for my $i ($prev_end+2 .. $#{$self->{offsets}}) {
 800        $self->{offsets}[$i] += $delta;
 801      }
 802    }
 804    # If we scrubbed out all known offsets, regenerate the trivial table
 805    # that knows that the file does indeed start at 0.
 806    $self->{offsets}[0] = 0 unless @{$self->{offsets}};
 807    # If the file got longer, the offsets table is no longer complete
 808    # $self->{eof} = 0 if $delta_recs > 0;
 810    # Now there might be too much data in the cache, if we spliced out
 811    # some short records and spliced in some long ones.  If so, flush
 812    # the cache.
 813    $self->_cache_flush;
 814  }
 816  # If a record does not already end with the appropriate terminator
 817  # string, append one.
 818  sub _fixrecs {
 819    my $self = shift;
 820    for (@_) {
 821      $_ = "" unless defined $_;
 822      $_ .= $self->{recsep}
 823        unless substr($_, - $self->{recseplen}) eq $self->{recsep};
 824    }
 825  }
 828  ################################################################
 829  #
 830  # Basic read, write, and seek
 831  #
 833  # seek to the beginning of record #$n
 834  # Assumes that the offsets table is already correctly populated
 835  #
 836  # Note that $n=-1 has a special meaning here: It means the start of
 837  # the last known record; this may or may not be the very last record
 838  # in the file, depending on whether the offsets table is fully populated.
 839  #
 840  sub _seek {
 841    my ($self, $n) = @_;
 842    my $o = $self->{offsets}[$n];
 843    defined($o)
 844      or confess("logic error: undefined offset for record $n");
 845    seek $self->{fh}, $o, SEEK_SET
 846      or confess "Couldn't seek filehandle: $!";  # "Should never happen."
 847  }
 849  # seek to byte $b in the file
 850  sub _seekb {
 851    my ($self, $b) = @_;
 852    seek $self->{fh}, $b, SEEK_SET
 853      or die "Couldn't seek filehandle: $!";  # "Should never happen."
 854  }
 856  # populate the offsets table up to the beginning of record $n
 857  # return the offset of record $n
 858  sub _fill_offsets_to {
 859    my ($self, $n) = @_;
 861    return $self->{offsets}[$n] if $self->{eof};
 863    my $fh = $self->{fh};
 864    local *OFF = $self->{offsets};
 865    my $rec;
 867    until ($#OFF >= $n) {
 868      $self->_seek(-1);           # tricky -- see comment at _seek
 869      $rec = $self->_read_record;
 870      if (defined $rec) {
 871        push @OFF, int(tell $fh);  # Tels says that int() saves memory here
 872      } else {
 873        $self->{eof} = 1;
 874        return;                   # It turns out there is no such record
 875      }
 876    }
 878    # we have now read all the records up to record n-1,
 879    # so we can return the offset of record n
 880    $OFF[$n];
 881  }
 883  sub _fill_offsets {
 884    my ($self) = @_;
 886    my $fh = $self->{fh};
 887    local *OFF = $self->{offsets};
 889    $self->_seek(-1);           # tricky -- see comment at _seek
 891    # Tels says that inlining read_record() would make this loop
 892    # five times faster. 20030508
 893    while ( defined $self->_read_record()) {
 894      # int() saves us memory here
 895      push @OFF, int(tell $fh);
 896    }
 898    $self->{eof} = 1;
 899    $#OFF;
 900  }
 902  # assumes that $rec is already suitably terminated
 903  sub _write_record {
 904    my ($self, $rec) = @_;
 905    my $fh = $self->{fh};
 906    local $\ = "";
 907    print $fh $rec
 908      or die "Couldn't write record: $!";  # "Should never happen."
 909  #  $self->{_written} += length($rec);
 910  }
 912  sub _read_record {
 913    my $self = shift;
 914    my $rec;
 915    { local $/ = $self->{recsep};
 916      my $fh = $self->{fh};
 917      $rec = <$fh>;
 918    }
 919    return unless defined $rec;
 920    if (substr($rec, -$self->{recseplen}) ne $self->{recsep}) {
 921      # improperly terminated final record --- quietly fix it.
 922  #    my $ac = substr($rec, -$self->{recseplen});
 923  #    $ac =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
 924      $self->{sawlastrec} = 1;
 925      unless ($self->{rdonly}) {
 926        local $\ = "";
 927        my $fh = $self->{fh};
 928        print $fh $self->{recsep};
 929      }
 930      $rec .= $self->{recsep};
 931    }
 932  #  $self->{_read} += length($rec) if defined $rec;
 933    $rec;
 934  }
 936  sub _rw_stats {
 937    my $self = shift;
 938    @{$self}{'_read', '_written'};
 939  }
 941  ################################################################
 942  #
 943  # Read cache management
 945  sub _cache_flush {
 946    my ($self) = @_;
 947    $self->{cache}->reduce_size_to($self->{memory} - $self->{deferred_s});
 948  }
 950  sub _cache_too_full {
 951    my $self = shift;
 952    $self->{cache}->bytes + $self->{deferred_s} >= $self->{memory};
 953  }
 955  ################################################################
 956  #
 957  # File custodial services
 958  #
 961  # We have read to the end of the file and have the offsets table
 962  # entirely populated.  Now we need to write a new record beyond
 963  # the end of the file.  We prepare for this by writing
 964  # empty records into the file up to the position we want
 965  #
 966  # assumes that the offsets table already contains the offset of record $n,
 967  # if it exists, and extends to the end of the file if not.
 968  sub _extend_file_to {
 969    my ($self, $n) = @_;
 970    $self->_seek(-1);             # position after the end of the last record
 971    my $pos = $self->{offsets}[-1];
 973    # the offsets table has one entry more than the total number of records
 974    my $extras = $n - $#{$self->{offsets}};
 976    # Todo : just use $self->{recsep} x $extras here?
 977    while ($extras-- > 0) {
 978      $self->_write_record($self->{recsep});
 979      push @{$self->{offsets}}, int(tell $self->{fh});
 980    }
 981  }
 983  # Truncate the file at the current position
 984  sub _chop_file {
 985    my $self = shift;
 986    truncate $self->{fh}, tell($self->{fh});
 987  }
 990  # compute the size of a buffer suitable for moving
 991  # all the data in a file forward $n bytes
 992  # ($n may be negative)
 993  # The result should be at least $n.
 994  sub _bufsize {
 995    my $n = shift;
 996    return 8192 if $n <= 0;
 997    my $b = $n & ~8191;
 998    $b += 8192 if $n & 8191;
 999    $b;
1000  }
1002  ################################################################
1003  #
1004  # Miscellaneous public methods
1005  #
1007  # Lock the file
1008  sub flock {
1009    my ($self, $op) = @_;
1010    unless (@_ <= 3) {
1011      my $pack = ref $self;
1012      croak "Usage: $pack\->flock([OPERATION])";
1013    }
1014    my $fh = $self->{fh};
1015    $op = LOCK_EX unless defined $op;
1016    my $locked = flock $fh, $op;
1018    if ($locked && ($op & (LOCK_EX | LOCK_SH))) {
1019      # If you're locking the file, then presumably it's because
1020      # there might have been a write access by another process.
1021      # In that case, the read cache contents and the offsets table
1022      # might be invalid, so discard them.  20030508
1023      $self->{offsets} = [0];
1024      $self->{cache}->empty;
1025    }
1027    $locked;
1028  }
1030  # Get/set autochomp option
1031  sub autochomp {
1032    my $self = shift;
1033    if (@_) {
1034      my $old = $self->{autochomp};
1035      $self->{autochomp} = shift;
1036      $old;
1037    } else {
1038      $self->{autochomp};
1039    }
1040  }
1042  # Get offset table entries; returns offset of nth record
1043  sub offset {
1044    my ($self, $n) = @_;
1046    if ($#{$self->{offsets}} < $n) {
1047      return if $self->{eof};     # request for record beyond the end of file
1048      my $o = $self->_fill_offsets_to($n);
1049      # If it's still undefined, there is no such record, so return 'undef'
1050      return unless defined $o;
1051     }
1053    $self->{offsets}[$n];
1054  }
1056  sub discard_offsets {
1057    my $self = shift;
1058    $self->{offsets} = [0];
1059  }
1061  ################################################################
1062  #
1063  # Matters related to deferred writing
1064  #
1066  # Defer writes
1067  sub defer {
1068    my $self = shift;
1069    $self->_stop_autodeferring;
1070    @{$self->{ad_history}} = ();
1071    $self->{defer} = 1;
1072  }
1074  # Flush deferred writes
1075  #
1076  # This could be better optimized to write the file in one pass, instead
1077  # of one pass per block of records.  But that will require modifications
1078  # to _twrite, so I should have a good _twrite test suite first.
1079  sub flush {
1080    my $self = shift;
1082    $self->_flush;
1083    $self->{defer} = 0;
1084  }
1086  sub _old_flush {
1087    my $self = shift;
1088    my @writable = sort {$a<=>$b} (keys %{$self->{deferred}});
1090    while (@writable) {
1091      # gather all consecutive records from the front of @writable
1092      my $first_rec = shift @writable;
1093      my $last_rec = $first_rec+1;
1094      ++$last_rec, shift @writable while @writable && $last_rec == $writable[0];
1095      --$last_rec;
1096      $self->_fill_offsets_to($last_rec);
1097      $self->_extend_file_to($last_rec);
1098      $self->_splice($first_rec, $last_rec-$first_rec+1, 
1099                     @{$self->{deferred}}{$first_rec .. $last_rec});
1100    }
1102    $self->_discard;               # clear out defered-write-cache
1103  }
1105  sub _flush {
1106    my $self = shift;
1107    my @writable = sort {$a<=>$b} (keys %{$self->{deferred}});
1108    my @args;
1109    my @adjust;
1111    while (@writable) {
1112      # gather all consecutive records from the front of @writable
1113      my $first_rec = shift @writable;
1114      my $last_rec = $first_rec+1;
1115      ++$last_rec, shift @writable while @writable && $last_rec == $writable[0];
1116      --$last_rec;
1117      my $end = $self->_fill_offsets_to($last_rec+1);
1118      if (not defined $end) {
1119        $self->_extend_file_to($last_rec);
1120        $end = $self->{offsets}[$last_rec];
1121      }
1122      my ($start) = $self->{offsets}[$first_rec];
1123      push @args,
1124           join("", @{$self->{deferred}}{$first_rec .. $last_rec}), # data
1125           $start,                                                  # position
1126           $end-$start;                                             # length
1127      push @adjust, [$first_rec, # starting at this position...
1128                     $last_rec-$first_rec+1,  # this many records...
1129                     # are replaced with these...
1130                     @{$self->{deferred}}{$first_rec .. $last_rec},
1131                    ];
1132    }
1134    $self->_mtwrite(@args);  # write multiple record groups
1135    $self->_discard;               # clear out defered-write-cache
1136    $self->_oadjust(@adjust);
1137  }
1139  # Discard deferred writes and disable future deferred writes
1140  sub discard {
1141    my $self = shift;
1142    $self->_discard;
1143    $self->{defer} = 0;
1144  }
1146  # Discard deferred writes, but retain old deferred writing mode
1147  sub _discard {
1148    my $self = shift;
1149    %{$self->{deferred}} = ();
1150    $self->{deferred_s}  = 0;
1151    $self->{deferred_max}  = -1;
1152    $self->{cache}->set_limit($self->{memory});
1153  }
1155  # Deferred writing is enabled, either explicitly ($self->{defer})
1156  # or automatically ($self->{autodeferring})
1157  sub _is_deferring {
1158    my $self = shift;
1159    $self->{defer} || $self->{autodeferring};
1160  }
1162  # The largest record number of any deferred record
1163  sub _defer_max {
1164    my $self = shift;
1165    return $self->{deferred_max} if defined $self->{deferred_max};
1166    my $max = -1;
1167    for my $key (keys %{$self->{deferred}}) {
1168      $max = $key if $key > $max;
1169    }
1170    $self->{deferred_max} = $max;
1171    $max;
1172  }
1174  ################################################################
1175  #
1176  # Matters related to autodeferment
1177  #
1179  # Get/set autodefer option
1180  sub autodefer {
1181    my $self = shift;
1182    if (@_) {
1183      my $old = $self->{autodefer};
1184      $self->{autodefer} = shift;
1185      if ($old) {
1186        $self->_stop_autodeferring;
1187        @{$self->{ad_history}} = ();
1188      }
1189      $old;
1190    } else {
1191      $self->{autodefer};
1192    }
1193  }
1195  # The user is trying to store record #$n Record that in the history,
1196  # and then enable (or disable) autodeferment if that seems useful.
1197  # Note that it's OK for $n to be a non-number, as long as the function
1198  # is prepared to deal with that.  Nobody else looks at the ad_history.
1199  #
1200  # Now, what does the ad_history mean, and what is this function doing?
1201  # Essentially, the idea is to enable autodeferring when we see that the
1202  # user has made three consecutive STORE calls to three consecutive records.
1203  # ("Three" is actually ->{autodefer_threshhold}.)
1204  # A STORE call for record #$n inserts $n into the autodefer history,
1205  # and if the history contains three consecutive records, we enable 
1206  # autodeferment.  An ad_history of [X, Y] means that the most recent
1207  # STOREs were for records X, X+1, ..., Y, in that order.  
1208  #
1209  # Inserting a nonconsecutive number erases the history and starts over.
1210  #
1211  # Performing a special operation like SPLICE erases the history.
1212  #
1213  # There's one special case: CLEAR means that CLEAR was just called.
1214  # In this case, we prime the history with [-2, -1] so that if the next
1215  # write is for record 0, autodeferring goes on immediately.  This is for
1216  # the common special case of "@a = (...)".
1217  #
1218  sub _annotate_ad_history {
1219    my ($self, $n) = @_;
1220    return unless $self->{autodefer}; # feature is disabled
1221    return if $self->{defer};     # already in explicit defer mode
1222    return unless $self->{offsets}[-1] >= $self->{autodefer_filelen_threshhold};
1224    local *H = $self->{ad_history};
1225    if ($n eq 'CLEAR') {
1226      @H = (-2, -1);              # prime the history with fake records
1227      $self->_stop_autodeferring;
1228    } elsif ($n =~ /^\d+$/) {
1229      if (@H == 0) {
1230        @H =  ($n, $n);
1231      } else {                    # @H == 2
1232        if ($H[1] == $n-1) {      # another consecutive record
1233          $H[1]++;
1234          if ($H[1] - $H[0] + 1 >= $self->{autodefer_threshhold}) {
1235            $self->{autodeferring} = 1;
1236          }
1237        } else {                  # nonconsecutive- erase and start over
1238          @H = ($n, $n);
1239          $self->_stop_autodeferring;
1240        }
1241      }
1242    } else {                      # SPLICE or STORESIZE or some such
1243      @H = ();
1244      $self->_stop_autodeferring;
1245    }
1246  }
1248  # If autodeferring was enabled, cut it out and discard the history
1249  sub _stop_autodeferring {
1250    my $self = shift;
1251    if ($self->{autodeferring}) {
1252      $self->_flush;
1253    }
1254    $self->{autodeferring} = 0;
1255  }
1257  ################################################################
1260  # This is NOT a method.  It is here for two reasons:
1261  #  1. To factor a fairly complicated block out of the constructor
1262  #  2. To provide access for the test suite, which need to be sure
1263  #     files are being written properly.
1264  sub _default_recsep {
1265    my $recsep = $/;
1266    if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {       # Dos too?
1267      # Windows users expect files to be terminated with \r\n
1268      # But $/ is set to \n instead
1269      # Note that this also transforms \n\n into \r\n\r\n.
1270      # That is a feature.
1271      $recsep =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
1272    }
1273    $recsep;
1274  }
1276  # Utility function for _check_integrity
1277  sub _ci_warn {
1278    my $msg = shift;
1279    $msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
1280    $msg =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
1281    print "# $msg\n";
1282  }
1284  # Given a file, make sure the cache is consistent with the
1285  # file contents and the internal data structures are consistent with
1286  # each other.  Returns true if everything checks out, false if not
1287  #
1288  # The $file argument is no longer used.  It is retained for compatibility
1289  # with the existing test suite.
1290  sub _check_integrity {
1291    my ($self, $file, $warn) = @_;
1292    my $rsl = $self->{recseplen};
1293    my $rs  = $self->{recsep};
1294    my $good = 1; 
1295    local *_;                     # local $_ does not work here
1296    local $DIAGNOSTIC = 1;
1298    if (not defined $rs) {
1299      _ci_warn("recsep is undef!");
1300      $good = 0;
1301    } elsif ($rs eq "") {
1302      _ci_warn("recsep is empty!");
1303      $good = 0;
1304    } elsif ($rsl != length $rs) {
1305      my $ln = length $rs;
1306      _ci_warn("recsep <$rs> has length $ln, should be $rsl");
1307      $good = 0;
1308    }
1310    if (not defined $self->{offsets}[0]) {
1311      _ci_warn("offset 0 is missing!");
1312      $good = 0;
1314    } elsif ($self->{offsets}[0] != 0) {
1315      _ci_warn("rec 0: offset <$self->{offsets}[0]> s/b 0!");
1316      $good = 0;
1317    }
1319    my $cached = 0;
1320    {
1321      local *F = $self->{fh};
1322      seek F, 0, SEEK_SET;
1323      local $. = 0;
1324      local $/ = $rs;
1326      while (<F>) {
1327        my $n = $. - 1;
1328        my $cached = $self->{cache}->_produce($n);
1329        my $offset = $self->{offsets}[$.];
1330        my $ao = tell F;
1331        if (defined $offset && $offset != $ao) {
1332          _ci_warn("rec $n: offset <$offset> actual <$ao>");
1333          $good = 0;
1334        }
1335        if (defined $cached && $_ ne $cached && ! $self->{deferred}{$n}) {
1336          $good = 0;
1337          _ci_warn("rec $n: cached <$cached> actual <$_>");
1338        }
1339        if (defined $cached && substr($cached, -$rsl) ne $rs) {
1340          $good = 0;
1341          _ci_warn("rec $n in the cache is missing the record separator");
1342        }
1343        if (! defined $offset && $self->{eof}) {
1344          $good = 0;
1345          _ci_warn("The offset table was marked complete, but it is missing element $.");
1346        }
1347      }
1348      if (@{$self->{offsets}} > $.+1) {
1349          $good = 0;
1350          my $n = @{$self->{offsets}};
1351          _ci_warn("The offset table has $n items, but the file has only $.");
1352      }
1354      my $deferring = $self->_is_deferring;
1355      for my $n ($self->{cache}->ckeys) {
1356        my $r = $self->{cache}->_produce($n);
1357        $cached += length($r);
1358        next if $n+1 <= $.;         # checked this already
1359        _ci_warn("spurious caching of record $n");
1360        $good = 0;
1361      }
1362      my $b = $self->{cache}->bytes;
1363      if ($cached != $b) {
1364        _ci_warn("cache size is $b, should be $cached");
1365        $good = 0;
1366      }
1367    }
1369    # That cache has its own set of tests
1370    $good = 0 unless $self->{cache}->_check_integrity;
1372    # Now let's check the deferbuffer
1373    # Unless deferred writing is enabled, it should be empty
1374    if (! $self->_is_deferring && %{$self->{deferred}}) {
1375      _ci_warn("deferred writing disabled, but deferbuffer nonempty");
1376      $good = 0;
1377    }
1379    # Any record in the deferbuffer should *not* be present in the readcache
1380    my $deferred_s = 0;
1381    while (my ($n, $r) = each %{$self->{deferred}}) {
1382      $deferred_s += length($r);
1383      if (defined $self->{cache}->_produce($n)) {
1384        _ci_warn("record $n is in the deferbuffer *and* the readcache");
1385        $good = 0;
1386      }
1387      if (substr($r, -$rsl) ne $rs) {
1388        _ci_warn("rec $n in the deferbuffer is missing the record separator");
1389        $good = 0;
1390      }
1391    }
1393    # Total size of deferbuffer should match internal total
1394    if ($deferred_s != $self->{deferred_s}) {
1395      _ci_warn("buffer size is $self->{deferred_s}, should be $deferred_s");
1396      $good = 0;
1397    }
1399    # Total size of deferbuffer should not exceed the specified limit
1400    if ($deferred_s > $self->{dw_size}) {
1401      _ci_warn("buffer size is $self->{deferred_s} which exceeds the limit of $self->{dw_size}");
1402      $good = 0;
1403    }
1405    # Total size of cached data should not exceed the specified limit
1406    if ($deferred_s + $cached > $self->{memory}) {
1407      my $total = $deferred_s + $cached;
1408      _ci_warn("total stored data size is $total which exceeds the limit of $self->{memory}");
1409      $good = 0;
1410    }
1412    # Stuff related to autodeferment
1413    if (!$self->{autodefer} && @{$self->{ad_history}}) {
1414      _ci_warn("autodefer is disabled, but ad_history is nonempty");
1415      $good = 0;
1416    }
1417    if ($self->{autodeferring} && $self->{defer}) {
1418      _ci_warn("both autodeferring and explicit deferring are active");
1419      $good = 0;
1420    }
1421    if (@{$self->{ad_history}} == 0) {
1422      # That's OK, no additional tests required
1423    } elsif (@{$self->{ad_history}} == 2) {
1424      my @non_number = grep !/^-?\d+$/, @{$self->{ad_history}};
1425      if (@non_number) {
1426        my $msg;
1427        { local $" = ')(';
1428          $msg = "ad_history contains non-numbers (@{$self->{ad_history}})";
1429        }
1430        _ci_warn($msg);
1431        $good = 0;
1432      } elsif ($self->{ad_history}[1] < $self->{ad_history}[0]) {
1433        _ci_warn("ad_history has nonsensical values @{$self->{ad_history}}");
1434        $good = 0;
1435      }
1436    } else {
1437      _ci_warn("ad_history has bad length <@{$self->{ad_history}}>");
1438      $good = 0;
1439    }
1441    $good;
1442  }
1444  ################################################################
1445  #
1446  # Tie::File::Cache
1447  #
1448  # Read cache
1450  package Tie::File::Cache;
1451  $Tie::File::Cache::VERSION = $Tie::File::VERSION;
1452  use Carp ':DEFAULT', 'confess';
1454  sub HEAP () { 0 }
1455  sub HASH () { 1 }
1456  sub MAX  () { 2 }
1457  sub BYTES() { 3 }
1458  #sub STAT () { 4 } # Array with request statistics for each record
1459  #sub MISS () { 5 } # Total number of cache misses
1460  #sub REQ  () { 6 } # Total number of cache requests 
1461  use strict 'vars';
1463  sub new {
1464    my ($pack, $max) = @_;
1465    local *_;
1466    croak "missing argument to ->new" unless defined $max;
1467    my $self = [];
1468    bless $self => $pack;
1469    @$self = (Tie::File::Heap->new($self), {}, $max, 0);
1470    $self;
1471  }
1473  sub adj_limit {
1474    my ($self, $n) = @_;
1475    $self->[MAX] += $n;
1476  }
1478  sub set_limit {
1479    my ($self, $n) = @_;
1480    $self->[MAX] = $n;
1481  }
1483  # For internal use only
1484  # Will be called by the heap structure to notify us that a certain 
1485  # piece of data has moved from one heap element to another.
1486  # $k is the hash key of the item
1487  # $n is the new index into the heap at which it is stored
1488  # If $n is undefined, the item has been removed from the heap.
1489  sub _heap_move {
1490    my ($self, $k, $n) = @_;
1491    if (defined $n) {
1492      $self->[HASH]{$k} = $n;
1493    } else {
1494      delete $self->[HASH]{$k};
1495    }
1496  }
1498  sub insert {
1499    my ($self, $key, $val) = @_;
1500    local *_;
1501    croak "missing argument to ->insert" unless defined $key;
1502    unless (defined $self->[MAX]) {
1503      confess "undefined max" ;
1504    }
1505    confess "undefined val" unless defined $val;
1506    return if length($val) > $self->[MAX];
1508  #  if ($self->[STAT]) {
1509  #    $self->[STAT][$key] = 1;
1510  #    return;
1511  #  }
1513    my $oldnode = $self->[HASH]{$key};
1514    if (defined $oldnode) {
1515      my $oldval = $self->[HEAP]->set_val($oldnode, $val);
1516      $self->[BYTES] -= length($oldval);
1517    } else {
1518      $self->[HEAP]->insert($key, $val);
1519    }
1520    $self->[BYTES] += length($val);
1521    $self->flush if $self->[BYTES] > $self->[MAX];
1522  }
1524  sub expire {
1525    my $self = shift;
1526    my $old_data = $self->[HEAP]->popheap;
1527    return unless defined $old_data;
1528    $self->[BYTES] -= length $old_data;
1529    $old_data;
1530  }
1532  sub remove {
1533    my ($self, @keys) = @_;
1534    my @result;
1536  #  if ($self->[STAT]) {
1537  #    for my $key (@keys) {
1538  #      $self->[STAT][$key] = 0;
1539  #    }
1540  #    return;
1541  #  }
1543    for my $key (@keys) {
1544      next unless exists $self->[HASH]{$key};
1545      my $old_data = $self->[HEAP]->remove($self->[HASH]{$key});
1546      $self->[BYTES] -= length $old_data;
1547      push @result, $old_data;
1548    }
1549    @result;
1550  }
1552  sub lookup {
1553    my ($self, $key) = @_;
1554    local *_;
1555    croak "missing argument to ->lookup" unless defined $key;
1557  #  if ($self->[STAT]) {
1558  #    $self->[MISS]++  if $self->[STAT][$key]++ == 0;
1559  #    $self->[REQ]++;
1560  #    my $hit_rate = 1 - $self->[MISS] / $self->[REQ];
1561  #    # Do some testing to determine this threshhold
1562  #    $#$self = STAT - 1 if $hit_rate > 0.20; 
1563  #  }
1565    if (exists $self->[HASH]{$key}) {
1566      $self->[HEAP]->lookup($self->[HASH]{$key});
1567    } else {
1568      return;
1569    }
1570  }
1572  # For internal use only
1573  sub _produce {
1574    my ($self, $key) = @_;
1575    my $loc = $self->[HASH]{$key};
1576    return unless defined $loc;
1577    $self->[HEAP][$loc][2];
1578  }
1580  # For internal use only
1581  sub _promote {
1582    my ($self, $key) = @_;
1583    $self->[HEAP]->promote($self->[HASH]{$key});
1584  }
1586  sub empty {
1587    my ($self) = @_;
1588    %{$self->[HASH]} = ();
1589      $self->[BYTES] = 0;
1590      $self->[HEAP]->empty;
1591  #  @{$self->[STAT]} = ();
1592  #    $self->[MISS] = 0;
1593  #    $self->[REQ] = 0;
1594  }
1596  sub is_empty {
1597    my ($self) = @_;
1598    keys %{$self->[HASH]} == 0;
1599  }
1601  sub update {
1602    my ($self, $key, $val) = @_;
1603    local *_;
1604    croak "missing argument to ->update" unless defined $key;
1605    if (length($val) > $self->[MAX]) {
1606      my ($oldval) = $self->remove($key);
1607      $self->[BYTES] -= length($oldval) if defined $oldval;
1608    } elsif (exists $self->[HASH]{$key}) {
1609      my $oldval = $self->[HEAP]->set_val($self->[HASH]{$key}, $val);
1610      $self->[BYTES] += length($val);
1611      $self->[BYTES] -= length($oldval) if defined $oldval;
1612    } else {
1613      $self->[HEAP]->insert($key, $val);
1614      $self->[BYTES] += length($val);
1615    }
1616    $self->flush;
1617  }
1619  sub rekey {
1620    my ($self, $okeys, $nkeys) = @_;
1621    local *_;
1622    my %map;
1623    @map{@$okeys} = @$nkeys;
1624    croak "missing argument to ->rekey" unless defined $nkeys;
1625    croak "length mismatch in ->rekey arguments" unless @$nkeys == @$okeys;
1626    my %adjusted;                 # map new keys to heap indices
1627    # You should be able to cut this to one loop TODO XXX
1628    for (0 .. $#$okeys) {
1629      $adjusted{$nkeys->[$_]} = delete $self->[HASH]{$okeys->[$_]};
1630    }
1631    while (my ($nk, $ix) = each %adjusted) {
1632      # @{$self->[HASH]}{keys %adjusted} = values %adjusted;
1633      $self->[HEAP]->rekey($ix, $nk);
1634      $self->[HASH]{$nk} = $ix;
1635    }
1636  }
1638  sub ckeys {
1639    my $self = shift;
1640    my @a = keys %{$self->[HASH]};
1641    @a;
1642  }
1644  # Return total amount of cached data
1645  sub bytes {
1646    my $self = shift;
1647    $self->[BYTES];
1648  }
1650  # Expire oldest item from cache until cache size is smaller than $max
1651  sub reduce_size_to {
1652    my ($self, $max) = @_;
1653    until ($self->[BYTES] <= $max) {
1654      # Note that Tie::File::Cache::expire has been inlined here
1655      my $old_data = $self->[HEAP]->popheap;
1656      return unless defined $old_data;
1657      $self->[BYTES] -= length $old_data;
1658    }
1659  }
1661  # Why not just $self->reduce_size_to($self->[MAX])?
1662  # Try this when things stabilize   TODO XXX
1663  # If the cache is too full, expire the oldest records
1664  sub flush {
1665    my $self = shift;
1666    $self->reduce_size_to($self->[MAX]) if $self->[BYTES] > $self->[MAX];
1667  }
1669  # For internal use only
1670  sub _produce_lru {
1671    my $self = shift;
1672    $self->[HEAP]->expire_order;
1673  }
1675  BEGIN { *_ci_warn = \&Tie::File::_ci_warn }
1677  sub _check_integrity {          # For CACHE
1678    my $self = shift;
1679    my $good = 1;
1681    # Test HEAP
1682    $self->[HEAP]->_check_integrity or $good = 0;
1684    # Test HASH
1685    my $bytes = 0;
1686    for my $k (keys %{$self->[HASH]}) {
1687      if ($k ne '0' && $k !~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/) {
1688        $good = 0;
1689        _ci_warn "Cache hash key <$k> is non-numeric";
1690      }
1692      my $h = $self->[HASH]{$k};
1693      if (! defined $h) {
1694        $good = 0;
1695        _ci_warn "Heap index number for key $k is undefined";
1696      } elsif ($h == 0) {
1697        $good = 0;
1698        _ci_warn "Heap index number for key $k is zero";
1699      } else {
1700        my $j = $self->[HEAP][$h];
1701        if (! defined $j) {
1702          $good = 0;
1703          _ci_warn "Heap contents key $k (=> $h) are undefined";
1704        } else {
1705          $bytes += length($j->[2]);
1706          if ($k ne $j->[1]) {
1707            $good = 0;
1708            _ci_warn "Heap contents key $k (=> $h) is $j->[1], should be $k";
1709          }
1710        }
1711      }
1712    }
1714    # Test BYTES
1715    if ($bytes != $self->[BYTES]) {
1716      $good = 0;
1717      _ci_warn "Total data in cache is $bytes, expected $self->[BYTES]";
1718    }
1720    # Test MAX
1721    if ($bytes > $self->[MAX]) {
1722      $good = 0;
1723      _ci_warn "Total data in cache is $bytes, exceeds maximum $self->[MAX]";
1724    }
1726    return $good;
1727  }
1729  sub delink {
1730    my $self = shift;
1731    $self->[HEAP] = undef;        # Bye bye heap
1732  }
1734  ################################################################
1735  #
1736  # Tie::File::Heap
1737  #
1738  # Heap data structure for use by cache LRU routines
1740  package Tie::File::Heap;
1741  use Carp ':DEFAULT', 'confess';
1742  $Tie::File::Heap::VERSION = $Tie::File::Cache::VERSION;
1743  sub SEQ () { 0 };
1744  sub KEY () { 1 };
1745  sub DAT () { 2 };
1747  sub new {
1748    my ($pack, $cache) = @_;
1749    die "$pack: Parent cache object $cache does not support _heap_move method"
1750      unless eval { $cache->can('_heap_move') };
1751    my $self = [[0,$cache,0]];
1752    bless $self => $pack;
1753  }
1755  # Allocate a new sequence number, larger than all previously allocated numbers
1756  sub _nseq {
1757    my $self = shift;
1758    $self->[0][0]++;
1759  }
1761  sub _cache {
1762    my $self = shift;
1763    $self->[0][1];
1764  }
1766  sub _nelts {
1767    my $self = shift;
1768    $self->[0][2];
1769  }
1771  sub _nelts_inc {
1772    my $self = shift;
1773    ++$self->[0][2];
1774  }  
1776  sub _nelts_dec {
1777    my $self = shift;
1778    --$self->[0][2];
1779  }  
1781  sub is_empty {
1782    my $self = shift;
1783    $self->_nelts == 0;
1784  }
1786  sub empty {
1787    my $self = shift;
1788    $#$self = 0;
1789    $self->[0][2] = 0;
1790    $self->[0][0] = 0;            # might as well reset the sequence numbers
1791  }
1793  # notify the parent cache object that we moved something
1794  sub _heap_move {
1795    my $self = shift;
1796    $self->_cache->_heap_move(@_);
1797  }
1799  # Insert a piece of data into the heap with the indicated sequence number.
1800  # The item with the smallest sequence number is always at the top.
1801  # If no sequence number is specified, allocate a new one and insert the
1802  # item at the bottom.
1803  sub insert {
1804    my ($self, $key, $data, $seq) = @_;
1805    $seq = $self->_nseq unless defined $seq;
1806    $self->_insert_new([$seq, $key, $data]);
1807  }
1809  # Insert a new, fresh item at the bottom of the heap
1810  sub _insert_new {
1811    my ($self, $item) = @_;
1812    my $i = @$self;
1813    $i = int($i/2) until defined $self->[$i/2];
1814    $self->[$i] = $item;
1815    $self->[0][1]->_heap_move($self->[$i][KEY], $i);
1816    $self->_nelts_inc;
1817  }
1819  # Insert [$data, $seq] pair at or below item $i in the heap.
1820  # If $i is omitted, default to 1 (the top element.)
1821  sub _insert {
1822    my ($self, $item, $i) = @_;
1823  #  $self->_check_loc($i) if defined $i;
1824    $i = 1 unless defined $i;
1825    until (! defined $self->[$i]) {
1826      if ($self->[$i][SEQ] > $item->[SEQ]) { # inserted item is older
1827        ($self->[$i], $item) = ($item, $self->[$i]);
1828        $self->[0][1]->_heap_move($self->[$i][KEY], $i);
1829      }
1830      # If either is undefined, go that way.  Otherwise, choose at random
1831      my $dir;
1832      $dir = 0 if !defined $self->[2*$i];
1833      $dir = 1 if !defined $self->[2*$i+1];
1834      $dir = int(rand(2)) unless defined $dir;
1835      $i = 2*$i + $dir;
1836    }
1837    $self->[$i] = $item;
1838    $self->[0][1]->_heap_move($self->[$i][KEY], $i);
1839    $self->_nelts_inc;
1840  }
1842  # Remove the item at node $i from the heap, moving child items upwards.
1843  # The item with the smallest sequence number is always at the top.
1844  # Moving items upwards maintains this condition.
1845  # Return the removed item.  Return undef if there was no item at node $i.
1846  sub remove {
1847    my ($self, $i) = @_;
1848    $i = 1 unless defined $i;
1849    my $top = $self->[$i];
1850    return unless defined $top;
1851    while (1) {
1852      my $ii;
1853      my ($L, $R) = (2*$i, 2*$i+1);
1855      # If either is undefined, go the other way.
1856      # Otherwise, go towards the smallest.
1857      last unless defined $self->[$L] || defined $self->[$R];
1858      $ii = $R if not defined $self->[$L];
1859      $ii = $L if not defined $self->[$R];
1860      unless (defined $ii) {
1861        $ii = $self->[$L][SEQ] < $self->[$R][SEQ] ? $L : $R;
1862      }
1864      $self->[$i] = $self->[$ii]; # Promote child to fill vacated spot
1865      $self->[0][1]->_heap_move($self->[$i][KEY], $i);
1866      $i = $ii; # Fill new vacated spot
1867    }
1868    $self->[0][1]->_heap_move($top->[KEY], undef);
1869    undef $self->[$i];
1870    $self->_nelts_dec;
1871    return $top->[DAT];
1872  }
1874  sub popheap {
1875    my $self = shift;
1876    $self->remove(1);
1877  }
1879  # set the sequence number of the indicated item to a higher number
1880  # than any other item in the heap, and bubble the item down to the
1881  # bottom.
1882  sub promote {
1883    my ($self, $n) = @_;
1884  #  $self->_check_loc($n);
1885    $self->[$n][SEQ] = $self->_nseq;
1886    my $i = $n;
1887    while (1) {
1888      my ($L, $R) = (2*$i, 2*$i+1);
1889      my $dir;
1890      last unless defined $self->[$L] || defined $self->[$R];
1891      $dir = $R unless defined $self->[$L];
1892      $dir = $L unless defined $self->[$R];
1893      unless (defined $dir) {
1894        $dir = $self->[$L][SEQ] < $self->[$R][SEQ] ? $L : $R;
1895      }
1896      @{$self}[$i, $dir] = @{$self}[$dir, $i];
1897      for ($i, $dir) {
1898        $self->[0][1]->_heap_move($self->[$_][KEY], $_) if defined $self->[$_];
1899      }
1900      $i = $dir;
1901    }
1902  }
1904  # Return item $n from the heap, promoting its LRU status
1905  sub lookup {
1906    my ($self, $n) = @_;
1907  #  $self->_check_loc($n);
1908    my $val = $self->[$n];
1909    $self->promote($n);
1910    $val->[DAT];
1911  }
1914  # Assign a new value for node $n, promoting it to the bottom of the heap
1915  sub set_val {
1916    my ($self, $n, $val) = @_;
1917  #  $self->_check_loc($n);
1918    my $oval = $self->[$n][DAT];
1919    $self->[$n][DAT] = $val;
1920    $self->promote($n);
1921    return $oval;
1922  }
1924  # The hask key has changed for an item;
1925  # alter the heap's record of the hash key
1926  sub rekey {
1927    my ($self, $n, $new_key) = @_;
1928  #  $self->_check_loc($n);
1929    $self->[$n][KEY] = $new_key;
1930  }
1932  sub _check_loc {
1933    my ($self, $n) = @_;
1934    unless (1 || defined $self->[$n]) {
1935      confess "_check_loc($n) failed";
1936    }
1937  }
1939  BEGIN { *_ci_warn = \&Tie::File::_ci_warn }
1941  sub _check_integrity {
1942    my $self = shift;
1943    my $good = 1;
1944    my %seq;
1946    unless (eval {$self->[0][1]->isa("Tie::File::Cache")}) {
1947      _ci_warn "Element 0 of heap corrupt";
1948      $good = 0;
1949    }
1950    $good = 0 unless $self->_satisfies_heap_condition(1);
1951    for my $i (2 .. $#{$self}) {
1952      my $p = int($i/2);          # index of parent node
1953      if (defined $self->[$i] && ! defined $self->[$p]) {
1954        _ci_warn "Element $i of heap defined, but parent $p isn't";
1955        $good = 0;
1956      }
1958      if (defined $self->[$i]) {
1959        if ($seq{$self->[$i][SEQ]}) {
1960          my $seq = $self->[$i][SEQ];
1961          _ci_warn "Nodes $i and $seq{$seq} both have SEQ=$seq";
1962          $good = 0;
1963        } else {
1964          $seq{$self->[$i][SEQ]} = $i;
1965        }
1966      }
1967    }
1969    return $good;
1970  }
1972  sub _satisfies_heap_condition {
1973    my $self = shift;
1974    my $n = shift || 1;
1975    my $good = 1;
1976    for (0, 1) {
1977      my $c = $n*2 + $_;
1978      next unless defined $self->[$c];
1979      if ($self->[$n][SEQ] >= $self->[$c]) {
1980        _ci_warn "Node $n of heap does not predate node $c";
1981        $good = 0 ;
1982      }
1983      $good = 0 unless $self->_satisfies_heap_condition($c);
1984    }
1985    return $good;
1986  }
1988  # Return a list of all the values, sorted by expiration order
1989  sub expire_order {
1990    my $self = shift;
1991    my @nodes = sort {$a->[SEQ] <=> $b->[SEQ]} $self->_nodes;
1992    map { $_->[KEY] } @nodes;
1993  }
1995  sub _nodes {
1996    my $self = shift;
1997    my $i = shift || 1;
1998    return unless defined $self->[$i];
1999    ($self->[$i], $self->_nodes($i*2), $self->_nodes($i*2+1));
2000  }
2002  "Cogito, ergo sum.";  # don't forget to return a true value from the file
2004  __END__
2006  =head1 NAME
2008  Tie::File - Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
2010  =head1 SYNOPSIS
2012      # This file documents Tie::File version 0.97
2013      use Tie::File;
2015      tie @array, 'Tie::File', filename or die ...;
2017      $array[13] = 'blah';     # line 13 of the file is now 'blah'
2018      print $array[42];        # display line 42 of the file
2020      $n_recs = @array;        # how many records are in the file?
2021      $#array -= 2;            # chop two records off the end
2024      for (@array) {
2025        s/PERL/Perl/g;         # Replace PERL with Perl everywhere in the file
2026      }
2028      # These are just like regular push, pop, unshift, shift, and splice
2029      # Except that they modify the file in the way you would expect
2031      push @array, new recs...;
2032      my $r1 = pop @array;
2033      unshift @array, new recs...;
2034      my $r2 = shift @array;
2035      @old_recs = splice @array, 3, 7, new recs...;
2037      untie @array;            # all finished
2040  =head1 DESCRIPTION
2042  C<Tie::File> represents a regular text file as a Perl array.  Each
2043  element in the array corresponds to a record in the file.  The first
2044  line of the file is element 0 of the array; the second line is element
2045  1, and so on.
2047  The file is I<not> loaded into memory, so this will work even for
2048  gigantic files.
2050  Changes to the array are reflected in the file immediately.
2052  Lazy people and beginners may now stop reading the manual.
2054  =head2 C<recsep>
2056  What is a 'record'?  By default, the meaning is the same as for the
2057  C<E<lt>...E<gt>> operator: It's a string terminated by C<$/>, which is
2058  probably C<"\n">.  (Minor exception: on DOS and Win32 systems, a
2059  'record' is a string terminated by C<"\r\n">.)  You may change the
2060  definition of "record" by supplying the C<recsep> option in the C<tie>
2061  call:
2063      tie @array, 'Tie::File', $file, recsep => 'es';
2065  This says that records are delimited by the string C<es>.  If the file
2066  contained the following data:
2068      Curse these pesky flies!\n
2070  then the C<@array> would appear to have four elements:
2072      "Curse th"
2073      "e p"
2074      "ky fli"
2075      "!\n"
2077  An undefined value is not permitted as a record separator.  Perl's
2078  special "paragraph mode" semantics (E<agrave> la C<$/ = "">) are not
2079  emulated.
2081  Records read from the tied array do not have the record separator
2082  string on the end; this is to allow
2084      $array[17] .= "extra";
2086  to work as expected.
2088  (See L<"autochomp">, below.)  Records stored into the array will have
2089  the record separator string appended before they are written to the
2090  file, if they don't have one already.  For example, if the record
2091  separator string is C<"\n">, then the following two lines do exactly
2092  the same thing:
2094      $array[17] = "Cherry pie";
2095      $array[17] = "Cherry pie\n";
2097  The result is that the contents of line 17 of the file will be
2098  replaced with "Cherry pie"; a newline character will separate line 17
2099  from line 18.  This means that this code will do nothing:
2101      chomp $array[17];
2103  Because the C<chomp>ed value will have the separator reattached when
2104  it is written back to the file.  There is no way to create a file
2105  whose trailing record separator string is missing.
2107  Inserting records that I<contain> the record separator string is not
2108  supported by this module.  It will probably produce a reasonable
2109  result, but what this result will be may change in a future version.
2110  Use 'splice' to insert records or to replace one record with several.
2112  =head2 C<autochomp>
2114  Normally, array elements have the record separator removed, so that if
2115  the file contains the text
2117      Gold
2118      Frankincense
2119      Myrrh
2121  the tied array will appear to contain C<("Gold", "Frankincense",
2122  "Myrrh")>.  If you set C<autochomp> to a false value, the record
2123  separator will not be removed.  If the file above was tied with
2125      tie @gifts, "Tie::File", $gifts, autochomp => 0;
2127  then the array C<@gifts> would appear to contain C<("Gold\n",
2128  "Frankincense\n", "Myrrh\n")>, or (on Win32 systems) C<("Gold\r\n",
2129  "Frankincense\r\n", "Myrrh\r\n")>.
2131  =head2 C<mode>
2133  Normally, the specified file will be opened for read and write access,
2134  and will be created if it does not exist.  (That is, the flags
2135  C<O_RDWR | O_CREAT> are supplied in the C<open> call.)  If you want to
2136  change this, you may supply alternative flags in the C<mode> option.
2137  See L<Fcntl> for a listing of available flags.
2138  For example:
2140      # open the file if it exists, but fail if it does not exist
2141      use Fcntl 'O_RDWR';
2142      tie @array, 'Tie::File', $file, mode => O_RDWR;
2144      # create the file if it does not exist
2145      use Fcntl 'O_RDWR', 'O_CREAT';
2146      tie @array, 'Tie::File', $file, mode => O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
2148      # open an existing file in read-only mode
2149      use Fcntl 'O_RDONLY';
2150      tie @array, 'Tie::File', $file, mode => O_RDONLY;
2152  Opening the data file in write-only or append mode is not supported.
2154  =head2 C<memory>
2156  This is an upper limit on the amount of memory that C<Tie::File> will
2157  consume at any time while managing the file.  This is used for two
2158  things: managing the I<read cache> and managing the I<deferred write
2159  buffer>.
2161  Records read in from the file are cached, to avoid having to re-read
2162  them repeatedly.  If you read the same record twice, the first time it
2163  will be stored in memory, and the second time it will be fetched from
2164  the I<read cache>.  The amount of data in the read cache will not
2165  exceed the value you specified for C<memory>.  If C<Tie::File> wants
2166  to cache a new record, but the read cache is full, it will make room
2167  by expiring the least-recently visited records from the read cache.
2169  The default memory limit is 2Mib.  You can adjust the maximum read
2170  cache size by supplying the C<memory> option.  The argument is the
2171  desired cache size, in bytes.
2173      # I have a lot of memory, so use a large cache to speed up access
2174      tie @array, 'Tie::File', $file, memory => 20_000_000;
2176  Setting the memory limit to 0 will inhibit caching; records will be
2177  fetched from disk every time you examine them.
2179  The C<memory> value is not an absolute or exact limit on the memory
2180  used.  C<Tie::File> objects contains some structures besides the read
2181  cache and the deferred write buffer, whose sizes are not charged
2182  against C<memory>. 
2184  The cache itself consumes about 310 bytes per cached record, so if
2185  your file has many short records, you may want to decrease the cache
2186  memory limit, or else the cache overhead may exceed the size of the
2187  cached data.
2190  =head2 C<dw_size>
2192  (This is an advanced feature.  Skip this section on first reading.)
2194  If you use deferred writing (See L<"Deferred Writing">, below) then
2195  data you write into the array will not be written directly to the
2196  file; instead, it will be saved in the I<deferred write buffer> to be
2197  written out later.  Data in the deferred write buffer is also charged
2198  against the memory limit you set with the C<memory> option.
2200  You may set the C<dw_size> option to limit the amount of data that can
2201  be saved in the deferred write buffer.  This limit may not exceed the
2202  total memory limit.  For example, if you set C<dw_size> to 1000 and
2203  C<memory> to 2500, that means that no more than 1000 bytes of deferred
2204  writes will be saved up.  The space available for the read cache will
2205  vary, but it will always be at least 1500 bytes (if the deferred write
2206  buffer is full) and it could grow as large as 2500 bytes (if the
2207  deferred write buffer is empty.)
2209  If you don't specify a C<dw_size>, it defaults to the entire memory
2210  limit.
2212  =head2 Option Format
2214  C<-mode> is a synonym for C<mode>.  C<-recsep> is a synonym for
2215  C<recsep>.  C<-memory> is a synonym for C<memory>.  You get the
2216  idea.
2218  =head1 Public Methods
2220  The C<tie> call returns an object, say C<$o>.  You may call
2222      $rec = $o->FETCH($n);
2223      $o->STORE($n, $rec);
2225  to fetch or store the record at line C<$n>, respectively; similarly
2226  the other tied array methods.  (See L<perltie> for details.)  You may
2227  also call the following methods on this object:
2229  =head2 C<flock>
2231      $o->flock(MODE)
2233  will lock the tied file.  C<MODE> has the same meaning as the second
2234  argument to the Perl built-in C<flock> function; for example
2235  C<LOCK_SH> or C<LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB>.  (These constants are provided by
2236  the C<use Fcntl ':flock'> declaration.)
2238  C<MODE> is optional; the default is C<LOCK_EX>.
2240  C<Tie::File> maintains an internal table of the byte offset of each
2241  record it has seen in the file.  
2243  When you use C<flock> to lock the file, C<Tie::File> assumes that the
2244  read cache is no longer trustworthy, because another process might
2245  have modified the file since the last time it was read.  Therefore, a
2246  successful call to C<flock> discards the contents of the read cache
2247  and the internal record offset table.
2249  C<Tie::File> promises that the following sequence of operations will
2250  be safe:
2252      my $o = tie @array, "Tie::File", $filename;
2253      $o->flock;
2255  In particular, C<Tie::File> will I<not> read or write the file during
2256  the C<tie> call.  (Exception: Using C<mode =E<gt> O_TRUNC> will, of
2257  course, erase the file during the C<tie> call.  If you want to do this
2258  safely, then open the file without C<O_TRUNC>, lock the file, and use
2259  C<@array = ()>.)
2261  The best way to unlock a file is to discard the object and untie the
2262  array.  It is probably unsafe to unlock the file without also untying
2263  it, because if you do, changes may remain unwritten inside the object.
2264  That is why there is no shortcut for unlocking.  If you really want to
2265  unlock the file prematurely, you know what to do; if you don't know
2266  what to do, then don't do it.
2268  All the usual warnings about file locking apply here.  In particular,
2269  note that file locking in Perl is B<advisory>, which means that
2270  holding a lock will not prevent anyone else from reading, writing, or
2271  erasing the file; it only prevents them from getting another lock at
2272  the same time.  Locks are analogous to green traffic lights: If you
2273  have a green light, that does not prevent the idiot coming the other
2274  way from plowing into you sideways; it merely guarantees to you that
2275  the idiot does not also have a green light at the same time.
2277  =head2 C<autochomp>
2279      my $old_value = $o->autochomp(0);    # disable autochomp option
2280      my $old_value = $o->autochomp(1);    #  enable autochomp option
2282      my $ac = $o->autochomp();   # recover current value
2284  See L<"autochomp">, above.
2286  =head2 C<defer>, C<flush>, C<discard>, and C<autodefer>
2288  See L<"Deferred Writing">, below.
2290  =head2 C<offset>
2292      $off = $o->offset($n);
2294  This method returns the byte offset of the start of the C<$n>th record
2295  in the file.  If there is no such record, it returns an undefined
2296  value.
2298  =head1 Tying to an already-opened filehandle
2300  If C<$fh> is a filehandle, such as is returned by C<IO::File> or one
2301  of the other C<IO> modules, you may use:
2303      tie @array, 'Tie::File', $fh, ...;
2305  Similarly if you opened that handle C<FH> with regular C<open> or
2306  C<sysopen>, you may use:
2308      tie @array, 'Tie::File', \*FH, ...;
2310  Handles that were opened write-only won't work.  Handles that were
2311  opened read-only will work as long as you don't try to modify the
2312  array.  Handles must be attached to seekable sources of data---that
2313  means no pipes or sockets.  If C<Tie::File> can detect that you
2314  supplied a non-seekable handle, the C<tie> call will throw an
2315  exception.  (On Unix systems, it can detect this.)
2317  Note that Tie::File will only close any filehandles that it opened
2318  internally.  If you passed it a filehandle as above, you "own" the
2319  filehandle, and are responsible for closing it after you have untied
2320  the @array.
2322  =head1 Deferred Writing
2324  (This is an advanced feature.  Skip this section on first reading.)
2326  Normally, modifying a C<Tie::File> array writes to the underlying file
2327  immediately.  Every assignment like C<$a[3] = ...> rewrites as much of
2328  the file as is necessary; typically, everything from line 3 through
2329  the end will need to be rewritten.  This is the simplest and most
2330  transparent behavior.  Performance even for large files is reasonably
2331  good.
2333  However, under some circumstances, this behavior may be excessively
2334  slow.  For example, suppose you have a million-record file, and you
2335  want to do:
2337      for (@FILE) {
2338        $_ = "> $_";
2339      }
2341  The first time through the loop, you will rewrite the entire file,
2342  from line 0 through the end.  The second time through the loop, you
2343  will rewrite the entire file from line 1 through the end.  The third
2344  time through the loop, you will rewrite the entire file from line 2 to
2345  the end.  And so on.
2347  If the performance in such cases is unacceptable, you may defer the
2348  actual writing, and then have it done all at once.  The following loop
2349  will perform much better for large files:
2351      (tied @a)->defer;
2352      for (@a) {
2353        $_ = "> $_";
2354      }
2355      (tied @a)->flush;
2357  If C<Tie::File>'s memory limit is large enough, all the writing will
2358  done in memory.  Then, when you call C<-E<gt>flush>, the entire file
2359  will be rewritten in a single pass.
2361  (Actually, the preceding discussion is something of a fib.  You don't
2362  need to enable deferred writing to get good performance for this
2363  common case, because C<Tie::File> will do it for you automatically
2364  unless you specifically tell it not to.  See L<"autodeferring">,
2365  below.)
2367  Calling C<-E<gt>flush> returns the array to immediate-write mode.  If
2368  you wish to discard the deferred writes, you may call C<-E<gt>discard>
2369  instead of C<-E<gt>flush>.  Note that in some cases, some of the data
2370  will have been written already, and it will be too late for
2371  C<-E<gt>discard> to discard all the changes.  Support for
2372  C<-E<gt>discard> may be withdrawn in a future version of C<Tie::File>.
2374  Deferred writes are cached in memory up to the limit specified by the
2375  C<dw_size> option (see above).  If the deferred-write buffer is full
2376  and you try to write still more deferred data, the buffer will be
2377  flushed.  All buffered data will be written immediately, the buffer
2378  will be emptied, and the now-empty space will be used for future
2379  deferred writes.
2381  If the deferred-write buffer isn't yet full, but the total size of the
2382  buffer and the read cache would exceed the C<memory> limit, the oldest
2383  records will be expired from the read cache until the total size is
2384  under the limit.
2386  C<push>, C<pop>, C<shift>, C<unshift>, and C<splice> cannot be
2387  deferred.  When you perform one of these operations, any deferred data
2388  is written to the file and the operation is performed immediately.
2389  This may change in a future version.
2391  If you resize the array with deferred writing enabled, the file will
2392  be resized immediately, but deferred records will not be written.
2393  This has a surprising consequence: C<@a = (...)> erases the file
2394  immediately, but the writing of the actual data is deferred.  This
2395  might be a bug.  If it is a bug, it will be fixed in a future version.
2397  =head2 Autodeferring
2399  C<Tie::File> tries to guess when deferred writing might be helpful,
2400  and to turn it on and off automatically. 
2402      for (@a) {
2403        $_ = "> $_";
2404      }
2406  In this example, only the first two assignments will be done
2407  immediately; after this, all the changes to the file will be deferred
2408  up to the user-specified memory limit.
2410  You should usually be able to ignore this and just use the module
2411  without thinking about deferring.  However, special applications may
2412  require fine control over which writes are deferred, or may require
2413  that all writes be immediate.  To disable the autodeferment feature,
2414  use
2416      (tied @o)->autodefer(0);
2418  or
2420             tie @array, 'Tie::File', $file, autodefer => 0;
2423  Similarly, C<-E<gt>autodefer(1)> re-enables autodeferment, and 
2424  C<-E<gt>autodefer()> recovers the current value of the autodefer setting.
2429  Caching and deferred writing are inappropriate if you want the same
2430  file to be accessed simultaneously from more than one process.  Other
2431  optimizations performed internally by this module are also
2432  incompatible with concurrent access.  A future version of this module will
2433  support a C<concurrent =E<gt> 1> option that enables safe concurrent access.
2435  Previous versions of this documentation suggested using C<memory
2436  =E<gt> 0> for safe concurrent access.  This was mistaken.  Tie::File
2437  will not support safe concurrent access before version 0.98.
2439  =head1 CAVEATS
2441  (That's Latin for 'warnings'.)
2443  =over 4
2445  =item *
2447  Reasonable effort was made to make this module efficient.  Nevertheless,
2448  changing the size of a record in the middle of a large file will
2449  always be fairly slow, because everything after the new record must be
2450  moved.
2452  =item *
2454  The behavior of tied arrays is not precisely the same as for regular
2455  arrays.  For example:
2457      # This DOES print "How unusual!"
2458      undef $a[10];  print "How unusual!\n" if defined $a[10];
2460  C<undef>-ing a C<Tie::File> array element just blanks out the
2461  corresponding record in the file.  When you read it back again, you'll
2462  get the empty string, so the supposedly-C<undef>'ed value will be
2463  defined.  Similarly, if you have C<autochomp> disabled, then
2465      # This DOES print "How unusual!" if 'autochomp' is disabled
2466      undef $a[10];
2467          print "How unusual!\n" if $a[10];
2469  Because when C<autochomp> is disabled, C<$a[10]> will read back as
2470  C<"\n"> (or whatever the record separator string is.)  
2472  There are other minor differences, particularly regarding C<exists>
2473  and C<delete>, but in general, the correspondence is extremely close.
2475  =item *
2477  I have supposed that since this module is concerned with file I/O,
2478  almost all normal use of it will be heavily I/O bound.  This means
2479  that the time to maintain complicated data structures inside the
2480  module will be dominated by the time to actually perform the I/O.
2481  When there was an opportunity to spend CPU time to avoid doing I/O, I
2482  usually tried to take it.
2484  =item *
2486  You might be tempted to think that deferred writing is like
2487  transactions, with C<flush> as C<commit> and C<discard> as
2488  C<rollback>, but it isn't, so don't.
2490  =item *
2492  There is a large memory overhead for each record offset and for each
2493  cache entry: about 310 bytes per cached data record, and about 21 bytes per offset table entry.
2495  The per-record overhead will limit the maximum number of records you
2496  can access per file. Note that I<accessing> the length of the array
2497  via C<$x = scalar @tied_file> accesses B<all> records and stores their
2498  offsets.  The same for C<foreach (@tied_file)>, even if you exit the
2499  loop early.
2501  =back
2503  =head1 SUBCLASSING
2505  This version promises absolutely nothing about the internals, which
2506  may change without notice.  A future version of the module will have a
2507  well-defined and stable subclassing API.
2509  =head1 WHAT ABOUT C<DB_File>?
2511  People sometimes point out that L<DB_File> will do something similar,
2512  and ask why C<Tie::File> module is necessary.
2514  There are a number of reasons that you might prefer C<Tie::File>.
2515  A list is available at C<http://perl.plover.com/TieFile/why-not-DB_File>.
2517  =head1 AUTHOR
2519  Mark Jason Dominus
2521  To contact the author, send email to: C<mjd-perl-tiefile+@plover.com>
2523  To receive an announcement whenever a new version of this module is
2524  released, send a blank email message to
2525  C<mjd-perl-tiefile-subscribe@plover.com>.
2527  The most recent version of this module, including documentation and
2528  any news of importance, will be available at
2530      http://perl.plover.com/TieFile/
2533  =head1 LICENSE
2535  C<Tie::File> version 0.97 is copyright (C) 2003 Mark Jason Dominus.
2537  This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
2538  it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2540  These terms are your choice of any of (1) the Perl Artistic Licence,
2541  or (2) version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the
2542  Free Software Foundation, or (3) any later version of the GNU General
2543  Public License.
2545  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2546  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2548  GNU General Public License for more details.
2550  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2551  along with this library program; it should be in the file C<COPYING>.
2552  If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
2553  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
2555  For licensing inquiries, contact the author at:
2557      Mark Jason Dominus
2558      255 S. Warnock St.
2559      Philadelphia, PA 19107
2561  =head1 WARRANTY
2563  C<Tie::File> version 0.97 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
2564  For details, see the license.
2566  =head1 THANKS
2568  Gigantic thanks to Jarkko Hietaniemi, for agreeing to put this in the
2569  core when I hadn't written it yet, and for generally being helpful,
2570  supportive, and competent.  (Usually the rule is "choose any one.")
2571  Also big thanks to Abhijit Menon-Sen for all of the same things.
2573  Special thanks to Craig Berry and Peter Prymmer (for VMS portability
2574  help), Randy Kobes (for Win32 portability help), Clinton Pierce and
2575  Autrijus Tang (for heroic eleventh-hour Win32 testing above and beyond
2576  the call of duty), Michael G Schwern (for testing advice), and the
2577  rest of the CPAN testers (for testing generally).
2579  Special thanks to Tels for suggesting several speed and memory
2580  optimizations.
2582  Additional thanks to:
2583  Edward Avis /
2584  Mattia Barbon /
2585  Tom Christiansen /
2586  Gerrit Haase /
2587  Gurusamy Sarathy /
2588  Jarkko Hietaniemi (again) /
2589  Nikola Knezevic /
2590  John Kominetz /
2591  Nick Ing-Simmons /
2592  Tassilo von Parseval /
2593  H. Dieter Pearcey /
2594  Slaven Rezic /
2595  Eric Roode /
2596  Peter Scott /
2597  Peter Somu /
2598  Autrijus Tang (again) /
2599  Tels (again) /
2600  Juerd Waalboer
2602  =head1 TODO
2604  More tests.  (Stuff I didn't think of yet.)
2606  Paragraph mode?
2608  Fixed-length mode.  Leave-blanks mode.
2610  Maybe an autolocking mode?
2612  For many common uses of the module, the read cache is a liability.
2613  For example, a program that inserts a single record, or that scans the
2614  file once, will have a cache hit rate of zero.  This suggests a major
2615  optimization: The cache should be initially disabled.  Here's a hybrid
2616  approach: Initially, the cache is disabled, but the cache code
2617  maintains statistics about how high the hit rate would be *if* it were
2618  enabled.  When it sees the hit rate get high enough, it enables
2619  itself.  The STAT comments in this code are the beginning of an
2620  implementation of this.
2622  Record locking with fcntl()?  Then the module might support an undo
2623  log and get real transactions.  What a tour de force that would be.
2625  Keeping track of the highest cached record. This would allow reads-in-a-row
2626  to skip the cache lookup faster (if reading from 1..N with empty cache at
2627  start, the last cached value will be always N-1).
2629  More tests.
2631  =cut

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1