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/se3-unattended/var/se3/unattended/install/linuxaux/opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/Search/ -> Dict.pm (source)

   1  package Search::Dict;
   2  require 5.000;
   3  require Exporter;
   5  use strict;
   7  our $VERSION = '1.02';
   8  our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
   9  our @EXPORT = qw(look);
  11  =head1 NAME
  13  Search::Dict, look - search for key in dictionary file
  15  =head1 SYNOPSIS
  17      use Search::Dict;
  18      look *FILEHANDLE, $key, $dict, $fold;
  20      use Search::Dict;
  21      look *FILEHANDLE, $params;
  23  =head1 DESCRIPTION
  25  Sets file position in FILEHANDLE to be first line greater than or equal
  26  (stringwise) to I<$key>.  Returns the new file position, or -1 if an error
  27  occurs.
  29  The flags specify dictionary order and case folding:
  31  If I<$dict> is true, search by dictionary order (ignore anything but word
  32  characters and whitespace).  The default is honour all characters.
  34  If I<$fold> is true, ignore case.  The default is to honour case.
  36  If there are only three arguments and the third argument is a hash
  37  reference, the keys of that hash can have values C<dict>, C<fold>, and
  38  C<comp> or C<xfrm> (see below), and their correponding values will be
  39  used as the parameters.
  41  If a comparison subroutine (comp) is defined, it must return less than zero,
  42  zero, or greater than zero, if the first comparand is less than,
  43  equal, or greater than the second comparand.
  45  If a transformation subroutine (xfrm) is defined, its value is used to
  46  transform the lines read from the filehandle before their comparison.
  48  =cut
  50  sub look {
  51      my($fh,$key,$dict,$fold) = @_;
  52      my ($comp, $xfrm);
  53      if (@_ == 3 && ref $dict eq 'HASH') {
  54      my $params = $dict;
  55      $dict = 0;
  56      $dict = $params->{dict} if exists $params->{dict};
  57      $fold = $params->{fold} if exists $params->{fold};
  58      $comp = $params->{comp} if exists $params->{comp};
  59      $xfrm = $params->{xfrm} if exists $params->{xfrm};
  60      }
  61      $comp = sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] } unless defined $comp;
  62      local($_);
  63      my(@stat) = stat($fh)
  64      or return -1;
  65      my($size, $blksize) = @stat[7,11];
  66      $blksize ||= 8192;
  67      $key =~ s/[^\w\s]//g if $dict;
  68      $key = lc $key       if $fold;
  69      # find the right block
  70      my($min, $max) = (0, int($size / $blksize));
  71      my $mid;
  72      while ($max - $min > 1) {
  73      $mid = int(($max + $min) / 2);
  74      seek($fh, $mid * $blksize, 0)
  75          or return -1;
  76      <$fh> if $mid;            # probably a partial line
  77      $_ = <$fh>;
  78      $_ = $xfrm->($_) if defined $xfrm;
  79      chomp;
  80      s/[^\w\s]//g if $dict;
  81      $_ = lc $_   if $fold;
  82      if (defined($_) && $comp->($_, $key) < 0) {
  83          $min = $mid;
  84      }
  85      else {
  86          $max = $mid;
  87      }
  88      }
  89      # find the right line
  90      $min *= $blksize;
  91      seek($fh,$min,0)
  92      or return -1;
  93      <$fh> if $min;
  94      for (;;) {
  95      $min = tell($fh);
  96      defined($_ = <$fh>)
  97          or last;
  98      $_ = $xfrm->($_) if defined $xfrm;
  99      chomp;
 100      s/[^\w\s]//g if $dict;
 101      $_ = lc $_   if $fold;
 102      last if $comp->($_, $key) >= 0;
 103      }
 104      seek($fh,$min,0);
 105      $min;
 106  }
 108  1;

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1