use warnings; use strict; use Carp; use File::Spec::Win32; use File::Copy; use Unattend::IniFile; use Unattend::WinMedia; # File::Spec is supposed to auto-detect the OS and adapt # appropriately, but it does not recognize a $^O value of "dos". Work # around this bug here. my $file_spec = 'File::Spec::Win32'; # Global variable holding unattend.txt file which we are generating. use vars qw ($u); $u = new Unattend::IniFile; # We might be running on Linux now... my $is_linux; BEGIN { if ($^O eq 'dos') { $is_linux = 0; } elsif ($^O eq 'linux') { $is_linux = 1; require Unattend::HotKey; import Unattend::HotKey; } else { die "internal error"; } } # we have to exercise some care whenever we talk to the # filesystem. This function converts DOS-style path names to # Unix-style when running on Unix. sub dos_to_host ($) { my ($file) = @_; $is_linux or return $file; my ($vol, $dir, $basename) = $file_spec->splitpath ($file); # Convert Z: to z, C: to c, etc. my ($letter) = ($vol =~ /^([a-z]):$/i); defined $letter or die "internal error converting path '$file'"; # Canonicalize drive letter to lowercase. Perhaps we should do # this for the entire path, but smbfs (at least) is # case-insensitive so we will not bother. $letter = lc $letter; my @dirs = $file_spec->splitdir ($dir); my $host_dir = File::Spec::Unix->catdir ('/', $letter, @dirs); my $ret = File::Spec::Unix->catpath ('', $host_dir, $basename); return $ret; } # Tell Unnattend::WinMedia module how to convert dos filenames to host # filenames. Unattend::WinMedia->set_dos_to_host (\&dos_to_host); # Ensure prompts are printed promptly. $| = 1; ## "choice" implementation, generic between DOS and Unix. sub choice ($;$) { my ($prompt, $choices) = @_; my $ret; defined $choices or $choices = 'YN'; # Canonicalize stuff to uppercase $choices = uc $choices; if ($is_linux) { my %choice_map; foreach my $i (0 .. (length $choices) - 1) { my $char = substr $choices, $i, 1; $choice_map{$char} = $i; } print "$prompt [$choices] "; my $key; while (1) { $key = readkey (); $key = uc $key; (exists $choice_map{$key}) and last; } print "$key\n"; $ret = $choice_map{$key}; } else { system 'choice', "/c:$choices", $prompt; $ret = ($? >> 8) - 1; } return $ret; } ## Handy general-purpose subroutines for asking questions. ## patch se3-unattended : clavier fr system "loadkeys fr"; # Ask a simple question. sub simple_q ($) { my ($question) = @_; print "\n", $question; my $answer = ; chomp $answer; $answer eq '' and undef $answer; return $answer; } # Ask a yes/no question. sub yes_no_choice ($) { my ($question) = @_; print "\n"; return (choice ($question) == 0 ? 1 : 0); } # Ask for a password. sub password_q ($) { my ($prompt) = @_; my $ret; if ($is_linux) { while (1) { print "\n", $prompt; # Maximum length of Windows passwords is 14. I think. $ret = read_secret (14); print 'Re-enter to confirm: '; my $again = read_secret (14); $ret eq $again and last; print "*** Passwords do not match! Try again.\n"; } } else { # Passwords echo on DOS. Oh, well. $ret = simple_q ($prompt); } return $ret; } # Create a menu of options. Takes an even number of arguments which # are display / return pairs. For example: # # menu_choice ('option X' => 'foo', 'option Y' => 'bar') # # ...returns 'foo' if the user selects option X and 'bar' if the user # selects option Y. sub menu_choice (@) { my @args = @_; my @choice_map; my $opts = { }; # Current page my $page = 0; # Prompt my $prompt = ''; ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' and $opts = shift @args; # Process magic options hash. foreach my $key (keys %$opts) { if ($key eq 'page') { $page = $opts->{$key}; } elsif ($key eq 'prompt') { $prompt = $opts->{$key} . "\n"; } } scalar @args % 2 == 0 or croak "menu_choice called with odd number of arguments"; # Total number of choices my $count = scalar @args / 2; # Choices to display per page my $per_page = 20; #Array with 20 Options my %hexarray = (10,'A',11,'B',12,'C',13,'D',14,'E',15,'F',16,'G',17,'H',18,'I',19,'J',20,'K'); my $pages = int(($count + $per_page - 1) / $per_page); my $ret; LOOP: while (1) { print "\n$prompt"; $pages > 1 and printf "(Page %d/%d)\n", $page+1, $pages; my $start = $page * $per_page; my $i = 0; my $choices = ''; # Generate current page of choices. while ($i < $per_page && $start + $i < $count) { my $elt = 2 * ($start + $i); #my $hexd = sprintf '%X', $i+1; my $hexd = $i+1; if ($hexd>9) { $hexd = $hexarray{$hexd}; } print "$hexd) $args[$elt]\n"; $choices .= $hexd; # Capture value for sub below my $val = $args[$elt + 1]; $choice_map[$i] = sub { no warnings 'exiting'; $ret = $val; last LOOP; }; $i++; } # If we have multiple pages, generate Next/Previous option. if ($pages > 1) { print "N/P) Next/Previous page\n"; $choices .= 'N'; $choice_map[$i] = sub { $page = ($page + 1) % $pages }; $i++; $choices .= 'P'; $choice_map[$i] = sub { $page = ($page + $pages - 1) % $pages }; $i++; } print "X) Exit this program\n"; $choices .= 'X'; $choice_map[$i] = sub { print "Exiting.\n"; exit 1; }; $i++; my $sel = choice ('Select: ', $choices); my $func = $choice_map[$sel]; &$func (); } # Record which page we ended up on $opts->{'page'} = $page; return $ret; } # Select from among zero or more strings. sub multi_choice (@) { my ($prompt, @strings) = @_; scalar @strings > 0 or return (); my %selected = map { $_ => 0 } @strings; my $menu_state = { 'prompt' => $prompt }; LOOP: while (1) { my @choices = ('Select/deselect all' => sub { my $sel = (0 < scalar grep { $selected{$_} == 0 } @strings); # If anything is not selected, select all; else, # deselect all. %selected = map { $_ => $sel } @strings; }, 'All done ; continue' => sub { no warnings 'exiting'; last LOOP; }, map { my $str = $_; (sprintf "[%s] %s", $selected{$str} ? '*' : ' ', $str) => sub { $selected{$str} = !$selected{$str} } } @strings, ); my $func = menu_choice ($menu_state, @choices); &$func (); } my %sort_index; foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @strings - 1) { $sort_index{$strings[$i]} = $i; } my @selections = grep { $selected{$_} } keys %selected; return sort { $sort_index{$a} <=> $sort_index {$b} } @selections; } # Canonicalize a username with respect to a domain. If username is # already in fully-qualified form DOMAIN\USER, do nothing. sub canonicalize_user ($$) { my ($domain, $user) = @_; $user =~ /\\/ or $user = "$domain\\$user"; return $user; } # Read a file. Return array of its lines. sub read_file ($) { my ($file) = @_; local *FILE; open FILE, dos_to_host ($file) or croak "Unable to open $file for reading: $^E"; $is_linux and binmode FILE, ':crlf'; my @ret = ; close FILE or croak "Unable to close $file: $^E"; return @ret; } # Write a bunch of lines to a file. sub write_file ($@) { my ($file, @lines) = @_; local *FILE; my $host_file = dos_to_host ($file); open FILE, ">$host_file" or die "Unable to open $file for writing: $^E"; $is_linux and binmode FILE, ':crlf'; foreach my $line (@lines) { print FILE $line, "\n"; } close FILE or die "Unable to close $file: $^E"; } # Write a new master boot record. sub linux_write_mbr ($) { my ($boot_file) = @_; $is_linux or croak 'internal error'; use bytes; use Fcntl; my $mbr_size = 446; my $sect_size = 512; my $bootsect = ''; my $disk = '/dev/dsk'; # Read the current master boot sector sysopen DISK, $disk, O_RDONLY or die "Unable to open $disk for reading: $^E"; sysread DISK, $bootsect, $sect_size or die "Unable to read from $disk: $^E"; close DISK or die "Unable to close $disk: $^E"; my $new_mbr = ''; # Overwrite the MBR portion open BOOT, $boot_file or croak "Unable to open $boot_file for reading: $^E"; read BOOT, $new_mbr, $mbr_size or die "Unable to read from $boot_file: $^E"; close BOOT or croak "Unable to close $boot_file: $^E"; print "Installing $boot_file as MBR..."; substr($bootsect, 0, $mbr_size, substr($new_mbr, 0, $mbr_size)); # Set the magic cookie to indicate a valid boot sector substr($bootsect, -2, 1, chr 0x55); substr($bootsect, -1, 1, chr 0xAA); # Write out the new master boot sector sysopen DISK, $disk, O_WRONLY or die "Unable to open $disk for writing: $^E"; syswrite DISK, $bootsect, $sect_size or die "Unable to write boot sector to $disk: $^E"; close DISK or die "Unable to close write to $disk: $^E"; print "done.\n"; } # Run a command and return the output. We need this function because # pipes and backticks do not work under DJGPP Perl. # Only works under DOS. sub run_command ($@) { my ($cmd, @expected_statuses) = @_; $is_linux and croak 'internal error'; defined $expected_statuses[0] or @expected_statuses = (0); my %status_hash = map { $_ => undef } @expected_statuses; my $tmpfile = $u->{'_meta'}->{'tmpdrive'}.'\\tmp.txt'; my $ret = system "$cmd > $tmpfile < nul"; my $status = $ret >> 8; (exists $status_hash{$status}) or die "$cmd > $tmpfile failed, unexpected status $status"; my @ret = ""; if (-e $tmpfile) { @ret = read_file ($tmpfile); } else { # probably we are booting from read-only device $ret = system "$cmd < nul"; } # Maybe we should remove $tmpfile here, but that would slow # things down and hinder debugging so we don't. # unlink $tmpfile # or die "Unable to remove $tmpfile: $^E"; return @ret; } # Cache return value. my $_partition_table; # Returns cached value unless argument is true. sub partition_table (;$) { my ($re_read) = @_; if (!defined $_partition_table || $re_read) { $_partition_table = ($is_linux ? "\n\n" . `parted -s /dev/dsk print` : join '', run_command ('fdisk /info /tech')); } return $_partition_table; } ## Functions for asking about particular settings. # Large disk support sub ask_fdisk_lba () { $is_linux and return undef; return menu_choice ('Large (>8G) disk support (normal)' => 1, 'No large disk support (required for some broken BIOSes)' => 0); } # Return size of disk in 512-byte sectors. my $_disk_sectors; sub get_disk_sectors () { $is_linux or croak 'internal error'; if (!defined $_disk_sectors) { my $hda = readlink ('/dev/dsk'); defined $hda or die "readlink /dev/dsk failed: $^E"; # Get size of disk in sectors. my $sys_hda = $hda; $sys_hda =~ s/\//!/g; my $size_file = "/sys/block/$sys_hda/size"; open SIZE, $size_file or die "Unable to open $size_file for reading: $^E"; my $size = ; defined $size or die "Unable to read $size_file: $^E"; close SIZE or die "Unable to close $size_file: $^E"; chomp $size; $size =~ /^0x/ and $size = hex $size; $_disk_sectors = $size; } return $_disk_sectors; } # Calculate end of disk in megabytes. sub disk_end () { $is_linux or croak 'internal error'; return get_disk_sectors () * 512 / 1024 / 1024; } # Find the largest interval of free space on the drive which does not # overlap other partitions. If argument is true, find space for # creating a logical partition (i.e., within the extended partition). # Return as a pair (START, END) where each is in megabytes from start # of disk. sub find_free_space ($) { my ($logical) = @_; $is_linux or croak 'internal error'; my @partitions; my ($ext_start, $ext_end); # Read the current partition table. my $cmd = 'parted -s /dev/dsk print'; open PARTED, "$cmd|" or die "Unable to fork: $^E"; while (my $line = ) { my ($start, $end, $parttype) = ($line =~ /^\d+\s+(\d+\.\d{3})\s+(\d+\.\d{3})\s+(primary|logical|extended)/); defined $start && defined $end && defined $parttype or next; print "DEBUG: PARTED_VAR START:$start END:$end PARTTYPE:$parttype \n" ; if ($logical && $parttype eq 'extended') { # If multiple extended partitions (weird), use the first. defined $ext_start && defined $ext_end and next; ($ext_start, $ext_end) = ($start, $end); } else { push @partitions, [ $start, $end ]; } } close PARTED or die "'$cmd' failed: $^E $?"; # Default is to search entire disk. my ($search_start, $search_end) = (0, disk_end()); # For logical partition creation, search extended partition. if ($logical) { defined $ext_start && defined $ext_end or die 'Error: No extended partition found for logical partition'; ($search_start, $search_end) = ($ext_start, $ext_end); } # Keep track of best result so far. my ($best_start, $best_end) = (0, 0); # Now loop through looking for free space. LOOP: foreach my $part ([0, $search_start], @partitions) { # Try fitting new partition in just after this one. my $start = $part->[1]; my $end = $search_end; foreach my $other (@partitions, [ $search_end, disk_end () ]) { # Each other partition may or may not constrain us. my ($other_start, $other_end) = @$other; if ($start >= $other_end) { # Partition ends before we start, so no worries. } elsif ($end > $other_start) { # We must end before the other partition starts. $end = $other_start; } } # Keep track of the best we have found. $end - $start > $best_end - $best_start and ($best_start, $best_end) = ($start, $end); } return ($best_start, $best_end); } # Convert an fdisk command to a parted command, more or less. sub convert_fdisk_parted ($) { my ($fdisk_cmd) = @_; my $ret; # "--" is required, lest "-0" on the command line look like an # option. my $parted = 'parted -s /dev/dsk --'; my ($cmd) = ($fdisk_cmd =~ /^\s*fdisk\s+(.*?)\s*\z/i); defined $cmd or croak "Internal error: Cannot convert '$fdisk_cmd'"; if ($cmd =~ /^\/clear\s+1\z/i) { $ret = "$parted mklabel msdos"; print "DEBUG: $ret \n"; } elsif ($cmd =~ /^\/delete\s+\/pri:(\d+)\z/i) { $ret = "$parted rm $1"; print "DEBUG: $ret \n"; } elsif ($cmd =~ /^\/activate:(\d+)\z/i) { $ret = "$parted set $1 boot on"; print "DEBUG: $ret \n"; } elsif ($cmd =~ /^\/xo/i) { $ret = 'parted /dev/dsk'; print "DEBUG: $ret \n"; } elsif ($cmd =~ /\/(pri|log|ext)(o)?:(\d+)(,100)?(?:\s+\/spec:(\d+))?/i) { my ($ptype, $fat16, $size, $is_percent, $type) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); # Map partition type numbers to Parted names. my %type_map = (7 => 'ntfs', 130 => 'linux-swap', 131 => 'ext2'); my ($start, $end) = find_free_space ($ptype eq 'log'); defined $is_percent and $size = disk_end () * ($size / 100); # If the available space is more than we need, shrink it. $end - $start > $size and $end = $start + $size; # Sanity-check size of FAT16 partitions. defined $fat16 && $end - $start > 2047 and die "Unable to execute fdisk $cmd\n" . "because it would create a FAT16 partition > 2047M\n" . "I suggest using /pri:XXX instead of /prio:XXX\n" . 'Bailing out'; # Magic Parted syntax for end of disk. $end == disk_end () and $end = '-0'; my $fs = (defined $fat16 ? 'fat16' : 'fat32'); my $parttype; if (defined $type) { (exists $type_map{$type}) or croak "Unknown type $type in fdisk command ($fdisk_cmd)"; $fs = $type_map{$type}; } if ($ptype eq 'pri') { $parttype = 'primary' } elsif ($ptype eq 'log') { $parttype = 'logical' } elsif ($ptype eq 'ext') { $parttype = 'extended'; $fs='' } if (($ptype eq 'ext') or ($fs eq 'ntfs')) { $ret = "$parted mkpart $parttype $fs $start $end"; } else { $ret = "$parted mkpartfs $parttype $fs $start $end"; } print "DEBUG: $ret \n"; } else { die "Unable to convert '$fdisk_cmd' to Parted commands; bailing"; } return $ret; } # fdisk commands to run sub ask_fdisk_cmds () { # Read current partition table. print "\nCurrent partition table:"; my $partition_layout = partition_table (); # Display it. print $partition_layout; print "\n"; print "Choose partitioning scheme.\n"; $is_linux or print "NOTE: If partition table changes, machine will reboot.\n"; # Commands to erase partition table my $pre_cmds = 'fdisk /clear 1'; # Commands to replace the first partition with a 4G FAT32 # partition and activate it my $post_cmds = 'fdisk /delete /pri:1;fdisk /pri:4000;fdisk /activate:1'; # Command to run fdisk interactively my $interactive_cmd = 'fdisk /xo'; my $ret = menu_choice ('Do nothing (continue)' => undef, 'Run partitioning tool manually (experts only)' => $interactive_cmd, 'Whole disk C:', => 'fdisk /pri:100,100', '12G C:, rest D:' => 'fdisk /pri:12288;fdisk /pri:100,100 /spec:7', '12G C:, 5G D:, rest E:' => 'fdisk /pri:12288;fdisk /pri:5120 /spec:7;fdisk /pri:100,100 /spec:7', '50% C:, 50% D:' => 'fdisk /pri:50,100;fdisk /pri:50,100 /spec:7', ); defined $ret or return undef; $ret eq $interactive_cmd or $ret = "$pre_cmds;$ret;$post_cmds"; return $ret; } # Check that a directory name complies with "old DOS" criteria; i.e., # that it contains only 8+3 components. Particularly needed because # Linux allows longer filenames, but harmless as a sanity check even # under DOS. sub validate_old_dos_dir ($) { my ($name) = @_; my (undef, $dirs, undef) = $file_spec->splitpath ($name, 1); my @dirs = $file_spec->splitdir ($dirs); foreach my $dir (@dirs) { my $failure = ''; my ($base, $ext) = $dir =~ /^(.*?)(?:\.(.*))?\z/; # Check "impossible" cases first. $base =~ /\\/ || defined $ext && ($ext =~ /\\/) and die 'Internal error'; if (length $base > 8) { $failure = "'$base' has more than eight characters"; } elsif ($ext =~ /\./) { $failure = "'$dir' contains more than one dot"; } elsif (defined $ext) { if (length $ext > 3) { $failure = "Extension '$ext' has more than three characters"; } } $failure eq '' or die "'$name' is invalid because:\n$failure.\nBailing out"; } } # Which OS to install sub ask_os () { my $os_dir = $u->{'_meta'}->{'os_dir'}; print "Scanning for OS directories under $os_dir...\n"; opendir OSDIR, dos_to_host ($os_dir) or die "Unable to opendir $os_dir: $^E"; my @media_objs; while (my $ent = readdir OSDIR) { $ent eq '.' || $ent eq '..' and next; my $full_path = $file_spec->catdir ($os_dir, $ent); -d dos_to_host ($full_path) or next; my $media = Unattend::WinMedia->new ($full_path); defined $media or next; push @media_objs, $media; } closedir OSDIR or die "Unable to closedir $os_dir: $^E"; exists $media_objs[0] or die "None found! bailing"; unless (exists $media_objs[1]) { my $only = $media_objs[0]->path (); $media_objs[0]->cache (); print "$only is the only OS directory I found; using it.\n"; return $only; } print "Please choose the OS to install:\n"; my $choice = menu_choice (map { $_->full_name () . ' (' . $_->path () . ')' => $_ } sort { $a->full_name () cmp $b->full_name () } @media_objs); $choice->cache (); validate_old_dos_dir ($choice->path ()); return $choice->path (); } # Which directories to include in OemPnPDriversPath sub ask_oem_pnp_drivers_path () { my $media_obj = Unattend::WinMedia->new ($u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'}); my @pnp_driver_dirs = $media_obj->oem_pnp_dirs (1); # No driver directories means no drivers path scalar @pnp_driver_dirs > 0 or return undef; print "...found some driver directories.\n"; my @selected_dirs = multi_choice ('Please choose driver(s) to add.', sort @pnp_driver_dirs); my $ret = join ';', @selected_dirs; # Setup does not like empty OemPnPDriversPath $ret =~ /\S/ or undef $ret; return $ret; } # Create the "postinst.bat" script and return its full path. Do # nothing and return undef if there are no post-installation commands # to run. sub create_postinst_bat () { # Create postinst.bat script. # Compute contents of postinst.bat script. my @postinst_lines; # Local admins my $admins = $u->{'_meta'}->{'local_admins'}; my @admins = (defined $admins ? split /;/, $admins : ()); @admins = map { canonicalize_user ($u->{'Identification'}->{'JoinDomain'}, $_) } @admins; # NTP servers my $ntp_servers = $u->{'_meta'}->{'ntp_servers'}; defined $ntp_servers && $ntp_servers ne '' and push @postinst_lines, "net time /setsntp:\"$ntp_servers\""; my $netinst = $u->{'_meta'}->{'netinst'}; my $tempcred = $file_spec->catfile ($netinst, 'tempcred.bat'); push @postinst_lines, ('if exist %Z%\\scripts\\antivirus.bat call %Z%\\scripts\\antivirus.bat', # Pour installer l'antivirus au plus vite : ci-dessus... # Pour rapport se3-unattended a se3-clonage sur SE3 : ci-dessous... 'time /T >> %SystemDrive%\\netinst\\finwin.txt', 'call %Z%\\scripts\\perl.bat', 'PATH=%Z%\\bin;%PATH%', # Last step is always a reboot. ' .reboot', # Penultimate step is to disable automatic logon. ' "' . $u->{'_meta'}->{'autolog'} . '"', # Antepenultimate step is to delete credentials file. " \"del $tempcred\"", # After installing, re-enable System Restore. ' " --enable"', # Before that, add users to the local Administrators group. (map { " \"net localgroup \\\"%%Administrateurs%%\\\" \\\"$_\\\" /add\"" } @admins)); # Leveled installation scripts my $top = $u->{'_meta'}->{'top'}; my $middle = $u->{'_meta'}->{'middle'}; my $bottom = $u->{'_meta'}->{'bottom'}; my @top_scripts = split /;/, $top; my @middle_scripts = split /;/, $middle; my @bottom_scripts = split /;/, $bottom; push @postinst_lines, # Before that, run the "cleanup" scripts. (map { " %Z%\\scripts\\$_" } reverse @bottom_scripts), # Before that, run the optional scripts. (map { " %Z%\\scripts\\$_" } reverse @middle_scripts), # First step is to perform top-level install of master and # optional scripts. (map { " %Z%\\scripts\\$_" } reverse @top_scripts); push @postinst_lines, # Before installing disable System Restore. ' " --disable"', # First thing is to clean up installation mess. '', '', ' --go'; my $postinst; $postinst = $file_spec->catfile ($netinst, 'postinst.bat'); print "Creating $postinst..."; write_file ($postinst, @postinst_lines); print "done.\n"; return $postinst; } # Cache for remembering first lines of .bat files under scripts # directory. my $_batfile_first_lines; # Routine to fetch hash mapping batfiles to first lines. sub batfile_first_lines () { if (!defined $_batfile_first_lines) { $_batfile_first_lines = { }; my $dos_zdrv = $u->{'_meta'}->{'dos_zdrv'}; my $script_dir = "$dos_zdrv\\scripts"; opendir SCRIPTS, dos_to_host ($script_dir) or die "Unable to opendir $script_dir: $^E"; while (my $ent = readdir SCRIPTS) { # Skip special files $ent eq '.' || $ent eq '..' and next; # Skip non-bat files $ent =~ /\.bat\z/i or next; # Skip non-ordinary filess my $full_path = $file_spec->catfile ($script_dir, $ent); -f dos_to_host ($full_path) or next; open FILE, dos_to_host ($full_path) or die "Unable to open $full_path for reading: $^E"; $is_linux and binmode FILE, ':crlf'; my $line = ; chomp $line; $_batfile_first_lines->{$ent} = $line; close FILE or die "Unable to close $full_path: $^E"; } closedir SCRIPTS or die "Unable to closedir $script_dir: $^E"; } return $_batfile_first_lines; } my $_dhcp_settings; # Get the DHCP settings into an associative array (linux only). sub dhcp_settings () { $is_linux or croak 'Internal error'; if (!defined $_dhcp_settings) { $_dhcp_settings = { }; my $dhcp = '/tmp/dhcp.out'; if (open DHCP, $dhcp) { while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; my ($var, $val) = $line =~ /^(\w+)=(.+)\z/; defined $var or die "Could not parse line in$dhcp:\n $line\n..."; $_dhcp_settings->{$var} = $val; } close DHCP or die "Unable to close $dhcp: $^E"; } else { warn "Unable to open $dhcp: $^E"; } } return $_dhcp_settings; } $u->comments ('_meta') = ['This section is for informational purposes.', 'Windows Setup does not use it.']; $u->comments ('_meta', 'autolog') = ['Command to disable (or modify) autologon when installation finishes']; # Default setting for automatic logon is to disable it, but retain # default setting of last user who logged on. $u->{'_meta'}->{'autolog'} = ' --logon=1 --user=Administrateur --password=wawa'; $u->comments ('_meta', 'doit_cmds') = ['Contents of doit.bat script']; $u->{'_meta'}->{'doit_cmds'} = sub { my $unattend_txt = $file_spec->catfile ($u->{'_meta'}->{'netinst'}, 'unattend.txt'); my $src_tree = $u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'}; my $media_obj = Unattend::WinMedia->new ($src_tree); my @lang_dirs = $media_obj->lang_dirs (1); my $lang_opts = join ' ', map { "/rx:$_" } @lang_dirs; # Yes, it is annoying to call this twice. But we really must # call it now, and it would be even more annoying not to catch # the problem right away during the interactive section above. validate_old_dos_dir ($src_tree); $src_tree =~ /\\$/ or $src_tree .= '\\'; my $dos_zdrv = $u->{'_meta'}->{'dos_zdrv'}; my $cmpnents = ""; my $winnt_path = "winnt"; my $winnt_opts = ""; # Create the correct string for the cmpnents directory. This will # either be Z:\os... or /z/os... depending on the boot disk. if ($is_linux) { (my $linux_tree = $src_tree) =~ s#\\#/#g; $linux_tree =~ s#$dos_zdrv#/z#g; $cmpnents = $linux_tree . "cmpnents"; } else { $cmpnents = $src_tree . "cmpnents"; } # Test to see if the cmpnents directory exists - if so we have # XP Tablet and need to call the installer with different arguments. if ( -e $cmpnents ) { $winnt_path = "i386\\winnt"; $winnt_opts = "/2"; } else { $src_tree .= 'i386'; } return "$dos_zdrv;cd $src_tree;$winnt_path $winnt_opts $lang_opts /s:$src_tree /u:$unattend_txt"; }; $u->comments ('_meta', 'edit_files') = ['Display prompt for final edits?']; $u->{'_meta'}->{'edit_files'} = '1'; $u->comments ('_meta', 'fdisk_lba') = ['Use extended INT13 BIOS calls for fdisk?']; $u->{'_meta'}->{'fdisk_lba'} = \&ask_fdisk_lba; $u->{'_meta'}->{'fdisk_cmds'} = \&ask_fdisk_cmds; $u->comments ('_meta', 'fdisk_confirm') = ['Prompt for confirmation before running fdisk_cmds?']; $u->{'_meta'}->{'fdisk_confirm'} = 1; $u->comments ('_meta', 'ntinstall_cmd') = ['System command to run in place of winnt under dosemu? (linuxboot only)']; $u->{'_meta'}->{'ntinstall_cmd'} = sub { return (yes_no_choice ('Use nt5x-install script - (DOSEMU alternative)') ? 'nt5x-install' : undef); }; $u->{'_meta'}->{'format_cmd'} = sub { if (defined $u->{'_meta'}->{'ntinstall_cmd'}) { return undef; } return (yes_no_choice ('Format C: drive') ? 'format /y /z:seriously /q /u /a /v: c:' : undef); }; $u->{'_meta'}->{'ipaddr'} = sub { my $ret; if ($is_linux) { my $dhcp_settings = dhcp_settings (); $ret = $dhcp_settings->{'ip'}; } else { # Parse file written by autoexec.bat my $ipconfig = '\\ipconfig.txt'; if (-e $ipconfig) { foreach my $line (read_file ($ipconfig)) { $line =~ /^\s*IP Address\s+:\s+([\d.]+)\r?$/ or next; $ret=$1; last; } } defined $ret or warn "Unable to get IP address from $ipconfig"; } return $ret; }; $u->{'_meta'}->{'local_admins'} = ['Accounts added to local Administrators group']; $u->{'_meta'}->{'local_admins'} = sub { my $dom = $u->{'Identification'}->{'JoinDomain'}; defined $dom or return undef; print "Enter users to add to local Administrators group.\n"; return simple_q ("Type 0 or more usernames, separated by spaces:\n"); }; $u->{'_meta'}->{'macaddr'} = sub { my $ret; if ($is_linux) { # Get the interface we are using. my $dhcp_settings = dhcp_settings (); my $interface = $dhcp_settings->{'interface'}; # Run ifconfig to get MAC address for interface. open IFCONFIG, "ifconfig $interface|" or die "Could not fork: $^E"; my @lines = ; close IFCONFIG or die "ifconfig $interface exited with status $?"; foreach my $line (@lines) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /HWaddr (..:..:..:..:..:..)/) { $ret = $1; # Remove colons, to convert to form used by "net # diag /status" $ret =~ s/://g; } } defined $ret or warn "Unable to get MAC address from ifconfig $interface"; } else { # Parse file written by autoexec.bat. my $netdiag = '\\netdiag.txt'; foreach my $line (read_file ($netdiag)) { $line =~ /^Permanent node name: ([0-9A-F]+)\r?$/ or next; $ret = $1; last; } defined $ret or warn "Unable to get MAC address from $netdiag"; } return $ret; }; $u->{'_meta'}->{'netinst'} = 'c:\\netinst'; $u->comments ('_meta', 'ntp_servers') = ['NTP servers, separated by commas or spaces']; $u->{'_meta'}->{'ntp_servers'} = sub { return simple_q ("Enter NTP servers, separated by spaces (default=none):"); }; $u->comments ('_meta', 'tmpdrive') = [ 'Drive used for temporary files in DOS' ]; (defined $ENV{'TMPDRIVE'}) or $ENV{'TMPDRIVE'}=''; $u->{'_meta'}->{'tmpdrive'} = $ENV{'TMPDRIVE'}; $u->comments ('_meta', 'dos_zdrv') = [ 'Install share drive letter in DOS' ]; (defined $ENV{'DOS_ZDRV'}) or $ENV{'DOS_ZDRV'}='Z:'; $u->{'_meta'}->{'dos_zdrv'} = $ENV{'DOS_ZDRV'}; my $dos_zdrv = $u->{'_meta'}->{'dos_zdrv'}; $u->comments ('_meta', 'OS_dir') = ['Directory holding OS media directories']; $u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_dir'} = sub { return $file_spec->catdir ("$dos_zdrv", 'os'); }; $u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'} = \&ask_os; $u->{'_temp'}->{'postinst'} = \&create_postinst_bat; $u->{'_meta'}->{'replace_mbr'} = sub { return yes_no_choice ('Replace Master Boot Record (if unsure, say yes)'); }; $u->comments ('_meta', 'top') = ['First script run by postinst.bat']; $u->sort_index ('_meta', 'top') = 1; $u->comments ('_meta', 'middle') = ['Optional script(s) run by postinst.bat']; $u->sort_index ('_meta', 'middle') = 2; $u->comments ('_meta', 'bottom') = ['Last script(s) run by postinst.bat']; $u->sort_index ('_meta', 'bottom') = 3; # Go through the first line (head) of each script and slurp out the # line matching the desired token. sub _script_sel_helper ($$) { my ($token, $heads) = @_; my %ret; foreach my $script (sort keys %$heads) { $heads->{$script} =~ /^::\s*$token(?!\w)\W*(.*)\z/ or next; my $desc = $1; my $key = "$script ($desc)"; (exists $ret{$key}) and die "Internal error (duplicate key in _top_helper)"; $ret{"$script ($desc)"} = $script; } return %ret; } $u->{'_meta'}->{'top'} = sub { my $bat_heads = batfile_first_lines (); my %master_choices = _script_sel_helper ('MASTER', $bat_heads); my $master = ''; if (scalar keys %master_choices > 0) { my @choices = (map { ($_ => $master_choices{$_}) } sort keys %master_choices); print "Choose master post-installation script to run.\n"; $master = menu_choice (@choices, 'none' => ''); } return $master; }; $u->{'_meta'}->{'middle'} = sub { my $bat_heads = batfile_first_lines (); my %optional_choices = _script_sel_helper ('OPTIONAL', $bat_heads); my @options = multi_choice ('Choose optional scripts to run.', sort keys %optional_choices); return join ';', map { $optional_choices{$_} } @options; }; $u->{'_meta'}->{'bottom'} = ''; # Default is to fetch these from environment set up by autoexec.bat. $u->comments ('_meta', 'z_path') = ['UNC path to install share']; (defined $ENV{'Z_PATH'}) or die "autoexec.bat failed to set Z_PATH; bailing"; $u->{'_meta'}->{'z_path'} = $ENV{'Z_PATH'}; $u->comments ('_meta', 'z_user') = ['Username for mapping install share']; (defined $ENV{'Z_USER'}) or die "autoexec.bat failed to set Z_USER; bailing"; $u->{'_meta'}->{'z_user'} = sub { my $user = $ENV{'Z_USER'}; my $domain = $ENV{'Z_DOMAIN'}; return (defined $domain && $domain =~ /\S/ ? canonicalize_user ($domain, $user) : $user); }; $u->comments ('_meta', 'z_password') = ['Password for mapping install share']; (defined $ENV{'Z_PASS'}) or die "autoexec.bat failed to set Z_PASS; bailing"; $u->{'_meta'}->{'z_password'} = $ENV{'Z_PASS'}; $u->comments ('_meta', 'z_drive') = [ 'Install share drive letter' ]; $u->{'_meta'}->{'z_drive'} = 'Z:'; $u->{'UserData'}->{'FullName'} = sub { # patch se3-unattended : en francais #return simple_q ("Enter the user's full name for this machine:\n"); return simple_q ("Entrer le nom complet de cette machine:\n"); }; $u->{'UserData'}->{'OrgName'} = sub { return simple_q ("Enter the organization name for this machine:\n"); }; $u->{'UserData'}->{'ComputerName'} = sub { # patch se3-unattended : en francais # my $name = simple_q ("Enter computer name (* == autogenerate):\n"); my $name = simple_q ("Entrer le nom de l ordinateur (* == autogenerate):\n"); return $name; }; $u->comments ('GuiRunOnce', 'Command0') = ["Command which runs after OS installation finishes"]; $u->{'GuiRunOnce'}->{'Command0'} = sub { return $u->{'_temp'}->{'guirunonce'}; }; $u->{'_temp'}->{'guirunonce'} = sub { my $ret; my $postinst = $u->{'_temp'}->{'postinst'}; if (!defined $postinst) { undef $ret; } elsif (!defined $u->{'_meta'}->{'top'}) { # No toplevel script means no invocation of, # so no need to use mapznrun.bat. $ret = $postinst; } else { my $netinst = $u->{'_meta'}->{'netinst'}; # Basic framework for mapping Z: drive my $dos_zdrv = $u->{'_meta'}->{'dos_zdrv'}; my $mapznrun = $file_spec->catfile ($netinst, 'mapznrun.bat'); print "Copying $mapznrun..."; copy (dos_to_host ("$dos_zdrv\\bin\\mapznrun.bat"), dos_to_host ($mapznrun)) or die "Unable to copy $dos_zdrv\\bin\\mapznrun.bat to $mapznrun"; my $mapcd = $file_spec->catfile ($netinst, 'mapcd.js'); print "Copying $mapcd..."; copy (dos_to_host ("$dos_zdrv\\bin\\mapcd.js"), dos_to_host ($mapcd)) or die "Unable to copy $dos_zdrv\\bin\\mapcd.js to $mapcd"; print "done.\n"; # "Permanent" credentials (drive letter, UNC path) my $z = $u->{'_meta'}->{'z_drive'}; my $z_path = $u->{'_meta'}->{'z_path'}; my $netlogon_dir = $u->{'_meta'}->{'netlogon_dir'}; my $permcred = $file_spec->catfile ($netinst, 'permcred.bat'); print "Creating $permcred..."; write_file ($permcred, "\@SET Z=$z", "\@SET Z_PATH=$z_path", "\@SET NETLOGON_DIR=$netlogon_dir"); print "done.\n"; # "Temporary" credentials (username, password) my $z_user = $u->{'_meta'}->{'z_user'}; my $z_pass = $u->{'_meta'}->{'z_password'}; my $tempcred = $file_spec->catfile ($netinst, 'tempcred.bat'); print "Creating $tempcred..."; write_file ($tempcred, "\@SET Z_USER=\"$z_user\"", "\@SET Z_PASS=\"$z_pass\""); print "done.\n"; $ret = "$mapznrun $postinst"; } return $ret; }; $u->{'GuiUnattended'}->{'AdminPassword'} = sub { return password_q ('Enter password for local administrator account: '); }; $u->{'GuiUnattended'}->{'AutoLogon'} = sub { my $runonce_cmd = $u->{'GuiRunOnce'}->{'Command0'}; return (defined $runonce_cmd ? 'Yes' : undef); }; $u->{'Identification'}->{'JoinDomain'} = sub { # Mutual recursion. IniFile object takes care of it. my $join_workgroup = $u->{'Identification'}->{'JoinWorkgroup'}; # If we are joining a workgroup, then we are not joining a # domain. defined $join_workgroup and return undef; return simple_q ('Join workstation to what domain (default = none)? '); }; $u->{'Identification'}->{'JoinWorkgroup'} = sub { # Mutual recursion. IniFile object takes care of it. my $join_domain = $u->{'Identification'}->{'JoinDomain'}; # If we are joining a domain, then we are not joining a # workgroup. defined $join_domain and return undef; return simple_q ('Join workstation to what workgroup (default = none)? '); }; # Ask about domain before workgroup, ceteris paribus. $u->sort_index ('Identification', 'JoinWorkgroup') = $u->sort_index ('Identification', 'JoinDomain') + 1; $u->{'Identification'}->{'DomainAdmin'} = sub { my $dom = $u->{'Identification'}->{'JoinDomain'}; defined $dom or return undef; my $user = simple_q ("DomainAdmin account for joining $dom domain? "); return canonicalize_user ($dom, $user); }; $u->{'Identification'}->{'DomainAdminPassword'} = sub { my $admin = $u->{'Identification'}->{'DomainAdmin'}; defined $admin or return undef; return password_q ("Enter DomainAdminPassword for $admin account: "); }; $u->{'Unattended'}->{'OemPnPDriversPath'} = \&ask_oem_pnp_drivers_path; my $product_key_q = "Enter your product key now.\n" . "This is the 25-character code from your software license\n" . "(like 12345-6789A-BCDEF-GHIJK-LMNOP)\n\n" . "Enter key: "; $u->{'UserData'}->{'ProductID'} = sub { my $media_obj = Unattend::WinMedia->new ($u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'}); my $name = $media_obj->name (); # Only ask for ProductID for win2k or winnt. $name =~ /Windows 2000/ || $name =~ /Windows NT/ or return undef; print "OS-ProductID:", $name ,"\n"; return simple_q ($product_key_q); }; $u->{'UserData'}->{'ProductKey'} = sub { my $media_obj = Unattend::WinMedia->new ($u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'}); my $name = $media_obj->name (); # ProductKey is never used by win2k nor winnt. $name =~ /Windows 2000/ || $name =~ /Windows NT/ and return undef; print "OS-ProductKey:", $name ,"\n"; # Only ask for ProductKey if we lack a ProductID. my $product_id = $u->{'UserData'}->{'ProductID'}; defined $product_id and return undef; return simple_q ($product_key_q); }; $u->comments ('MassStorageDrivers') = ['See ']; $u->{'MassStorageDrivers'} = sub { my $media_obj = Unattend::WinMedia->new ($u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'}); my @oem_drivers = multi_choice ('Select OEM drivers for [MassStorageDrivers]:', sort $media_obj->textmode_oem_drivers (1)); scalar @oem_drivers > 0 or return undef; # OK, adding some OEM drivers. Add the retail ones while we # are at it. my @retail_drivers = multi_choice ('Select RETAIL drivers for [MassStorageDrivers]:', sort $media_obj->textmode_retail_drivers (1)); my %ret = ((map { $_ => 'RETAIL' } @retail_drivers), (map { $_=> 'OEM' } @oem_drivers)); return \%ret; }; $u->comments ('OEMBootFiles') = 'See comments for [MassStorageDrivers]'; $u->{'OEMBootFiles'} = sub { (defined $u->{'MassStorageDrivers'}) or return undef; my $media_obj = Unattend::WinMedia->new ($u->{'_meta'}->{'OS_media'}); my %ret = (map { $_ => $u->no_value () } $media_obj->textmode_files ()); return \%ret; }; # Make [_meta] section sort last in the file. $u->sort_index ('_meta') = 999999; ## Now the meat of the script. # Compare Z:\version.txt file to VERSION environment variable. my $version_file = "$dos_zdrv\\version.txt"; if (! -f dos_to_host ($version_file)) { print "Warning: $version_file not found (old install share?)\n"; } elsif (!defined $ENV{'VERSION'}) { print "Warning: VERSION variable is empty (old boot disk?)\n" } else { my ($share_ver) = read_file ($version_file); chomp $share_ver; my $boot_ver = $ENV{'VERSION'}; $share_ver eq $boot_ver or print "Warning: Boot disk version ($boot_ver) does not match install share version ($share_ver)\n"; } # Read master unattend.txt. $u->read (dos_to_host ("$dos_zdrv\\lib\\unattend.txt")); # Read site-specific unattend.txt, if it exists. if (1) { my $site_unattend_txt = dos_to_host ("$dos_zdrv\\site\\unattend.txt"); -e ($site_unattend_txt) and $u->read ($site_unattend_txt); } # Output some interesting info. my $ipaddr = $u->{'_meta'}->{'ipaddr'}; defined $ipaddr and print "IP address: $ipaddr\n"; my $macaddr = $u->{'_meta'}->{'macaddr'}; defined $macaddr and print "MAC address: $macaddr\n"; # Read site-specific Perl configuration file. if (1) { my $site_conf = dos_to_host ("$dos_zdrv\\site\\"); if (-e $site_conf) { my $result = do $site_conf; $@ and die "do $site_conf failed: $@"; defined $result or die "Could not do $site_conf: $^E"; } } # On Linux, we may need to correct the kernel's notion of the disk # geometry. Otherwise the disk partitioning tool will have the wrong # idea about how to create the partition, and dosemu will present the # wrong geometry to the Windows installer (resulting in a partition # which does not boot). if ($is_linux) { my $bios_head = $ENV{'LEGACY_BIOS_HEAD'}; my $bios_sect = $ENV{'LEGACY_BIOS_SECT'}; if (defined $bios_head && defined $bios_sect) { my $hda = readlink ('/dev/dsk'); defined $hda or die "readlink /dev/dsk failed: $^E"; my $sectors = get_disk_sectors (); my $cylinders = int ($sectors / $bios_head / $bios_sect); $sectors == $cylinders * $bios_head * $bios_sect or print "Odd. C/H/S does not multiply out to $sectors.\n"; $cylinders > 65535 and $cylinders = 65535; my $sys_hda = $hda; $sys_hda =~ s/\//!/g; my $settings_file = "/proc/ide/$sys_hda/settings"; if (-e $settings_file) { print "\nSetting C/H/S for $hda to $cylinders/$bios_head/$bios_sect..."; open SETTINGS, ">$settings_file" or die "Unable to open $settings_file for writing: $^E"; printf SETTINGS "bios_cyl:%d bios_head:%d bios_sect:%d\n", $cylinders, $bios_head, $bios_sect; close SETTINGS or die "Unable to close $settings_file: $^E"; print "done.\n"; # Disk geometry is now fixed, no need to hack disk geo into the partition: $u->{'_meta'}->{'fix_disk_geo_heads'} = ""; $u->{'_meta'}->{'fix_disk_geo_sectors'} = ""; } else { # Non-IDE disk. Should probably sanity-check kernel # geometry against legacy BIOS geometry here. FIXME. # Send partition geometry via unatted.txt so we can # hack it into partition after the dosemu run. # FIXME Should we ask the user before we do this? if (not defined $u->{'_meta'}->{'fix_disk_geo_heads'}) { $u->{'_meta'}->{'fix_disk_geo_heads'} = $bios_head; } if (not defined $u->{'_meta'}->{'fix_disk_geo_sectors'}) { $u->{'_meta'}->{'fix_disk_geo_sectors'} = $bios_sect; } } } } # Set environment variable controlling fdisk's use of INT13 extensions. $is_linux || ($u->{'_meta'}->{'fdisk_lba'}) or $ENV{'FFD_VERSION'}=6; # Read current partition table. my $partition_table = partition_table (); my $fdisk_cmds; # Partition the disk. while (1) { $fdisk_cmds = $u->{'_meta'}->{'fdisk_cmds'}; defined $fdisk_cmds or $fdisk_cmds = ''; $fdisk_cmds =~ /\S/ or last; ($u->{'_meta'}->{'fdisk_confirm'}) or last; print "\n"; print "ABOUT TO PARTITION THE FIRST HARD DRIVE!\n"; print "WARNING: This operation erases the disk!"; yes_no_choice ("Are you sure") and last; $u->{'_meta'}->{'fdisk_cmds'} = \&ask_fdisk_cmds; } # Run the fdisk commands. my $is_fdisk; foreach my $cmd (split /;/, $fdisk_cmds) { $is_fdisk = 1; system ($is_linux ? convert_fdisk_parted ($cmd) : $cmd); } if ($is_linux) { # On Linux, we (re-)create the device nodes after modifying the # partition table. my $hda = readlink ('/dev/dsk'); defined $hda or die "readlink /dev/dsk failed: $^E"; 0 == system 'make-blkdev-nodes', $hda or die "make-blkdev-nodes $hda failed: $?"; } else { # If partition table has changed, reboot. print "\nRe-checking partition table..."; if ($partition_table ne partition_table (1) || ($partition_table eq '' && defined $is_fdisk)) { print "changed. Rebooting...\n"; sleep 2; system ('fdisk /reboot'); die "Internal error"; } else { print "no change. Continuing.\n"; } } # Run formatting command, if any. my $format_cmd = $u->{'_meta'}->{'format_cmd'}; # On DOS, format now. # On Linux, take care of it later. my @doit_cmds; if (defined $format_cmd) { if ($is_linux) { print "(Deferring format command to run under DOSEMU)\n"; push @doit_cmds, $format_cmd; push @doit_cmds, 'if errorlevel 1 exit 1'; } else { system $format_cmd; } } # Overwrite MBR, if desired. if ($u->{'_meta'}->{'replace_mbr'}) { if ($is_linux) { linux_write_mbr ('/usr/lib/freedos-mbr.bin'); # linux_write_mbr ('/usr/lib/booteasy.bin'); } else { system ('fdisk /mbr'); } } # Create C:\netinst and subdirectories. my $netinst = $u->{'_meta'}->{'netinst'}; foreach my $dir ($netinst, "$netinst\\logs") { -d dos_to_host ($dir) and next; print "Creating $dir..."; mkdir dos_to_host ($dir) or die "FAILED: $^E"; print "done.\n"; } # At this point, force everything else. $u->generate (); # Batch script to run after this script exits. my $doit = "$netinst\\doit.bat"; if($is_linux) { # xcopy will copy a file that will prevent a cycling of DOSemu # this is tested as the first command # The filename itself my $noCycling = "$netinst\\" . int(rand(10000000)) . ".tmp"; # First of all, if the checkpoint file exist, leave DOSEmu unshift @doit_cmds, "IF EXIST $noCycling EXITEMU"; push @doit_cmds, 'xcopy /s /e /y Y:\\ C:\\'; # have the XCOPY command copy over the checkpoint file write_file($noCycling, 'prevent cycling of DOSemu'); } push @doit_cmds, split /;/, $u->{'_meta'}->{'doit_cmds'}; print "Creating $doit..."; write_file ($doit, @doit_cmds); print "done.\n"; # Patch se3-unattended : remontée rapport se3-clonage : macaddr et heure de debut d'install windows my $macaddrfile = $file_spec->catfile ($netinst, 'macaddr.txt'); my $macadresse = $u->{'_meta'}->{'macaddr'}; print "Creating $macaddrfile..."; write_file ($macaddrfile,$macadresse); print "done.\n"; my $heuredebut = localtime; my @heure = split(/ /,$heuredebut); # pour avoir l'annee par exemple ajouter ,$heure[4] my $debutwinfile = $file_spec->catfile ($netinst, 'debutwin.txt'); print "Heure de debut d'install : $heure[3]\n"; print "Creation du fichier debutwin.txt..."; write_file ($debutwinfile,$heure[3]); print "done.\n"; # Create list of files to offer for editing. my $unattend_txt = "$netinst\\unattend.txt"; my @edit_choices; push @edit_choices, ("Edit $unattend_txt" => $unattend_txt); my $postinst = $u->{'_temp'}->{'postinst'}; defined $postinst and push (@edit_choices, "Edit $postinst (will run after OS install is done)" => $postinst); push @edit_choices, ("Edit $doit (will run when you select Continue)" => $doit); # Create unattend.txt file. print "Creating $unattend_txt..."; # Remove [_temp] section. Since it holds subroutines with # side-effects, including it in unattend.txt would almost certainly be # an error. delete $u->{'_temp'}; my @unattend_contents = $u->generate (); write_file ($unattend_txt, @unattend_contents); print "done.\n"; while ($u->{'_meta'}->{'edit_files'}) { my $file = menu_choice (@edit_choices, 'Continue' => undef); defined $file or last; if ($is_linux) { system 'nano', '--nowrap', dos_to_host ($file); } else { system 'pico', '-w', $file; } } # Return control to master script, which will run doit.bat. exit 0;