use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Win32::OLE; # Your usual option-processing sludge. my %opts; GetOptions (\%opts, 'help|h|?', 'remote=s', 'user=s') or pod2usage (2); (exists $opts{'help'}) and pod2usage ('-exitstatus' => 0, '-verbose' => 2); # Ensure exactly two arguments after options. scalar @ARGV == 2 or pod2usage (2); my ($var_name, $value) = @ARGV; # Bomb out completely if COM engine encounters any trouble. Win32::OLE->Option ('Warn' => 3); # Get a handle to the SWbemServices object of the machine. my $computer = Win32::OLE->GetObject (exists $opts{'remote'} ? "WinMgmts://$opts{'remote'}/" : 'WinMgmts:'); # Get the environment variable class object. See: # my $var_class = $computer->Get ('Win32_Environment'); # Create an instance of this class. my $var = $var_class->Spawninstance_ (); # Set the instance's properties appropriately. $var->{'Name'} = $var_name; $var->{'Username'} = exists $opts{'user'} ? $opts{'user'} : ''; $var->{'VariableValue'} = $value; $var->Put_(); exit 0; __END__ =head1 NAME - Set a Windows environment variable =head1 SYNOPSIS [ options ] Options (may be abbreviated): --help Display help and exit --remote Set variable on instead of local machine --user Set variable for (default "") =head1 NOTES The --user switch may be a user name or one of the special strings "" and "". =head1 SEE ALSO C