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/se3-backup/usr/share/backuppc/lib/BackupPC/CGI/ -> Lib.pm (source)

   1  #============================================================= -*-perl-*-
   2  #
   3  # BackupPC::CGI::Lib package
   4  #
   6  #
   7  #   This library defines a BackupPC::Lib class and a variety of utility
   8  #   functions used by BackupPC.
   9  #
  10  # AUTHOR
  11  #   Craig Barratt  <cbarratt@users.sourceforge.net>
  12  #
  14  #   Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Craig Barratt
  15  #
  16  #   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  17  #   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  18  #   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  19  #   (at your option) any later version.
  20  #
  21  #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  22  #   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  24  #   GNU General Public License for more details.
  25  #
  26  #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  27  #   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  28  #   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
  29  #
  30  #========================================================================
  31  #
  32  # Version 3.1.0, released 25 Nov 2007.
  33  #
  34  # See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net.
  35  #
  36  #========================================================================
  38  package BackupPC::CGI::Lib;
  40  use strict;
  41  use BackupPC::Lib;
  43  require Exporter;
  45  use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS );
  47  use vars qw($Cgi %In $MyURL $User %Conf $TopDir $LogDir $BinDir $bpc);
  48  use vars qw(%Status %Info %Jobs @BgQueue @UserQueue @CmdQueue
  49              %QueueLen %StatusHost);
  50  use vars qw($Hosts $HostsMTime $ConfigMTime $PrivAdmin);
  51  use vars qw(%UserEmailInfo $UserEmailInfoMTime %RestoreReq %ArchiveReq);
  52  use vars qw($Lang);
  53  use vars qw($connexionDb $mysqlServerUsername $mysqlServerPw $cookie
  54              $peopleDn $ldap_server $adminDn $adminPw $droitsDn $cn @cn
  55          $baseurl);
  57  @ISA = qw(Exporter);
  59  @EXPORT    = qw( );
  61  @EXPORT_OK = qw(
  62              timeStamp2
  63              HostLink
  64              UserLink
  65              EscHTML
  66              EscURI
  67              ErrorExit
  68              ServerConnect
  69              GetStatusInfo
  70              ReadUserEmailInfo
  71              CheckPermission
  72              GetUserHosts
  73              ConfirmIPAddress
  74              Header
  75              Trailer
  76              NavSectionTitle
  77              NavSectionStart
  78              NavSectionEnd
  79              NavLink
  80              h1
  81              h2
  82              $Cgi %In $MyURL $User %Conf $TopDir $LogDir $BinDir $bpc
  83              %Status %Info %Jobs @BgQueue @UserQueue @CmdQueue
  84              %QueueLen %StatusHost
  85              $Hosts $HostsMTime $ConfigMTime $PrivAdmin
  86              %UserEmailInfo $UserEmailInfoMTime %RestoreReq %ArchiveReq
  87              $Lang
  88               );
  90  %EXPORT_TAGS = (
  91      'all'    => [ @EXPORT_OK ],
  92  );
  94  sub NewRequest
  95  {
  96      $Cgi = new CGI;
  97      %In = $Cgi->Vars;
  99      if ( !defined($bpc) ) {
 100      ErrorExit($Lang->{BackupPC__Lib__new_failed__check_apache_error_log})
 101          if ( !($bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new(undef, undef, undef, 1)) );
 102      $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir();
 103      $LogDir = $bpc->LogDir();
 104      $BinDir = $bpc->BinDir();
 105      %Conf   = $bpc->Conf();
 106      $Lang   = $bpc->Lang();
 107      $ConfigMTime = $bpc->ConfigMTime();
 108          umask($Conf{UmaskMode});
 109      } elsif ( $bpc->ConfigMTime() != $ConfigMTime ) {
 110          $bpc->ConfigRead();
 111      $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir();
 112      $LogDir = $bpc->LogDir();
 113      $BinDir = $bpc->BinDir();
 114          %Conf   = $bpc->Conf();
 115          $Lang   = $bpc->Lang();
 116          $ConfigMTime = $bpc->ConfigMTime();
 117          umask($Conf{UmaskMode});
 118      }
 120      #
 121      # Default REMOTE_USER so in a miminal installation the user
 122      # has a sensible default.
 123      #
 124      #$ENV{REMOTE_USER} = $Conf{BackupPCUser} if ( $ENV{REMOTE_USER} eq "" );
 126      #
 127      # We require that Apache pass in $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} and $ENV{REMOTE_USER}.
 128      # The latter requires .ht_access style authentication.  Replace this
 129      # code if you are using some other type of authentication, and have
 130      # a different way of getting the user name.
 131      #
 132      #$MyURL  = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
 133      #$User   = "www-se3";
 135      use CGI::Cookie;
 136      use Net::LDAP;
 137      require '/etc/SeConfig.ph';
 138      # Identification de l'utilisateur
 139      # ===============================
 140      # R\xe9cup\xe9ration du cookie
 141      my %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
 142      #open LOG, '>/tmp/bpc.log';
 143      #foreach $cookie (keys %cookies) {
 144      #  print LOG "$cookie : $cookies{$cookie}\n";
 145      #}
 146      #close LOG;
 147      my $isAdmin = "N";
 148      if ($cookies{'SambaEdu3'}) {
 149        my $session = $cookies{'SambaEdu3'}->value;
 150        # Connexion MySql
 151        my $lcs_db = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$connexionDb", $mysqlServerUsername, $mysqlServerPw);
 152        my $requete = $lcs_db->prepare("select id, login from sessions where (sess = '$session')");
 153        $requete->execute();
 154        my ( $id, $login ) = $requete->fetchrow_array;
 155        $lcs_db->disconnect;
 156        # Validation
 157        my $admindn = 'uid=' . $login .",". $peopleDn;
 158        my @attrs = ('cn');
 159        my $lcs_ldap = Net::LDAP->new("$ldap_server");
 160        $lcs_ldap->bind(dn       => "$adminDn",
 161                        password => "$adminPw");
 162        my $res = $lcs_ldap->search(base     => "cn=system_is_admin,$droitsDn",
 163                                    scope    => 'subtree',
 164                                    attrs    => \@attrs,
 165                                    filter   => "(member=$admindn)");
 166        foreach my $entry ($res->entries) {
 167          @cn  = $entry->get('cn');
 168        }
 169        if ($cn[0] eq 'system_is_admin') {
 170          $isAdmin = "Y";
 171        }
 172        my $res = $lcs_ldap->search(base     => "cn=se3_is_admin,$droitsDn",
 173                                    scope    => 'subtree',
 174                                    attrs    => \@attrs,
 175                                    filter   => "(member=$admindn)");
 176        foreach my $entry ($res->entries) {
 177          @cn  = $entry->get('cn');
 178        }
 179        if ($cn[0] eq 'se3_is_admin') {
 180          $isAdmin = "Y";
 181        }
 182        $lcs_ldap->unbind();
 183      }
 185      if ($isAdmin eq 'N') {
 186        print $Cgi->header();
 187        print
 188          "<!doctype html public \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n",
 189          "<html><head>\n",
 190          "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; url=" . $baseurl,
 191          "Err/401.html\">\n",
 192          "</head></html>\n";
 193        exit;
 194      } else {
 195        $User = 'backuppc';
 196      }
 198      #
 199      # Handle LDAP uid=user when using mod_authz_ldap and otherwise untaint
 200      #
 201      $User   = $1 if ( $User =~ /uid=([^,]+)/i || $User =~ /(.*)/ );
 203      #
 204      # Clean up %ENV for taint checking
 205      #
 206      delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)};
 207      $ENV{PATH} = $Conf{MyPath};
 209      #
 210      # Verify we are running as the correct user
 211      #
 212      if ( $Conf{BackupPCUserVerify}
 213          && $> != (my $uid = (getpwnam($Conf{BackupPCUser}))[2]) ) {
 214      ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Wrong_user__my_userid_is___}}"), <<EOF);
 215  This script needs to run as the user specified in \$Conf{BackupPCUser},
 216  which is set to $Conf{BackupPCUser}.
 217  <p>
 218  This is an installation problem.  If you are using mod_perl then
 219  it appears that Apache is not running as user $Conf{BackupPCUser}.
 220  If you are not using mod_perl, then most like setuid is not working
 221  properly on BackupPC_Admin.  Check the permissions on
 222  $Conf{CgiDir}/BackupPC_Admin and look at the documentation.
 223  EOF
 224      }
 226      if ( !defined($Hosts) || $bpc->HostsMTime() != $HostsMTime ) {
 227      $HostsMTime = $bpc->HostsMTime();
 228      $Hosts = $bpc->HostInfoRead();
 230      # turn moreUsers list into a hash for quick lookups
 231      foreach my $host (keys %$Hosts) {
 232         $Hosts->{$host}{moreUsers} =
 233             {map {$_, 1} split(",", $Hosts->{$host}{moreUsers}) }
 234      }
 235      }
 237      #
 238      # Untaint the host name
 239      #
 240      if ( $In{host} =~ /^([\w.\s-]+)$/ ) {
 241      $In{host} = $1;
 242      } else {
 243      delete($In{host});
 244      }
 245  }
 247  sub timeStamp2
 248  {
 249      my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)
 250                = localtime($_[0] == 0 ? time : $_[0] );
 251      $mon++;
 252      if ( $Conf{CgiDateFormatMMDD} == 2 ) {
 253          $year += 1900;
 254          return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min);
 255      } elsif ( $Conf{CgiDateFormatMMDD} ) {
 256          return sprintf("$mon/$mday %02d:%02d", $hour, $min);
 257      } else {
 258          return sprintf("$mday/$mon %02d:%02d", $hour, $min);
 259      }
 260  }
 262  sub HostLink
 263  {
 264      my($host) = @_;
 265      my($s);
 266      if ( defined($Hosts->{$host}) || defined($Status{$host}) ) {
 267          $s = "<a href=\"$MyURL?host=$EscURI($host)}\">$host</a>";
 268      } else {
 269          $s = $host;
 270      }
 271      return \$s;
 272  }
 274  sub UserLink
 275  {
 276      my($user) = @_;
 277      my($s);
 279      return \$user if ( $user eq ""
 280                      || $Conf{CgiUserUrlCreate} eq "" );
 281      if ( $Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck} eq ""
 282              || -f sprintf($Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck}, $user, $user, $user) ) {
 283          $s = "<a href=\""
 284               . sprintf($Conf{CgiUserUrlCreate}, $user, $user, $user)
 285               . "\">$user</a>";
 286      } else {
 287          $s = $user;
 288      }
 289      return \$s;
 290  }
 292  sub EscHTML
 293  {
 294      my($s) = @_;
 295      $s =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
 296      $s =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
 297      $s =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
 298      $s =~ s/</&lt;/g;
 299      ### $s =~ s{([^[:print:]])}{sprintf("&\#x%02X;", ord($1));}eg;
 300      return \$s;
 301  }
 303  sub EscURI
 304  {
 305      my($s) = @_;
 306      $s =~ s{([^\w.\/-])}{sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1));}eg;
 307      return \$s;
 308  }
 310  sub ErrorExit
 311  {
 312      my(@mesg) = @_;
 313      my($head) = shift(@mesg);
 314      my($mesg) = join("</p>\n<p>", @mesg);
 316      if ( !defined($ENV{REMOTE_USER}) ) {
 317      $mesg .= <<EOF;
 318  <p>
 319  Note: \$ENV{REMOTE_USER} is not set, which could mean there is an
 320  installation problem.  BackupPC_Admin expects Apache to authenticate
 321  the user and pass their user name into this script as the REMOTE_USER
 322  environment variable.  See the documentation.
 323  EOF
 324      }
 326      $bpc->ServerMesg("log User $User (host=$In{host}) got CGI error: $head")
 327                              if ( defined($bpc) );
 328      if ( !defined($Lang->{Error}) ) {
 329          $mesg = <<EOF if ( !defined($mesg) );
 330  There is some problem with the BackupPC installation.
 331  Please check the permissions on BackupPC_Admin.
 332  EOF
 333          my $content = <<EOF;
 334  $h1("Error: Unable to read config.pl or language strings!!")}
 335  <p>$mesg</p>
 336  EOF
 337          Header("BackupPC: Error", $content);
 338      Trailer();
 339      } else {
 340          my $content = eval("qq{$Lang->{Error____head}}");
 341          Header(eval("qq{$Lang->{Error}}"), $content);
 342      Trailer();
 343      }
 344      exit(1);
 345  }
 347  sub ServerConnect
 348  {
 349      #
 350      # Verify that the server connection is ok
 351      #
 352      return if ( $bpc->ServerOK() );
 353      $bpc->ServerDisconnect();
 354      if ( my $err = $bpc->ServerConnect($Conf{ServerHost}, $Conf{ServerPort}) ) {
 355          if ( CheckPermission() 
 356            && -f $Conf{ServerInitdPath}
 357            && $Conf{ServerInitdStartCmd} ne "" ) {
 358              my $content = eval("qq{$Lang->{Admin_Start_Server}}");
 359              Header(eval("qq{$Lang->{Unable_to_connect_to_BackupPC_server}}"), $content);
 360              Trailer();
 361              exit(1);
 362          } else {
 363              ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Unable_to_connect_to_BackupPC_server}}"));
 364          }
 365      }
 366  }
 368  sub GetStatusInfo
 369  {
 370      my($status) = @_;
 371      ServerConnect();
 372      %Status = ()     if ( $status =~ /\bhosts\b/ );
 373      %StatusHost = () if ( $status =~ /\bhost\(/ );
 374      my $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("status $status");
 375      $reply = $1 if ( $reply =~ /(.*)/s );
 376      eval($reply);
 377      # ignore status related to admin and trashClean jobs
 378      if ( $status =~ /\bhosts\b/ ) {
 379      foreach my $host ( grep(/admin/, keys(%Status)) ) {
 380          delete($Status{$host}) if ( $bpc->isAdminJob($host) );
 381      }
 382          delete($Status{$bpc->trashJob});
 383      }
 384  }
 386  sub ReadUserEmailInfo
 387  {
 388      if ( (stat("$LogDir/UserEmailInfo.pl"))[9] != $UserEmailInfoMTime ) {
 389          do "$LogDir/UserEmailInfo.pl";
 390          $UserEmailInfoMTime = (stat("$LogDir/UserEmailInfo.pl"))[9];
 391      }
 392  }
 394  #
 395  # Check if the user is privileged.  A privileged user can access
 396  # any information (backup files, logs, status pages etc).
 397  #
 398  # A user is privileged if they belong to the group
 399  # $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup}, or they are in $Conf{CgiAdminUsers}
 400  # or they are the user assigned to a host in the host file.
 401  #
 402  sub CheckPermission
 403  {
 404      my($host) = @_;
 405      my $Privileged = 0;
 407      return 0 if ( $User eq "" && $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} ne "*"
 408             || $host ne "" && !defined($Hosts->{$host}) );
 409      if ( $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} ne "" ) {
 410          my($n,$p,$gid,$mem) = getgrnam($Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup});
 411          $Privileged ||= ($mem =~ /\b\Q$User\E\b/);
 412      }
 413      if ( $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} ne "" ) {
 414          $Privileged ||= ($Conf{CgiAdminUsers} =~ /\b\Q$User\E\b/);
 415          $Privileged ||= $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} eq "*";
 416      }
 417      $PrivAdmin = $Privileged;
 418      return $Privileged if ( !defined($host) );
 420      $Privileged ||= $User eq $Hosts->{$host}{user};
 421      $Privileged ||= defined($Hosts->{$host}{moreUsers}{$User});
 422      return $Privileged;
 423  }
 425  #
 426  # Returns the list of hosts that should appear in the navigation bar
 427  # for this user.  If $getAll is set, the admin gets all the hosts.
 428  # Otherwise, regular users get hosts for which they are the user or
 429  # are listed in the moreUsers column in the hosts file.
 430  #
 431  sub GetUserHosts
 432  {
 433      my($getAll) = @_;
 434      my @hosts;
 436      if ( $getAll && CheckPermission() ) {
 437          @hosts = sort keys %$Hosts;
 438      } else {
 439          @hosts = sort grep { $Hosts->{$_}{user} eq $User ||
 440                         defined($Hosts->{$_}{moreUsers}{$User}) } keys(%$Hosts);
 441      }
 442      return @hosts;
 443  }
 445  #
 446  # Given a host name tries to find the IP address.  For non-dhcp hosts
 447  # we just return the host name.  For dhcp hosts we check the address
 448  # the user is using ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}) and also the last-known IP
 449  # address for $host.  (Later we should replace this with a broadcast
 450  # nmblookup.)
 451  #
 452  sub ConfirmIPAddress
 453  {
 454      my($host) = @_;
 455      my $ipAddr = $host;
 457      if ( defined($Hosts->{$host}) && $Hosts->{$host}{dhcp}
 458             && $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^(\d+[\.\d]*)$/ ) {
 459      $ipAddr = $1;
 460      my($netBiosHost, $netBiosUser) = $bpc->NetBiosInfoGet($ipAddr);
 461      if ( $netBiosHost ne $host ) {
 462          my($tryIP);
 463          GetStatusInfo("host($EscURI($host)})");
 464          if ( defined($StatusHost{dhcpHostIP})
 465              && $StatusHost{dhcpHostIP} ne $ipAddr ) {
 466          $tryIP = eval("qq{$Lang->{tryIP}}");
 467          ($netBiosHost, $netBiosUser)
 468              = $bpc->NetBiosInfoGet($StatusHost{dhcpHostIP});
 469          }
 470          if ( $netBiosHost ne $host ) {
 471          ErrorExit(eval("qq{$Lang->{Can_t_find_IP_address_for}}"),
 472                    eval("qq{$Lang->{host_is_a_DHCP_host}}"));
 473          }
 474          $ipAddr = $StatusHost{dhcpHostIP};
 475      }
 476      }
 477      return $ipAddr;
 478  }
 480  ###########################################################################
 481  # HTML layout subroutines
 482  ###########################################################################
 484  sub Header
 485  {
 486      my($title, $content, $noBrowse, $contentSub, $contentPost) = @_;
 487      my @adminLinks = (
 488          { link => "",                      name => $Lang->{Status}},
 489          { link => "?action=summary",       name => $Lang->{PC_Summary}},
 490          { link => "?action=editConfig",    name => $Lang->{CfgEdit_Edit_Config},
 491                                             priv => 1},
 492          { link => "?action=editConfig&newMenu=hosts",
 493                                             name => $Lang->{CfgEdit_Edit_Hosts},
 494                                             priv => 1},
 495          { link => "?action=adminOpts",     name => $Lang->{Admin_Options},
 496                                             priv => 1},
 497          { link => "?action=view&type=LOG", name => $Lang->{LOG_file},
 498                                             priv => 1},
 499          { link => "?action=LOGlist",       name => $Lang->{Old_LOGs},
 500                                             priv => 1},
 501          { link => "?action=emailSummary",  name => $Lang->{Email_summary},
 502                                             priv => 1},
 503          { link => "?action=queue",         name => $Lang->{Current_queues},
 504                                             priv => 1},
 505          @{$Conf{CgiNavBarLinks} || []},
 506      );
 507      my $host = $In{host};
 509      binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
 510      print $Cgi->header(-charset => "utf-8");
 511      print <<EOF;
 512  <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
 513  <html><head>
 514  <title>$title</title>
 515  <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="$Conf{CgiImageDirURL}/$Conf{CgiCSSFile}" title="CSSFile">
 516  $Conf{CgiHeaders}
 517  <script src="$Conf{CgiImageDirURL}/sorttable.js"></script>
 518  </head><body onLoad="document.getElementById('NavMenu').style.height=document.body.scrollHeight">
 519  <a href="http://backuppc.sourceforge.net"><img src="$Conf{CgiImageDirURL}/logo.gif" hspace="5" vspace="7" border="0"></a><br>
 520  EOF
 522      if ( defined($Hosts) && defined($host) && defined($Hosts->{$host}) ) {
 523      print "<div class=\"NavMenu\">";
 524      NavSectionTitle("$EscHTML($host)}");
 525      print <<EOF;
 526  </div>
 527  <div class="NavMenu">
 528  EOF
 529      NavLink("?host=$EscURI($host)}",
 530          "$host $Lang->{Home}", " class=\"navbar\"");
 531      NavLink("?action=browse&host=$EscURI($host)}",
 532          $Lang->{Browse}, " class=\"navbar\"") if ( !$noBrowse );
 533      NavLink("?action=view&type=LOG&host=$EscURI($host)}",
 534          $Lang->{LOG_file}, " class=\"navbar\"");
 535      NavLink("?action=LOGlist&host=$EscURI($host)}",
 536          $Lang->{LOG_files}, " class=\"navbar\"");
 537      if ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad"
 538              || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/SmbLOG.bad.z"
 539              || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad"
 540              || -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/XferLOG.bad.z" ) {
 541         NavLink("?action=view&type=XferLOGbad&host=$EscURI($host)}",
 542              $Lang->{Last_bad_XferLOG}, " class=\"navbar\"");
 543         NavLink("?action=view&type=XferErrbad&host=$EscURI($host)}",
 544              $Lang->{Last_bad_XferLOG_errors_only},
 545              " class=\"navbar\"");
 546      }
 547          if ( $Conf{CgiUserConfigEditEnable} || $PrivAdmin ) {
 548              NavLink("?action=editConfig&host=$EscURI($host)}",
 549                      $Lang->{CfgEdit_Edit_Config}, " class=\"navbar\"");
 550          } elsif ( -f "$TopDir/pc/$host/config.pl"
 551                      || ($host ne "config" && -f "/etc/backuppc/$host.pl") ) {
 552              NavLink("?action=view&type=config&host=$EscURI($host)}",
 553                      $Lang->{Config_file}, " class=\"navbar\"");
 554          }
 555      print "</div>\n";
 556      }
 557      print("<div id=\"Content\">\n$content\n");
 558      if ( defined($contentSub) && ref($contentSub) eq "CODE" ) {
 559      while ( (my $s = &$contentSub()) ne "" ) {
 560          print($s);
 561      }
 562      }
 563      print($contentPost) if ( defined($contentPost) );
 564      print <<EOF;
 565  <br><br><br>
 566  </div>
 567  <div class="NavMenu" id="NavMenu" style="height:100%">
 568  EOF
 569      my $hostSelectbox = "<option value=\"#\">$Lang->{Select_a_host}</option>";
 570      my @hosts = GetUserHosts($Conf{CgiNavBarAdminAllHosts});
 571      NavSectionTitle($Lang->{Hosts});
 572      if ( defined($Hosts) && %$Hosts > 0 && @hosts ) {
 573          foreach my $host ( @hosts ) {
 574          NavLink("?host=$EscURI($host)}", $host)
 575              if ( @hosts < $Conf{CgiNavBarAdminAllHosts} );
 576          my $sel = " selected" if ( $host eq $In{host} );
 577          $hostSelectbox .= "<option value=\"?host=$EscURI($host)}\"$sel>"
 578                  . "$host</option>";
 579          }
 580      }
 581      if ( @hosts >= $Conf{CgiNavBarAdminAllHosts} ) {
 582          print <<EOF;
 583  <br>
 584  <select onChange="document.location=this.value">
 585  $hostSelectbox
 586  </select>
 587  <br><br>
 588  EOF
 589      }
 590      if ( $Conf{CgiSearchBoxEnable} ) {
 591          print <<EOF;
 592  <form action="$MyURL" method="get">
 593      <input type="text" name="host" size="14" maxlength="64">
 594      <input type="hidden" name="action" value="hostInfo"><input type="submit" value="$Lang->{Go}" name="ignore">
 595      </form>
 596  EOF
 597      }
 598      NavSectionTitle($Lang->{NavSectionTitle_});
 599      foreach my $l ( @adminLinks ) {
 600          if ( $PrivAdmin || !$l->{priv} ) {
 601              my $txt = $l->{lname} ne "" ? $Lang->{$l->{lname}} : $l->{name};
 602              NavLink($l->{link}, $txt);
 603          }
 604      }
 606      print <<EOF;
 607  <br><br><br>
 608  </div>
 609  EOF
 610  }
 612  sub Trailer
 613  {
 614      print <<EOF;
 615  </body></html>
 616  EOF
 617  }
 620  sub NavSectionTitle
 621  {
 622      my($head) = @_;
 623      print <<EOF;
 624  <div class="NavTitle">$head</div>
 625  EOF
 626  }
 628  sub NavSectionStart
 629  {
 630  }
 632  sub NavSectionEnd
 633  {
 634  }
 636  sub NavLink
 637  {
 638      my($link, $text) = @_;
 639      if ( defined($link) ) {
 640          my($class);
 641          $class = " class=\"NavCurrent\""
 642                  if ( length($link) && $ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ /\Q$link\E$/
 643                      || $link eq "" && $ENV{REQUEST_URI} !~ /\?/ );
 644          $link = "$MyURL$link" if ( $link eq "" || $link =~ /^\?/ );
 645          print <<EOF;
 646  <a href="$link"$class>$text</a>
 647  EOF
 648      } else {
 649          print <<EOF;
 650  $text<br>
 651  EOF
 652      }
 653  }
 655  sub h1
 656  {
 657      my($str) = @_;
 658      return \<<EOF;
 659  <div class="h1">$str</div>
 660  EOF
 661  }
 663  sub h2
 664  {
 665      my($str) = @_;
 666      return \<<EOF;
 667  <div class="h2">$str</div>
 668  EOF
 669  }

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1