Blender : Animation effects
By Saraja Olivier

Introduction- Build -Wave -Particles -Static

T  h  e    S  t  a  t  i  c   P  a  r  t  i  c  l  e  s    e  f  f  e  c  t    :

The static particles are a very clever and handy improvement of classical particles. In these, particles move and evolve along time, whereas the static particles are purely stationary. The trajectory they should have had if dynamic becomes a brand now that they are static. The uppermost interest is for the one who wants to model fur, hair or even grass ! Luckily, now that you master particle systems, you will discover that static particles behave quite exactly the same way and should prove easy to use. In fact, the parameter buttons are almost the same as the ones we saw just before ! Activate the  button to get the following.

Tot sets the number of brands emitted from the object, and Step defines their continuity (Step: 1 indicates a continued brand, while any greater value gives a discontinued brand, with greater space between two brands when Step closes to 100). Life will caracterize, as you have already understood, the length of the brand. For most of the works (particularly grass and fur), you'll want to set Keys to 2, as greater values will add to the brands' susceptibility to the Force X, Y and Z parameters.

All other paramaters have the same use and logic than dynamic particles ! Now, it's up to you to play with this great function.

P  r  a  c  t  i  c  e  s  :

Hair and fur
