F l o a t i n g   t o o l b o x e s


If you want to align objects, you first have to select them.

On top horizontal alignment :
Objects aligned on their upper limit.

Centered horizontal alignment :
Objects aligned horizontally on their center.

On bottom horizontal alignment :
Objects aligned on their lower limit.

Vertical left alignment :
Objects aligned on their left limit.

Centered vertical alignment :
Objects aligned vertically on their center limit.

Vertical right alignment :
Objects aligned vertically on their right limit.

Relative to selection :
If activated, the alignment will be done relatively to the global selection (the frame around the objects)

Relative to lowermost
The lower object will be the reference.

Relative to page
The borders of the pages will be the reference.
P r e v i o u   p a g e
N e x t   p a g e
R u b r i c   s u m m a r y
S u m m a r y