M e n u s

File Menu

New :
Create a new file. Only one document can be opened in Sketch.

Open :
Opens a document. The type is automatically recognized. Supported formats are: Xfig, ai (adobe illustrator), CMX (Corel), SVG (the new internet standard in vector-based drawing) and WMF.

Save, Save As...
Save the document. If the file was already saved with the Sketch format (.sk), it will be saved and Sketch creates backup file. If it's a new document or in a different format, Sketch asks you a name. Sketch can write files in the following formats: SK, AI (illustrator) and SVG (uncomplete).

Save as Postscript :
Save the current document in Postscript format with the eps specification. This format is very widespread in the Computer Assisted Production world.

Print :
Print the current document.

Import a file :
Insert a document in the opened file. A dotted frame is located near the cursor to help you place the drawing.

Options :
Configuration of the options...See configuration

About Sketch :
About Sketch....

List of last opened :
Very useful, Sketch stores a list of the last opened documents you worked on.

Quit :
Quit Sketch, if the document has been modified without having been saved, a dialog box appears and asks you if you want to save it or not.
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