C o n f i g u r a t i o n

Adding fonts

If you want to install new "Type1" fonts for Sketch you first have to install them for X and create the sfd file.

Man pages are available if you need help to install fonts for X:

The configuration of fonts is easy because Sketch is distributed with mkfontdb.py enabling the simultaneous creation of the .sfd file and the fonts.scale for X. The author thinks recommend this method so as to be sure the files fit. If they do not, Sketch can display fonts.

The easiest way to use mkfontdb.py is the following:

You may have to rename fonts.scale into fonts.dir to make it recognized by X. Sketch will detect the new fonts if you copy the sfd and .afm files in /ressources/fontmetrics or if you create the userhooks.py file. Restart X and Sketch, here are the new fonts ! Note that if the files are compressed (afm.tgz), you must decompress them.

If you want to save your work in postscript format or print it, you will notice that the font will be replaced by a general use font. The font is correctly installed but  Ghostscript, the Postscript interpreter for Linux, converts files into data understandable by the monitor or the printer. If Ghostscript doesn't "knows" the font, it will replace it.

There are 2 solutions:

The first one is the easiest. Moreover you will be sure that the result will be the same if you export your work, if someone else edit it or print it.

Note :
ttf2tp1 is a tool very useful to quickly convert TrueType fonts into type1 (.pfa and afm files).
It is available at : http://www.netspace.net.au/~mheath/ttf2pt1/
P r e v i o u s   p a g e
S u m m a r y
N e x t   p a g e