6b4d7d20a4 Revert "[HTML5] Fetch API now passes credentials." (Rémi Verschelde) fd21478f43 Revert "Fix ProjectSettings has_setting() when used on a overriden setting with feature tags" (Rémi Verschelde) cb66b672d7 GLES2: Fix VersionKey comparison in `ShaderGLES2::bind()` (Rémi Verschelde) 5bd75bccae Fix normals computation at the 'seam' of smoothed sphere and cylinder shapes (MythTitans) 2c88a947c1 Fixed issue where Extend Script option would show up even without script attached to the node (Igor Kordiukiewicz) 56d3abdbcc GLES2 Compression on Blend Shapes Fix (Omar El Sheikh) fb9aa26b9d Fix shader state caching when blend shapes used (Omar El Sheikh) 5e83677408 fix cubic interpolate when looping 3.x (Silc 'Tokage' Renew) 855a079664 Portals - fix duplication of instanced scenes during conversion (lawnjelly) a57dc1881b Joint2D and Joint: make set_exclude_nodes_from_collision respect signals (Ricardo Buring) fb6394f58c Joint2D and Joint: update joint on NOTIFICATION_POST_ENTER_TREE (Ricardo Buring) fbd74ae941 Make string inside TTR() single-line (Haoyu Qiu) 8e5a3a3019 AreaSW and Area2DSW: fix premature return in call_queries (Ricardo Buring) 93efa57823 Revert "PitchShift effect quality and performance tweaks for different pitch scale values" (Rémi Verschelde) 719f4cd5e5 Fix `UndoRedo::create_action()` invalid memory usage (Haoyu Qiu) 0cb1d17d22 [iOS] Fix multitouch not working correctly (Sergey Minakov) 22f50490c2 Print every file exported with `PCKPacker.flush()`s verbose parameter (Hugo Locurcio) d35d49171f Added or improved documentation to a few more String methods (Nova) 77ba87be88 Update doc for match: empty argument doesn't match anything (Markus Sauermann) 7a8b728043 Bump version to 3.4.4-rc (Rémi Verschelde)