31d0f8ad8d Bump version to 3.2.3-stable (Rémi Verschelde) f5d6424648 Add changelogs for 3.2.x releases (Rémi Verschelde) 97251c70ec Mention compatibility-breaking Camera2D offset change in the changelog (Hugo Locurcio) 939de03db7 Cross-reference AABB getter methods in the documentation (Hugo Locurcio) ee5971a185 Donors: Add Gamblify, remove Interblock from splash screen (Rémi Verschelde) 369e5a7f35 Mark InterpolatedCamera as deprecated (Hugo Locurcio) 868776949b Mention the AnimationTreePlayer deprecation in the class reference (Hugo Locurcio) f1b2a7d1b4 Fix certificate generation with mbedtls 2.16.8 . (Fabio Alessandrelli) 3170ebc0e2 makerst: Add missing newline at EOF (Rémi Verschelde) 34a0af8343 Clarify that 2D cell sizes are defined in pixels (Hugo Locurcio) 06f3cd8bd8 Several documentation improvements (Danil Alexeev) a4f2fea2ae Fix axis bug regression in Sprite3D (Clay John) edc4820430 Fix RigidBodyBullet areasWhereIam element shift. (Marcel Admiraal) 738f6ea221 Document how to remove metadata from an Object (Hugo Locurcio) 46b4e82f92 Add mono log message to error for fatal errors (Tom Daffin) 508dde662a Clarify get_data Image method (Ebrahim Ebrahim) de9a5b6229 Improve AudioEffectDistortion and AudioEffectFilter documentation (skyace65) b626f16212 Fix "Create Trimesh Collision Sibling" transform (hoontee) e90467ef66 Fix #42043, mismatched compress options in ResourceImporterLayeredTexture (Adrien) cdc9fe154f C#: Fix csproj not synced on file move/removal from FS dock (Ignacio Etcheverry) 2b7c9d9070 Disconnect item_rect_changed when removing a child of GraphEdit (Wilson E. Alvarez) 819765130d Fix RichTextLabel alignment for clickable regions (PouleyKetchoupp) d38eb29f2e git: Ignore clangd cache folder (Martin Capitanio) 36fa6369fc stb_vorbis: Increase max alloc buffer size for big Vorbis comments (Rémi Verschelde) 74952764f3 Improve documentation related to Array error handling (Hugo Locurcio) 935edf9323 Fix tilemap tiles on horizontal/vertical flips (Haz) 2bc6298bce Document that batching is only effective when using the GLES2 renderer (Hugo Locurcio) 8c5ed68847 C#: Use BOM when creating a solution (Ignacio Etcheverry) e72ee23c43 [3.2] C#: Fix endless reload loop if project has unicode chars (Ignacio Etcheverry) 0eda951512 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 3697cc479d Initialise Basis elements with a default Basis in the declaration. Ensures a valid Basis is created with all constructors. (Marcel Admiraal) 4a9264271d doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) c5f6d2097b i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) f26131fca5 Check if old mouse column is still available. (Marcel Admiraal) 43b49607bb Fix TURN server example in WebRTC documentation (PouleyKetchoupp) c21d14fe69 Fix LineEdit not consuming enter events (PouleyKetchoupp) 8ae2a84fb6 Fix build with GDScript support disabled (Rémi Verschelde) 48de626949 Update mbedTLS to version 2.16.8 (+ patch). (Fabio Alessandrelli) 77a6766b3e Clarify the required child node type in the GridContainer documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 5f1dd48496 Replace calls to gmtime with gmtime_r and localtime with localtime_r. (Marcel Admiraal) 1ba5917da9 Backport translator comment PR to 3.2 (SkyJJ) 217dbdc9e7 SCons: Fix regression in Python 2 support (Rémi Verschelde) 0af5cded1e Fix the update logic for user-added custom defines. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 6474e036ac [3.2] Handle csproj "Remove" globs (Alex de la Mare) 41b9e1d7ea i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) c040e8f93a Document missing character behavior when drawing text with fonts (Hugo Locurcio) 9caa35532a Fixes leak with creating editor settings (Rafał Mikrut) c6cccdf0c6 Ensure header guards enclose entire header. (Marcel Admiraal) ee97e45a69 Improve the resource loading error message to mention the need to import (Hugo Locurcio) 6122a504ee Build the engine with custom modules in Visual Studio (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 9699e83e1e Fix parsing of C# files with spaces in the path (Ignacio Etcheverry) 2bb251f628 [3.2] C#: Hide Build button if there's no solution to build (Ignacio Etcheverry) f8e3a74f9e Fix InvalidOperationException when migrating from 3.2.1 or older csproj (Ignacio Etcheverry) b3762622be [3.2] C#: Fix Godot failing to find class namespace (Ignacio Etcheverry) bd18b2ff6a [3.2] Fix 'Parameter "assembly" is null' error (Ignacio Etcheverry) 939ed5dd5b C#: Fix Windows detection for copying MSBuild stub (Ignacio Etcheverry) e882d535a7 Mention Viewport.render_target_clear_mode property is intended for 2D usage (Yetizone) a16bedd2d9 dummy_rasterizer now returns lightmap type (Adam Brown) d773de6d24 Document how renaming the project affects the user data path (Hugo Locurcio) be126bfd55 Document RigidBodies in character mode never sleeping automatically (Hugo Locurcio) b0a6439df9 doc/FileDialog: warn about access limitations in sandboxed apps (umarcor) ef7675a053 Document support for normal and specular maps in AnimatedSprite2D (Hugo Locurcio) 138eba1561 Fix invalid CSV in SDL2 controller mappings DB (Rémi Verschelde) 8a66ea7cb0 Revert "Updated LineEdit to address #41278" (Rémi Verschelde) 9be924c454 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) cc3b69cf7b Reference the online documentation in collision layer/mask properties (Hugo Locurcio) 1b6d116dfb Updated LineEdit to address #41278 (Tony-Goat) 63b2f69c7f [funexpected] clear missed remaps on deinitialization, fixes godotengine/godot#34221 (Yakov Borevich) 727bce727b OptionButton.xml word order fix (Andreas Gustafsson) 57810f851c Explain editor usage of current_animation (Tomasz Chabora) fdb5561e55 Updated cursor positioning description for File open() (Maganty Rushyendra) 1f7f28a1eb Document HTTPRequest not supporting request data with GET method (Hugo Locurcio) 6eee52e49b Improve the documentation related to overriding GUI theme items (Hugo Locurcio) 92a1c168ea Clarify get_data texture method (skyace65) 7493bc5530 Make `AnimatedTexture.MAX_FRAMES` public (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) dd057d36dc Document the GDScript debugger not supporting Thread yet (Hugo Locurcio) a23c0aca87 Clarify that `KEY_BACK` is unrelated to the Back button on Android (Hugo Locurcio) afef89014b Cross-reference GDScript built-in rounding methods to ease discovery (Hugo Locurcio) dea530d5ca Add information to get thread id (skyace65) 14e1c83350 Improve touch screen button description (skyace65) 45e596e02f Document where the center of mass is for RigidBody nodes (skyace65) d0b0dc6333 Remove community health files from this repository (Hugo Locurcio) 636fe1bab9 Gives the theme editor a horizontal scrollbar (Lunatoid) 96ad9dc4c6 Document supported platforms for `Input.get_accelerometer()` and related (Hugo Locurcio) 8466f9147b Mention listener node in AudioStreamPlayer3D description (skyace65) d7065106ef State how 'MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED' actually works in the 'Input' docs (Michael Alexsander) cadd39d415 Mono: Improve MSBuildFinder logic on Windows (Thaina Yu) 2e1e1af1d2 Add defaults to tilemap set_cell function example (skyace65) b76aa91402 Mention performance caveats about `find_node()` and `find_parent()` (Hugo Locurcio) 90ba819e7b Documentation: specify how WindowDialog's default title bar is made (hhsdev) 789d7fac8a C#: Fix crash on export when incorrectly freeing MonoAssemblyName (Ignacio Etcheverry) 9790168b48 Alias the "linuxbsd" platform to "x11" for forward compatibility (Hugo Locurcio) 7facd00ace [3.2] Fix specular render_mode for visual shaders (Chaosus) f81c6c52fc iOS: fix deprecations and leaks (Sergey Minakov) a8e1a0f0bc C#: Fix 'Parameter toolsPath cannot be null' error (Ignacio Etcheverry) 30c4b1b67e GitHub Actions: Prepend emoji to platform names for easy visual grepping (Hugo Locurcio) 5a96c24243 Revert "Check if global class file still exists before registering it" (Rémi Verschelde) 2d42625184 Revert "bug with Tween.is_active, fixes #39760" (Rémi Verschelde) 3b080845a8 Link to 2D Sprite animation tutorial in relevant class documentations (Hugo Locurcio) e880956943 Mention that body_set_state is deferred (Tomasz Chabora) d04d329a1f autocompletion inside comments bug fixed (Thakee Nathees) dbb0ad3b59 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 5954f82e44 Update CollisionShape2D doc (skyace65) d82cc621e1 Fix 2D Particle velocity with directed emission mask (PouleyKetchoupp) f3ed06cfd7 Mono/C#: Fix editor using wrong project assembly path in rare cases (Ignacio Etcheverry) eb30c04c4d C#: Save newly created csproj files without BOM (Ignacio Etcheverry) a7bd28760e C#: Fix null exception in our MSBuild logger (Ignacio Etcheverry) cd2da16d63 Clarify points in Line2D doc (skyace65) a430f68364 fix GDScript UTI (Hazar) 13175b6387 Document limitations related to centering text with RichTextLabel (Hugo Locurcio) c8845291c3 C#: Fix editor unable to play game after IDE PlayRequest (Ignacio Etcheverry) f90931c47a Add more error explanations in the BMP image loader (Hugo Locurcio) a6f0810d51 Make the lack of AtlasTexture support in AnimatedTexture more prominent (Hugo Locurcio) 336bc03d66 Add an editor setting to invert 3D pan/orbit on the X axis (Hugo Locurcio) c3954441f3 3.2 New csproj style with backport of Godot.NET.Sdk (Ignacio Etcheverry) 4d7b7d9b73 3.2 C#: Upgrade GodotTools to nuget Microsoft.Build (Ignacio Etcheverry) e1f17a0b35 3.2 C#/Mono: Check assembly version when loading (Ignacio Etcheverry) 5bc06c7014 Viewport Usage enumeration (Yetizone) 910c554a1a iOS Export: Add a method to embed a framework (Sergey Minakov) a8240f7351 Fix issue causing the textedit to move upward (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 2961d905bb GLES2 batching - Fix redundant transform synchronization in batches (lawnjelly) 2b996cca67 [Windows] Fix modifier keys when using tablet input. (bruvzg) a6ef6b10b2 Revert "Fixes the get_visible_line_count() of rich text label" (Rémi Verschelde) c1a5e9f513 fixed linker being slow on OSX (Gordon MacPherson) 8adfeda6f8 Make the editor's 'CheckButton' icon be smaller (Michael Alexsander) 62256e0b3a Reference Range signals in the Slider class documentations (Hugo Locurcio) e70b165c61 Skip indentation of empty lines when indenting a selection. (Cheeseness) d4740ee643 Document the lack of kerning support in DynamicFont (Hugo Locurcio) d53f5b55ec Auto completion enhanced for extends and class level identifier (Thakee Nathees) 8571f7b041 Check arrays before generating Polygon2D AABBs (Clay John) d33a9aaacb Check for uncompressed uvs in Sprite3D (Clay John) 2b1cfad591 [macOS] Fix "on top" not set on init, and reseting on window update. (bruvzg) e283d4b5c8 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 7ce476c425 Expose NOTIFICATION_POST_ENTER_TREE (Tomasz Chabora) 330afdd6cb Fix RichTextLabel center alignment bug (Umang Kalra) b62872d5bc Documentation: clarify the indent parameter of JSON.print (Thakee Nathees) f592600ee8 Mention that Array.front/back throw error if empty (Tomasz Chabora) 58a30199b4 grow_mask() description added (Hazar) 5db6095bde update to use scons compile db tool (Gordon MacPherson) 69dc9c9417 Fix tile placement preview for rotated, skewed or scaled TileMaps (Maganty Rushyendra) 3211a51be8 Modify the scene only when color changed (Antoine Félix) cea16907bb Properly disambiguate unsaved scripts (Tomasz Chabora) abdcb7d299 DirectInput: use correct joypad id (Liz Haas) f19bab5165 platform: Update metadata for export platforms (Christopher Davis) 5433b8470c Improve Vector2.angle() description (Tomasz Chabora) 0429779835 Improve the project README (Hugo Locurcio) c2d7d81ac8 Fix inconsistent indentation in the FreeDesktop MIME type XML (Hugo Locurcio) b0aabf2c03 [macOS] Fix crash on failed `fork`. (bruvzg) 5972495d99 Revert "Virtual keyboard size adjustment fixes" (Rémi Verschelde) a97b84378c Remap script path when registering class. (Fabio Alessandrelli) e126b941be Removes some superfluous FORCE_INLINES (lawnjelly) 8dab067c01 Add missing NULL termination to the String::repeat function. (bruvzg) 900949b316 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 71bad8dba6 Add option to disable virtual keyboard for TextEdit (Martin Capitanio) f550af9da7 Add missing #ifdef SVG_ENABLED (totlmstr) e3f16a83dc Fix line num of enums reported as the line before (Francois Belair) 8fdbf61df8 Update Sprite3D docs to reflect recent changes (Clay John) c62ce03679 Make sure that a new image can only be created when the buffer is not currently locked (Marcel Schneider) 793694fc40 Mention caveats for `popup_exclusive` in the WindowDialog documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 808615ec3e Fixes leak when creating bullet shape (Rafał Mikrut) 1244986f98 CI: Pin Emscripten version to 1.39.20 temporarily (Rémi Verschelde) fc7451204e Improve JSON-related documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 3869b82bc1 Added missing information about File.open_encrypted function to docs. (codetorex) 7e9b7b0462 Clarify TreeItem return values (TheDuriel) 7c728f0ee4 Add an example for creating a button in the Button class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 32928c2112 Properly calculate polygon2D AABB with skeleton (Clay John) 78a6a57884 makerst: Add descriptions to method qualifiers (Hugo Locurcio) c8d8134288 Ensure CSG parent's _make_dirty() is called when entering a tree. (Marcel Admiraal) 2987fb3b45 Improve the `EditorInterface.get_editor_viewport()` description (Hugo Locurcio) 2494224f96 Link to Thread-safe APIs in the Thread class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 6d2f8dd827 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) efe6b50f17 Added option to enable high precision float in GLES2 (Holger Dammertz) e36c100365 Fix crash in ENet changing refuse_new_connections (Fabio Alessandrelli) 4a0568b609 Document how to perform advanced string splitting using RegEx (Hugo Locurcio) bd76fcd43b Add an example to the `CanvasItem.draw_string()` documentation (Hugo Locurcio) b3effe5faa Fix incorrect key name in the Animation documentation code sample (Hugo Locurcio) 4f9ca00294 Check if global class file still exists before registering it (Wilson E. Alvarez) 39ec3ad2e5 Document `CanvasItem.draw_multiline_colors()` not supporting width and AA (Hugo Locurcio) ff0ada164b [3.2] Move PopupWindow logic to GodotEditText on Android (PouleyKetchoupp) b9e1db7e03 Revert "Fix Directory Open Check" (Nathan Franke) 9de0439a45 Revert "Follow-Up Fix Directory Open" (Nathan Franke) 4c100a593f Revert "Fix Directory make_dir and make_dir_recursive" (Nathan Franke) ed20772c09 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) e82e9588fd doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 10544f1cf7 Revert "Move Bullet physics query flush from Bullet space pre-tick callback to" (Rémi Verschelde) ba3f0fa971 Fixed reload_goal not being called when SkeletonIK3D::start is invoked with p_one_time = true (ConorLPBoyle) 40d118ce4a Fix incorrect comments in file formatting script (Aaron Franke) 8d5dab5a05 Pop from front to avoid infinite loop with nested classes (Nhiqill) 44ff9cdea5 Fix errors saving a 2D scene preview when the 2D editor was never opened (Yuri Sizov) 31c21b9750 Implement HTML5 cancel/ok button swap on Windows. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 451648c34d Improve visibility documentation for CanvasItem and Node3D (Hugo Locurcio) cdb3712992 Clarify the difference between contacts and collisions. (Marcel Admiraal) b717a61903 Improve the Object, Reference and Resource class documentations (Hugo Locurcio) 518f109927 Script editor: Don't open dominant script in external editor (Rémi Verschelde) a2f034d3ab [macOS] Refocus last key window after `DisplayServer::alert` is closed. (bruvzg) cd01cda143 Fix ultra long node names (Tomasz Chabora) 5692bb4c81 Ensure Bullet HeightMapShape3D data width and depth are at least 2. (Marcel Admiraal) 4b9bb50176 Style: Fix code format scripts compat with non-GNU Unices (Rémi Verschelde) 6abaf4d0eb Skip internal scripts for breakpoints without printing an error (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 993a421333 Show errors on Object.call_deferred (Wilson E. Alvarez) 508388a9fd Document an example dictionary returned by `TileSet.tile_get_shapes()` (Hugo Locurcio) 6f71bc2a06 Evenly distribute stretched Nodes in BoxContainer (Daniel Ting) 400a780050 Revert "Allow Area2D and 3D mouse events without a collision layer" (Rémi Verschelde) 8fdb21f454 CI: Replace Travis iOS build by GitHub Actions (Rémi Verschelde) 16f9ff5866 iOS: added delay gesture recognizer (Sergey Minakov) 5589529cf3 Document ViewportTexture flipping in TextureRect (Hugo Locurcio) 69db38742f Virtual keyboard size adjustment fixes (PouleyKetchoupp) a24e30abd7 Bump version to 3.2.3-rc (Rémi Verschelde) b40f3f9740 Style: Sync other changes from new fix_style.sh and clang_format.sh (Rémi Verschelde) eda03831d6 Style: Add missing newlines to SVGs (Rémi Verschelde) 4567eee79e CI: Backport GitHub Actions setup from `master` (Rémi Verschelde) 307bac0757 Keep transition value when replacing key (Tomasz Chabora) 7e1312055b Fix emoji branch compilation error (Tomasz Chabora) 2bcb9d2a04 Fix run project when current scene was never saved (Tomasz Chabora) cc8c6180c3 [macOS] Fix Maya navigation with ALT + mouse scroll (Andy Maloney) 3d420c94c9 gitignore: Ignore binutils linker temp stXXXXXX objects (Rémi Verschelde) f1cdb91f34 SCons: Remove unused DEBUG_MEMORY_ENABLED define (Rémi Verschelde) 93f297e1d5 Fix typos in GodotSharp code docs (mega-bit) b35970b9a5 issue-40396 - Added missing error strings to JSON parsing when array or object is never closed. (Adam Bates) 53a3476fc2 fixed documentation for get_hit_length of spring arm 3D (Ilaria Cislaghi) 0fdfa47929 Fix presumed copy/paste error: "Returns" -> "Sets" (follower) accc30e5e0 C#: Fix restore not called when building game projects (Ignacio Etcheverry) ad18e16389 Document polling rate limitations in InputEventMouseMotion (Hugo Locurcio) 930c880fa6 Add option to disable virtual keyboard for LineEdit (PouleyKetchoupp) 925371d08f TileSet Editor: Check polygon size before indexing (Rémi Verschelde) 7078d33fa1 Document HTML5 CORS restrictions in HTTPClient and HTTPRequest (Hugo Locurcio) f922452e90 stb_vorbis: Update to upstream version 1.20 (Rémi Verschelde) 9b36357544 Fix Directory make_dir and make_dir_recursive (Nathan Franke) e511e0f16a Prevent infinite loop in Tree incremental search (Tomasz Chabora) 6416df8e34 Document the process of parsing command-line arguments (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 5984febde2 Prevent multiple Controls moving inside container (Tomasz Chabora) 606d4270c6 Document several editor-related classes to 100% completion (Hugo Locurcio) 0e44834cd3 Improve the VisibilityNotifier and VisibilityEnabler class descriptions (Hugo Locurcio) 52a33a8066 Complete the EditorSettings class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 7e9a51cdd5 Mention `toggled` signal for pressed state in BaseButton documentation (Hugo Locurcio) ca4fe82a7f Fix crash when closing a TextFile (Paul Batty) 753ff1fad2 Mention the Data paths documentation in the File class (Hugo Locurcio) c77492408a Clarify how to convert PrimitiveMesh to ArrayMesh. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 5c7802a061 Document which escape sequences are supported by `String.c_unescape()` (Hugo Locurcio) 11bceb3d62 Document caveats related to Control scaling (Hugo Locurcio) dc7e9d46e6 Fixes the get_visible_line_count() of rich text label (Umang Kalra) b7b8f8645f Open scene selected from Quick Open dialog. (Stijn Hinlopen) 8ef40b9306 bug with Tween.is_active, fixes #39760 (Chistpohe LY) 582b4318f8 implement generic filename disambiguation (rileylyman) f189d0e1f3 Allow gltf2 morph targets with no default values. Changes for bug 38751 (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 3bdb39bec4 Add a margin to EditorSpinSlider to visually line up the edited number (Hugo Locurcio) e10a1e078f [3.2] Add C# XML documentation to core C# math types (Aaron Franke) 3ab5183ffa [3.2] Backport core documentation changes to 3.2 (Aaron Franke) 2534e28918 Fix OpenGL error when generating radiance (Clay John) 502a3d580f Remove override keyword from csharp_script.h to fix build errors (Andy Maloney) fb4e55bb7a Pass Sprite3D AABBs to VisualServer (Clay John) 06904ac215 Add DynamicFont::get_available_chars() (Pedro J. Estébanez) 6f2be6b05c [3.2] fix crlf for clipboard (Zae) e5cc4d4f87 Allow nearest neighbor lookup when using mipmaps (Clay John) d09b16512b Added Method get_inverse_inertia_tensor (Yerik) 98aabe111f Use difference in position to check whether motion in Bullet is too close to zero. (Marcel Admiraal) c0b394572f Fix Return key events in LineEdit & TextEdit on Android (PouleyKetchoupp) e7099ed2ea Fix setenv not defined in older emscripten verions. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 2244841729 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) e41ab634c6 Mention C# gotchas in Object's dynamic call/set/connect methods (Hugo Locurcio) f031e72395 Add missing has_default_value field for signals in api.json (Emmanuel Leblond) 8bc44c868e Correct is_reference attribute in api.json for Reference class (Emmanuel Leblond) f7021e57d7 Document VehicleBody3D and VehicleWheel3D limitations (Hugo Locurcio) ceeb690476 Properly pass safe margin on initialization. (Juan Linietsky) 67313c681d Reorganize ENet pactches. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 18eddfc98d Funnel refuse_new_connections to Godot ENet. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 91b2d020a8 Document updated UDPServer interface. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 468a1c0271 UDPServer handles PacketPeerUDP-client association (Fabio Alessandrelli) a06ee5e763 PO loader: Fix unclosed files and error messages (Rémi Verschelde) 4677502d7c Include gdscript warning name in LSP message. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) f7b994aef8 Revert "Include gdscript warning name in the warning message." (Ryan Roden-Corrent) a8188265c2 Disable file logging for the project manager (Hugo Locurcio) cfda32add0 Fix overlappingObjects vector crash (volzhs) 8218170b3c Avoid overflow when calculating visible_cells (Patrick Dawson) f6479786c0 change minimum horizontal size from 200 to 240 (Jitesh) e7e022b3ee Prefer the highlight version of the "GuiTabIcon" icon for buttons, and make their width/height equal (Michael Alexsander) 2f983c82c8 GLES2 Batching - Fix FORCE_REPEAT not being set properly on npot hardware (lawnjelly) ecd54630ef [3.2] Fix some incorrect conversions which lead to crash in shaders (Chaosus) 26a825aac3 [macOS, 3.2] Fix window size on macOS Big Sur (title bar height is no longer same as menu height), use top-left corner as resize origin instead of bottom-left. (bruvzg) 13da2cc91f Use GitHub Actions instead of AppVeyor for Windows platform (Gordon MacPherson) 813fab55d8 Fix overriding compression related settings (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) c88696cdb8 Improve the ENet channels documentation in NetworkedMultiplayerENet (Hugo Locurcio) 8cd317b551 Disable "misleading indentation" warning on GCC (Aaron Franke) 670205a22f Expand env vars for `custom_modules` build option (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) e76a9a51df Emit signals for GraphEdit multi-node selection and unselection (Maganty Rushyendra) ac3ff49ae5 fix item_edited behavior on Asset Installer. (Zae) a3246a5ebe Set isScratchedSpaceOverrideModificator to false when removing a RigidBodyBullet from a space. (Marcel Admiraal) 6b05f8f602 Fix parent check for add_child_below_node (Andrés Botero) fb736018c5 Clarify the node parameters in `Node.add_child_below_node()` docs (Hugo Locurcio) 15850687a8 Allow Area2D and 3D mouse events without a collision layer (Tomasz Chabora) c2a4ce9380 Enable file logging by default on desktops to help with troubleshooting (Hugo Locurcio) a0f0aa1741 Fix crash on editor without a feature profile (coldragon) 130ad08d47 auto re-import atlas, fixes #40047 (Chistpohe LY) 76a43c93cd Fix repeated updates of PathFollow3D Transform (Maganty Rushyendra) c55e68d311 Do not try to save internal scripts (Daniel Ting) ec787f0134 Follow-Up Fix Directory Open (Nathan Franke) 4a0fe1adb3 Add a POST request example to the HTTPRequest class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 8f0d50c3ec Update Resource.xml to explain behavior of duplicate when subresources is true and a subresource contains further nested resources. (Bob Gardner) 4c2d0d38fd Handle 16 bit PNG files in sRGB format (Johan Rastén) 6eb1a2eacb Document how to instance a PackedScene and add it as a child (Hugo Locurcio) 81f448aa5d Mention `SceneTree.create_timer()` in the Timer class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) fe0adc4f77 Keep debug & verbose options after loading project from project manager (PouleyKetchoupp) 0246a1a276 Revert "Enable the ability to use Godot as a subview within an Android app" (Rémi Verschelde) 5854bf4696 Fixed mesh data access errors in GLES2 (PouleyKetchoupp) e7d8464f87 Move Bullet physics query flush from Bullet space pre-tick callback to Bullet physics flush_queries() as is done in Godot physics, and remove the pre-tick callback. (Marcel Admiraal) a4028b99ec iOS Export: use relative path for res:// files (Sergey Minakov) 9c68989cf2 stb_vorbis: Add missing error checks in comment reading mallocs (Rémi Verschelde) 3f898f5207 Fix Directory Open Check (Nathan Franke) 3f57cb12b4 Improve null check in FindReplaceBar (Yuri Sizov) bd90f236d3 Improve scene preview generation for empty scenes and disabled features (Yuri Sizov) e9ab41b71d [macOS, 3.2] Implement seamless display scaling. (bruvzg) 6264c5146c iOS Export: Storyboard custom values (Sergey Minakov) 46c6383c8d iOS Export: add option to use storyboard for launch screen (Sergey Minakov) d539627be2 Fixed white image in margins when using same image in scene (azagaya) d0fb6d6971 Clear a Bullet Area's overlappingObjects vector when removing an area from a space. (Marcel Admiraal) 2b4773f0cf Expose methods to play scene from plugin code (Yuri Sizov) a8d4ca0e1b Include gdscript warning name in the warning message. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 9ce1fe59ea Fix: editor crash on super constructor called (Thakee Nathees) fcce1ca8c4 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 3f5f58b9d8 Fix opening URLS with special characters in macOS (Daniel Ting) d4f4e0d7dc Fix `String.capitalize()` description to follow camelCase changes (Hugo Locurcio) 41f99c8f53 Provide warning when using polygon shapes in `CollisionShape2D` node (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) d4d57476ad Add documentation for minimap_draw and minimap_width (Slooth) 68526da5f2 Fix undo/redo for bone painting in Polygon2D UV Editor (Maganty Rushyendra) 7670e1fc79 Fix errors in overflow checks for String conversion to int (Maganty Rushyendra) ccdfaf2491 Remove elements from monitored_bodies and monitored_areas as they are processed before calling the callback, instead of after they have all been processed, because the callbacks may readd them. (Marcel Admiraal) 6c0ff26f35 Use mesh instead of immediate for drawing Sprite3D (Clay John) a91c21c628 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 13d4813ddf fix crash when pass null in print array in GD.print (endlesstravel) c29da0e2fe Update TextEdit select and select_all methods (Slooth) 62677d7da1 Add documentation for selecting_enabled (Slooth) 8e6dd3191f Image: Improve error messages for invalid creation size (Rémi Verschelde) 157e810b2e Make Resource properties accept SE plugin scripts (Riley Lyman) a8d499723f Add documentation for center_viewport_to_cursor method (Slooth) c0db0749f7 Fixed separation of ports on GraphNode (lrgilbert) 6206f4439d fix laxist collision detection on one way shapes (Cevantime) d6b23306c8 Fix RichTextLabel fill alignment regression (PouleyKetchoupp) aacbdebda3 Add documentation for shortcut_keys_enabled (Slooth) 3fd7c33f39 Fix incorrect documentation for Vector2.angle() (Aaron Franke) 0924a3ac55 Fix timeline cursor not updating on zoom change in the Bezier editor (Michael Alexsander) a235bab96c Ignore blend times for inexistent animations (Pedro J. Estébanez) 45b1234a82 Update to wslay 1.1.1 . (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9d25668339 Update to mbedtls 2.16.7 (Fabio Alessandrelli) b4f710c6d8 thirdparty: List release years in README.md (Rémi Verschelde) a9ef40b388 Remove oversized margins in the AnimationTree editor (Michael Alexsander) f2fe197398 Make timeline cursor in the Bezier editor just as thick as the Animation editor (Michael Alexsander) d004188348 Environment: Fix glow hdr bleed scale being unused (Rémi Verschelde) 35523a46c0 Make "Close and save changes?" actually save (Daniel Ting) 32c154d297 Fix Tree's 'scroll_to_item()' not working correctly on some cases (Michael Alexsander) 9388237e2d Revert "Adds fuzzy search for help search dialog" (follower) 89421c58cd Write "Aces" tonemapping in uppercase as it's an acronym (Hugo Locurcio) cdb9b51ed1 Add Control to preferred types (Stijn Hinlopen) 14b8124074 [macOS export] Set correct external file attributes (Unix mode), and creation time. (bruvzg) c68ef4d754 Fix issues with custom tracks on reimport (lordkettune) 4c54f39dbe Deleting multiple nodes displays correct message. (Stijn Hinlopen) 46590fa3b0 VideoPlayer: fix possible race condition (Mark Kuo) 850f07a4d9 Expose loading TGA images in Image. (Paul Herman) f50c88ba7b Clarify `Geometry.offset_polygon_2d` regarding vertices translation (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 3a08658881 animation autocomplete bug fixed (Thakee Nathees) 38509f1a89 Prevent dragging from SceneTree buttons (Haoyu Qiu) 50d69a5a3d Call CRASH_COND_MSG if key not found in HashMap get function. (Marcel Admiraal) 83e376e731 Format remote printerr properly in script debugger output (PouleyKetchoupp) b233cb640d [macOS, 3.2] Implement confined mouse mode. (bruvzg) d06ad40757 Add default 50ms output_latency web override. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 357e99a31e Use dummy driver when JS AudioContext is unavailable. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 399e2c1db0 Limit FPS in JS by skipping iterations. (Fabio Alessandrelli) c7d2767ab9 [JS] Check canvas size each loop, force redraw. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 093c463ebf [HTML5] Early FS initialization. (Fabio Alessandrelli) dc8b7b3b17 Move frame delaying functions from Main to OS. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 0e2bc779ed GDNative export: do not add fake lookup table if static lib is not used (Sergey Minakov) 8fff25df09 GDNative Editor: Support selecting frameworks for iOS (Sergey Minakov) e2a45fe840 iOS Export: Updated Info.plist. Framework embedding. Fixes for search paths (Sergey Minakov) 519024829a iOS Export: turn .dylib into .framework on export (Sergey Minakov) 6001e10054 GDNative: support dynamic loading of iOS frameworks (Sergey Minakov) 3dc466b244 Fixed issue where the SkeletonIK node would incorrectly scale bones in the IK chain (TwistedTwigleg) 22ff17793c Use is_equal_approx() instead of vertex_snap when checking if ray is colliding with equiplanar CSG faces. (Marcel Admiraal) 8e120230a1 Create degenerate triangles when inserting an edge into a CSG face. They will be deleted when the faces are merged, but their edges are needed for merging faces. (Marcel Admiraal) 43888ebfaf [macOS, 3.2] Add support for the Apple Silicon (ARM64) build target. (bruvzg) 08ee1de535 X11: Ensure XGetWindowProperty data gets freed (Rémi Verschelde) 6bd7fd0a00 Fix accidental duplication of Polygon2D start point (Maganty Rushyendra) cd3a3eb3eb Fix weekday calculation in get_datetime_from_unix_time for negative times (Maganty Rushyendra) 5b7eb3fd3f Improve the preload and load descriptions (Tomasz Chabora) cb9bc18102 VideoStreamGDNative: close file in cleanup (Mark Kuo) 7bd101b5c5 Generate inspector preview for Image resources (Tomasz Chabora) c029a03bc3 Remove directory search results (Stijn Hinlopen) f06fc1fdf4 Call Spatial::get_global_transform and Vector3::dot only once within Camera::is_position_behind to avoid redundant work. (Adam Reichold) 636b1e4518 CanvasItemEditor: Fix losing position for drag'n'dropped scenes (Rémi Verschelde) 65155c2855 No longer scroll vertically when scrollbars are unavailable (Stijn Hinlopen) 8cc3d4bda6 Keep the bottom panel visible when enabling the distraction-free mode (Hugo Locurcio) b02e0b0c4b Fix debugger error when Dictionary key is a freed Object (Pedro J. Estébanez) 623a1ae5b3 Fix the logic to enable focus awareness (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) dca653cc3a Fix leaked ObjectRCs on object Variant reassignment (Pedro J. Estébanez) de284ea5d2 Trigger broadphase update when changing collision layer/mask, and check for collision layer/mask changes in 2D hash grid broadphase update. (Marcel Admiraal) 891b84a833 [3.2] Prevents usage of return in main shader functions (Chaosus) 95f93b5f0f force depth prepass when using alpha prepass (Clay John) 11bb4ef4c3 Bump version to 3.2.3-beta (Rémi Verschelde) ebff150680 Support SDL2 half axes and inverted axes mappings. (Marcel Admiraal) 920639511d Enable the ability to use Godot as a subview within an Android app (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 7af6a4cc50 [3.2] Fix DebugPlay request handler ignoring BuildBeforePlaying (Ignacio Etcheverry) d0f365fe0f [3.2] C#: Fix completion request with case insensitive resource path (Ignacio Etcheverry) d8af79140e [3.2] C#: Add VisualStudio support (Ignacio Etcheverry) b146bf2528 Canvas resize callback, to update buffer size. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 806b23208f Fix modules with closure compiler. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 21c9f37757 [HTML5] Refactor JS, threads support, closures. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 3305783bac Fixed images in black margins (azagaya) 5d8b0649be Apply old method for linear & angular damping in Bullet, in order to make it easier to tweak and consistent with Godot Physics. (Marcel Admiraal) 8f0f2bf4ef Better damping implementation for Bullet rigid bodies (Marcel Admiraal)