Bojidar Marinov (1): Fix crash when guessing type of variable declared to itself Daniel Ting (1): Fix opening URLS with special characters in macOS Ibrahn Sahir (1): Fixed hang when segfaulting after OS object destroyed (OSX and X11) J Andrew Long (2): fix string split() call fix detecting ndk platform Max (1): Fix crash on exit or resume on iOS 13 Rémi Verschelde (23): Android: Fix support for android_stl=no with NDK r20 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Update AUTHORS and DONORS list openssl: Update to pristine 1.0.2t (security update) Update AUTHORS and DONORS list New contributors added to AUTHORS: @DavidSichma, @ptrojahn Update AUTHORS list HTML5: Fix support for Emscripten 1.39.1+ HTML5: Explicitly link idbfs.js for IDBFS support Travis: Fix clang-format on non-master branches Windows: Appease capricious MSVC versions with moody headers Update copyright statements to 2020 Bump version to 2.1.7-rc Travis: Use clang-format 8 instead of 6 Update DONORS list FastLZ: Update to upstream version 0.5.0 openssl: Update to pristine 1.0.2u (security update) Travis: Fix server build env in matrix OSX: Remove support for 32-bit and fat binaries Travis: Use Xcode 11.6 instead of 9.3 Android: Target API level 29 as required by Google Play HTML5: Fix build regression from 995eddf714f946414cbc91c46ad938337c4f5500 Wojciech Milkowski (1): No need to link with libandroid_support in NDK 17 Xavier Sellier (2): Vertical scroll container margin is incorrect Fallback to the dummy audio driver if no other driver works bruvzg (8): Fix non-HiDPI mode on HiDPI displays on macOS Catalina. Replace IOHIDDeviceRegisterRemovalCallback with IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback to fix gamepad disconnection callback on macOS Catalina. [macOS] Send resize event without actually resizing window on backing change. [macOS] Make `move_window_to_foreground` to take focus in addition to moving window to front. Ignore process serial number (`-psn_...`) command line argument passed by macOS Gatekeeper. [macOS] Fix locale detection. Hack to force macOS window activation for non-bundled app. [macOS] Return exit code specified by `OS.exit_code` parameter. volzhs (2): Update libwebp to 1.0.3 Update libwebp to 1.1.0