=== Math Comment Spam Protection === Contributors: Michael_ Plugin Name: Math Comment Spam Protection Plugin URI: http://sw-guide.de/wordpress/plugins/math-comment-spam-protection/ Author URI: http://sw-guide.de/ Donate link: http://sw-guide.de/donation/ Tags: anti-spam, spam, captcha, math, protection Requires at least: 2.9 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: 3.0 Asks the visitor making the comment to answer a simple math question. This is intended to prove that the visitor is a human being and not a spam robot. == Description == Math Comment Spam Protection asks the visitor making the comment to answer a simple math question. This is intended to prove that the visitor is a human being and not a spam robot. Example of such question: Sum of 9 + 9 ? This plugin does not require JavaScript or cookies. It uses a special encryption function; the result of the question is being passed via a hidden field. The result is being compared with the value entered by the visitor – after encrypring this value as well. Please visit [the official website](http://sw-guide.de/wordpress/plugins/math-comment-spam-protection/ "Math Comment Spam Protection") for further details and the latest information on this plugin. == Installation == See on [the official website](http://sw-guide.de/wordpress/plugins/math-comment-spam-protection/ "Math Comment Spam Protection"). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I get more information? = Please visit [the official website](http://sw-guide.de/wordpress/plugins/math-comment-spam-protection/ "Math Comment Spam Protection") for the latest information on this plugin. == Changelog == = 3.0 [2010-08-08] = * New: Field for the HTML code in the plugin options * New: HTML code can be added automatically without altering theme files * New: now using inc.swg-plugin-framework.php with a better plugin options page * Fix: now compatible in WordPress 3.0 = 2.2 [2007-11-27] = * Fix: two security issues (XSS) resolved. = 2.1 [2007-02-01] = * Fix: Further improved hash calculation. = 2.0 [2006-07-30] = * New: An options menu is available in the Wordpress admin options. Also, written-out numbers can be defined. = 1.2 [2006-07-21] = * Fix: Rarely, a warning message "Division by zero" occurred (was caused by the hash function). = 1.1 [2006-07-09] = * Fix: Improved hash calculation by considering date and blog title. = 1.0 [2006-07-03] = * Initial release