1. Mandriva Linux-Specific Documentation

1.1. Mandriva's Own Documentation

Some of these manuals may be available in your Mandriva Linux pack, in the mandriva-doc-MANUAL_NAME-en package. Once installed, menu entries of the form More Applications+DocumentationMandriva Linux MANUAL_NAME in English are available. Choose them to open the manual in a browser and select the format you want to use.

If the kerry package is installed on your machine, searching the manuals (or anything on your system) is even easier:

  1. Click the Kerry icon on the desktop panel, or hit Alt-Space for the Kerry search dialog to pop up.

  2. Click Configure, open the Indexing tab, and Add the /usr/share/doc/mandriva path to the index list. By default only your home folder is searched for.

  3. Press OK and let the indexing do its work in the background.

  4. In the Search field, type the keywords you are looking for.

  5. Press Enter to run the search, and then filter the results by using the options on the right column.

[Note] Note

If you do not get results immediately, it may be because Kerry hasn't finished indexing the files. Please try the search again after a few minutes.

Figure 1.1. Search Example

Search Example

Mandriva Control Center Inline Help. All Mandriva Linux Control Center tools have online help, which you can access through HelpHelp from Mandriva Linux Control Center's menu: the browser opens up with Mandriva Linux Control Center's help.

1.2. Internet Resources

Internet information sources are widespread and many web sites are devoted to GNU/Linux and its use or configuration. However, some sources of information are better than others.

Your preferred source of information should be the Mandriva Linux official web site. In particular, check out the support section. You can also check out the Mandriva Community Wiki. It offers a lot of resources, information and documentation, which will certainly interest Mandriva Linux users.

1.2.1. Mandriva Club

If you're familiar with Mandriva Linux's web sites, you probably know about Mandriva Club. It's the meeting point for all Mandriva Linux users. On it, you will find questions along with their answers, suggestions and news related to Mandriva Linux and GNU/Linux. You can express your opinions and influence future development of Mandriva Linux. If you're not a member yet, we encourage you to join.

One specific area of the Club is of particular interest: the Mandriva Club Knowledge Base is the Mandriva Linux user's database. It is probably the largest collection of Mandriva Linux-related documentation on the web.

It collects submissions by Mandriva Linux users. It also features a discussion forum and a community newsletter. These articles are meant to be practical and to target beginner and intermediate users.

Topics range from administrative issues, such as the handling of the shell, to the tweaking of X, GNU/Linux's graphical subsystem.

1.2.2. Mandriva Security Advisories

The Mandriva Security Advisories web site is Mandriva's very own security site. It covers package vulnerabilities.

1.2.3. Mandriva E-training

The Mandriva eTraining web site allows you to buy quality GNU/Linux training to improve your Open Source knowledge. You can access this web site by using your Mandriva Club account. A free demo on Samba is available, and many more if you are a registered Club member.