Interface Vector3D<RV extends Vector3D<? super RV,​? super RP>,​RP extends Point3D<? super RP,​? super RV>>

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  Vector3D.PowerResult<T extends Vector3D<? super T,​?>>
      Result of the power of a Vector3D.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void add​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Sets the value of this tuple to the sum of itself and t1.
      default void add​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector1, Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
      Sets the value of this tuple to the sum of tuples t1 and t2.
      default double angle​(Vector3D<?,​?> v1)
      Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0, PI].
      default RV cross​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Computes the cross product of the this vector and vector v1.
      default void cross​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector1, Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
      Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2 and put the result in this vector.
      default RV crossLeftHand​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Computes the cross product of the this vector and vector v1 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system.
      default void crossLeftHand​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector1, Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
      Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system; and put the result in this vector.
      static void crossProduct​(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, CoordinateSystem3D system, Vector3D<?,​?> result)
      Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2.
      static void crossProduct​(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, Vector3D<?,​?> result)
      Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2.
      static void crossProductLeftHand​(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, Vector3D<?,​?> result)
      Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system.
      static void crossProductRightHand​(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, Vector3D<?,​?> result)
      Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2 as if the vectors are inside a right-hand coordinate system.
      default Vector3D<?,​?> crossRightHand​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Computes the cross product of the this vector and vector v1 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system.
      default void crossRightHand​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector1, Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
      Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system; and put the result in this vector.
      static double determinant​(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, double x3, double y3, double z3)
      Compute the determinant of three vectors.
      default double dot​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Computes the dot product of the this vector and vector v1.
      static double dotProduct​(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
      Compute the dot product of two vectors.
      GeomFactory3D<RV,​RP> getGeomFactory()
      Replies the geometry factory associated to this point.
      default double getLength()
      Returns the length of this vector.
      default double getLengthSquared()
      Returns the squared length of this vector.
      default boolean isColinear​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Replies if this vector is colinear to the given vector.
      static boolean isCollinearVectors​(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
      Replies if two vectors are colinear.
      default boolean isUnitVector()
      Replies if this first is a unit vector.
      static boolean isUnitVector​(double x, double y, double z)
      Replies if the vector is a unit vector.
      static boolean isUnitVector​(double x, double y, double z, double epsilon)
      Replies if the vector is a unit vector.
      default void normalize()
      Normalizes this vector in place.
      default void normalize​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Sets the value of this vector to the normalization of vector v1.
      default void operator_add​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
      Add a vector to this vector: this += v
      default RV operator_divide​(double scale)
      Scale this vector: this / f.
      default double operator_doubleDotLessThan​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
      Replies the signed angle from v to this: this ..< v
      default Vector3D<? extends RV,​? extends RP> operator_elvis​(Vector3D<? extends RV,​? extends RP> v)
      If this vector is epsilon equal to zero then reply v else reply this: this ?: v
      default boolean operator_equals​(Tuple3D<?> v)
      Replies if this vector and the given vector are equal: this == v
      default double operator_greaterThanDoubleDot​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
      Replies the signed angle from this to v: this >.. v
      default RV operator_minus()
      Negation of this vector: -this
      default RV operator_minus​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
      Subtract a vector to this vector: this - v
      default RV operator_multiply​(double scale)
      Scale this vector: this * f
      default double operator_multiply​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
      Dot product: this * v
      default boolean operator_notEquals​(Tuple3D<?> v)
      Replies if this vector and the given vector are different: this != v
      default RP operator_plus​(Point3D<?,​?> point)
      Add this vector to a point: this + p
      default RV operator_plus​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
      Sum of this vector and the given vector: this + v
      default Vector3D.PowerResult<RV> operator_power​(int power)
      Compute the power of this vector: this ** n.
      default double operator_power​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
      Perp product of this vector and the given vector: this ** v.
      default void operator_remove​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
      Substract a vector to this vector: this -= v
      default double operator_upTo​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
      Replies if the absolute angle between this and v: this .. b
      default double perp​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Compute the determinant of two vectors.
      static double perpProduct​(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
      Compute the determinant of two vectors.
      default Vector3D.PowerResult<RV> power​(int power)
      Compute the power of this vector.
      default void scaleAdd​(double scale, Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
      default void scaleAdd​(double scale, Vector3D<?,​?> vector1, Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
      Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 plus tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
      default void scaleAdd​(int scale, Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
      default void scaleAdd​(int scale, Vector3D<?,​?> vector1, Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
      Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 plus tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
      default void setLength​(double newLength)
      Change the length of the vector.
      static double signedAngle​(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
      Compute the signed angle between two vectors.
      default double signedAngle​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Compute a signed angle between this vector and the given vector.
      default void sub​(Point3D<?,​?> point1, Point3D<?,​?> point2)
      Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
      default void sub​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
      Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of itself and t1 (this = this - t1).
      default void sub​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector1, Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
      Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
      default RV toColinearVector​(double length)
      Replies a vector of the given length that is colinear to this vector.
      default RV toUnitVector()
      Replies the unit vector of this vector.
      UnmodifiableVector3D<RV,​RP> toUnmodifiable()
      Replies an unmodifiable copy of this vector.
      default void turnVector​(Vector3D<?,​?> axis, double angle)
      Turn this vector about the given rotation angle.
    • Method Detail

      • isUnitVector

        static boolean isUnitVector​(double x,
                                    double y,
                                    double z)
        Replies if the vector is a unit vector.

        Due to the precision on floating-point computations, the test of unit-vector must consider that the norm of the given vector is approximatively equal to 1. The precision (i.e. the number of significant decimals) is given by MathConstants#UNIT_VECTOR_EPSILON.

        x - is the X coordinate of the vector.
        y - is the Y coordinate of the vector.
        z - is the Z coordinate of the vector.
        true if the two given vectors are colinear.
        See Also:
        MathUtil.isEpsilonEqual(double, double, double), MathConstants#UNIT_VECTOR_EPSILON, isUnitVector(double, double, double, double)
      • isUnitVector

        static boolean isUnitVector​(double x,
                                    double y,
                                    double z,
                                    double epsilon)
        Replies if the vector is a unit vector.

        Due to the precision on floating-point computations, the test of unit-vector must consider that the norm of the given vector is approximatively equal to 1. The precision (i.e. the number of significant decimals) is given by epsilon.

        x - is the X coordinate of the vector.
        y - is the Y coordinate of the vector.
        z - is the Z coordinate of the vector.
        epsilon - the precision distance to assumed for equality.
        true if the two given vectors are colinear.
        See Also:
        MathUtil.isEpsilonEqual(double, double, double), isUnitVector(double, double, double)
      • isUnitVector

        default boolean isUnitVector()
        Replies if this first is a unit vector. A unit vector has a length equal to 1.

        This function approximates the test on the length of the vector. This approximation could be based on MathUtil.isEpsilonEqual(double, double).

        true if the vector has a length equal to 1. false otherwise.
      • determinant

        static double determinant​(double x1,
                                  double y1,
                                  double z1,
                                  double x2,
                                  double y2,
                                  double z2,
                                  double x3,
                                  double y3,
                                  double z3)
        Compute the determinant of three vectors.
        x1 - is the X coordinate of the first vector
        y1 - is the Y coordinate of the first vector
        z1 - is the Z coordinate of the first vector
        x2 - is the X coordinate of the second vector
        y2 - is the Y coordinate of the second vector
        z2 - is the Z coordinate of the second vector
        x3 - is the X coordinate of the third vector
        y3 - is the Y coordinate of the third vector
        z3 - is the Z coordinate of the third vector
        the determinant
        See Also:
        perpProduct(double, double, double, double, double, double)
      • perpProduct

        static double perpProduct​(double x1,
                                  double y1,
                                  double z1,
                                  double x2,
                                  double y2,
                                  double z2)
        Compute the determinant of two vectors.
        det(X1,X2) = |X1|.|X2|.sin(a)
        where X1 and X2 are two vectors and a is the angle between X1 and X2.
        x1 - is the X coordinate of the first vector
        y1 - is the Y coordinate of the first vector
        z1 - is the Z coordinate of the first vector
        x2 - is the X coordinate of the second vector
        y2 - is the Y coordinate of the second vector
        z2 - is the Z coordinate of the second vector
        the determinant
        See Also:
        determinant(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
      • isCollinearVectors

        static boolean isCollinearVectors​(double x1,
                                          double y1,
                                          double z1,
                                          double x2,
                                          double y2,
                                          double z2)
        Replies if two vectors are colinear.

        This function uses the test MathUtil.isEpsilonZero(double).

        x1 - is the X coordinate of the first vector
        y1 - is the Y coordinate of the first vector
        z1 - is the Z coordinate of the first vector
        x2 - is the X coordinate of the second vector
        y2 - is the Y coordinate of the second vector
        z2 - is the Z coordinate of the second vector
        true if the two given vectors are colinear.
        See Also:
      • dotProduct

        static double dotProduct​(double x1,
                                 double y1,
                                 double z1,
                                 double x2,
                                 double y2,
                                 double z2)
        Compute the dot product of two vectors.
        x1 - x coordinate of the first vector.
        y1 - y coordinate of the first vector.
        z1 - y coordinate of the first vector.
        x2 - x coordinate of the second vector.
        y2 - y coordinate of the second vector.
        z2 - z coordinate of the second vector.
        the dot product.
      • crossProduct

        static void crossProduct​(double x1,
                                 double y1,
                                 double z1,
                                 double x2,
                                 double y2,
                                 double z2,
                                 Vector3D<?,​?> result)
        Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2. This function uses the left-handed cross product if the default coordinate system is left-handed. Otherwise, it uses the right-handed cross product. The default coordinate system is given by CoordinateSystem3D.getDefaultCoordinateSystem(). [Left-Handed Cross Product] [Right-Handed Cross Product]
        x1 - x coordinate of the vector v1.
        y1 - y coordinate of the vector v1.
        z1 - z coordinate of the vector v1.
        x2 - x coordinate of the vector v2.
        y2 - y coordinate of the vector v2.
        z2 - z coordinate of the vector v2.
        result - is the result of the cross product.
      • crossProduct

        static void crossProduct​(double x1,
                                 double y1,
                                 double z1,
                                 double x2,
                                 double y2,
                                 double z2,
                                 CoordinateSystem3D system,
                                 Vector3D<?,​?> result)
        Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2. This function uses the left-handed cross product if the given coordinate system is left-handed. Otherwise, it uses the right-handed cross product. [Left-Handed Cross Product] [Right-Handed Cross Product]
        x1 - x coordinate of the vector v1.
        y1 - y coordinate of the vector v1.
        z1 - z coordinate of the vector v1.
        x2 - x coordinate of the vector v2.
        y2 - y coordinate of the vector v2.
        z2 - z coordinate of the vector v2.
        system - the coordinate system to consider for computing the cross product.
        result - is the result of the cross product.
      • crossProductLeftHand

        static void crossProductLeftHand​(double x1,
                                         double y1,
                                         double z1,
                                         double x2,
                                         double y2,
                                         double z2,
                                         Vector3D<?,​?> result)
        Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system.
        x1 - x coordinate of the vector v1.
        y1 - y coordinate of the vector v1.
        z1 - z coordinate of the vector v1.
        x2 - x coordinate of the vector v2.
        y2 - y coordinate of the vector v2.
        z2 - z coordinate of the vector v2.
        result - is the result of the cross product.
      • crossProductRightHand

        static void crossProductRightHand​(double x1,
                                          double y1,
                                          double z1,
                                          double x2,
                                          double y2,
                                          double z2,
                                          Vector3D<?,​?> result)
        Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2 as if the vectors are inside a right-hand coordinate system.
        x1 - x coordinate of the vector v1.
        y1 - y coordinate of the vector v1.
        z1 - z coordinate of the vector v1.
        x2 - x coordinate of the vector v2.
        y2 - y coordinate of the vector v2.
        z2 - z coordinate of the vector v2.
        result - is the result of the cross product.
      • signedAngle

        static double signedAngle​(double x1,
                                  double y1,
                                  double z1,
                                  double x2,
                                  double y2,
                                  double z2)
        Compute the signed angle between two vectors.
        x1 - is the X coordinate of the first vector
        y1 - is the Y coordinate of the first vector
        z1 - is the Z coordinate of the first vector
        x2 - is the X coordinate of the second vector
        y2 - is the Y coordinate of the second vector
        z2 - is the Z coordinate of the second vector
        the angle between -PI and PI.
      • signedAngle

        default double signedAngle​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Compute a signed angle between this vector and the given vector.

        The signed angle between this vector and the given vector is the rotation angle to apply to this vector to be colinear to the given vector and pointing the same demi-plane. It means that the angle replied by this function is be negative if the rotation to apply is clockwise, and positive if the rotation is counterclockwise.

        The value replied by angle(Vector3D) is the absolute value of the vlaue replied by this function.

        vector - is the vector to reach.
        the rotation angle to turn this vector to reach v.
      • add

        default void add​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector1,
                         Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
        Sets the value of this tuple to the sum of tuples t1 and t2.
        vector1 - the first tuple
        vector2 - the second tuple
      • add

        default void add​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Sets the value of this tuple to the sum of itself and t1.
        vector - the other tuple
      • scaleAdd

        default void scaleAdd​(int scale,
                              Vector3D<?,​?> vector1,
                              Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
        Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 plus tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
        scale - the scalar value
        vector1 - the tuple to be multipled
        vector2 - the tuple to be added
      • scaleAdd

        default void scaleAdd​(double scale,
                              Vector3D<?,​?> vector1,
                              Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
        Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of tuple t1 plus tuple t2 (this = s*t1 + t2).
        scale - the scalar value
        vector1 - the tuple to be multipled
        vector2 - the tuple to be added
      • scaleAdd

        default void scaleAdd​(int scale,
                              Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
        scale - the scalar value
        vector - the tuple to be added
      • scaleAdd

        default void scaleAdd​(double scale,
                              Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Sets the value of this tuple to the scalar multiplication of itself and then adds tuple t1 (this = s*this + t1).
        scale - the scalar value
        vector - the tuple to be added
      • sub

        default void sub​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector1,
                         Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
        Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
        vector1 - the first tuple
        vector2 - the second tuple
      • sub

        default void sub​(Point3D<?,​?> point1,
                         Point3D<?,​?> point2)
        Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of tuples t1 and t2 (this = t1 - t2).
        point1 - the first tuple
        point2 - the second tuple
      • sub

        default void sub​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Sets the value of this tuple to the difference of itself and t1 (this = this - t1).
        vector - the other tuple
      • power

        default Vector3D.PowerResult<RV> power​(int power)
        Compute the power of this vector.

        If the power is even, the result is a scalar. If the power is odd, the result is a vector.

        power - the power factor.
        the power of this vector.
        See Also:
      • dot

        default double dot​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Computes the dot product of the this vector and vector v1.
        vector - the other vector
        the dot product.
      • perp

        default double perp​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Compute the determinant of two vectors.
        det(this, V) = |this|.|V|.sin(a)
        where this and V are two vectors and a is the angle between this and V.
        vector - the vector.
        the perp product.
      • crossLeftHand

        default RV crossLeftHand​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Computes the cross product of the this vector and vector v1 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system.

        vector - the other vector
        the dot product.
      • crossLeftHand

        default void crossLeftHand​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector1,
                                   Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
        Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system; and put the result in this vector.

        vector1 - the left operand.
        vector2 - the right operand.
      • crossRightHand

        default Vector3D<?,​?> crossRightHand​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Computes the cross product of the this vector and vector v1 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system.

        vector - the other vector
        the dot product.
      • crossRightHand

        default void crossRightHand​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector1,
                                    Vector3D<?,​?> vector2)
        Computes the cross product of the vectors v1 and v2 as if the vectors are inside a left-hand coordinate system; and put the result in this vector.

        vector1 - the left operand
        vector2 - the right operand
      • getLength

        default double getLength()
        Returns the length of this vector.
        the length of this vector
      • getLengthSquared

        default double getLengthSquared()
        Returns the squared length of this vector.
        the squared length of this vector
      • normalize

        default void normalize​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Sets the value of this vector to the normalization of vector v1.
        vector - the un-normalized vector
      • normalize

        default void normalize()
        Normalizes this vector in place.
      • angle

        default double angle​(Vector3D<?,​?> v1)
        Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0, PI].
        v1 - the other vector
        the angle in radians in the range [0, PI]
      • turnVector

        default void turnVector​(Vector3D<?,​?> axis,
                                double angle)
        Turn this vector about the given rotation angle.
        axis - is the axis of rotation.
        angle - is the rotation angle in radians.
      • isColinear

        default boolean isColinear​(Vector3D<?,​?> vector)
        Replies if this vector is colinear to the given vector.
        vector - the vector
        true if the vectors are colinear..
      • setLength

        default void setLength​(double newLength)
        Change the length of the vector. The direction of the vector is unchanged.
        newLength - - the new length.
      • toUnitVector

        default RV toUnitVector()
        Replies the unit vector of this vector.
        the unit vector of this vector.
      • toColinearVector

        default RV toColinearVector​(double length)
        Replies a vector of the given length that is colinear to this vector.
        length - the length of the new vector.
        the colinear vector.
      • toUnmodifiable

        UnmodifiableVector3D<RV,​RP> toUnmodifiable()
        Replies an unmodifiable copy of this vector.
        an unmodifiable copy.
      • getGeomFactory

        GeomFactory3D<RV,​RP> getGeomFactory()
        Replies the geometry factory associated to this point.
        the factory.
      • operator_add

        default void operator_add​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
        Add a vector to this vector: this += v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector
        See Also:
      • operator_remove

        default void operator_remove​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
        Substract a vector to this vector: this -= v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector
        See Also:
      • operator_multiply

        default double operator_multiply​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
        Dot product: this * v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector
        the result.
        See Also:
      • operator_multiply

        default RV operator_multiply​(double scale)
        Scale this vector: this * f

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        scale - the scaling factor.
        the scaled vector.
        See Also:
      • operator_equals

        default boolean operator_equals​(Tuple3D<?> v)
        Replies if this vector and the given vector are equal: this == v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector.
        test result.
        See Also:
      • operator_notEquals

        default boolean operator_notEquals​(Tuple3D<?> v)
        Replies if this vector and the given vector are different: this != v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector.
        test result.
        See Also:
      • operator_upTo

        default double operator_upTo​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
        Replies if the absolute angle between this and v: this .. b

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector.
        the signed angle.
        See Also:
      • operator_greaterThanDoubleDot

        default double operator_greaterThanDoubleDot​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
        Replies the signed angle from this to v: this >.. v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector.
        the signed angle.
        See Also:
      • operator_doubleDotLessThan

        default double operator_doubleDotLessThan​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
        Replies the signed angle from v to this: this ..< v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector.
        the signed angle.
        See Also:
      • operator_minus

        default RV operator_minus​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
        Subtract a vector to this vector: this - v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector
        the result.
        See Also:
      • operator_minus

        default RV operator_minus()
        Negation of this vector: -this

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        the result.
        See Also:
      • operator_divide

        default RV operator_divide​(double scale)
        Scale this vector: this / f.

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        scale - the scaling factor
        the scaled vector.
      • operator_elvis

        default Vector3D<? extends RV,​? extends RP> operator_elvis​(Vector3D<? extends RV,​? extends RP> v)
        If this vector is epsilon equal to zero then reply v else reply this: this ?: v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector.
        the vector.
      • operator_plus

        default RV operator_plus​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
        Sum of this vector and the given vector: this + v

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the vector
        the result.
        See Also:
        add(Vector3D, Vector3D)
      • operator_plus

        default RP operator_plus​(Point3D<?,​?> point)
        Add this vector to a point: this + p

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        point - the point.
        the result.
        See Also:
        Point3D.add(Vector3D, Point3D)
      • operator_power

        default double operator_power​(Vector3D<?,​?> v)
        Perp product of this vector and the given vector: this ** v.

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        v - the other vector.
        the result.
        See Also:
      • operator_power

        default Vector3D.PowerResult<RV> operator_power​(int power)
        Compute the power of this vector: this ** n.

        If the power is even, the result is a scalar. If the power is odd, the result is a vector.

        This function is an implementation of the "-" operator for the languages that defined or based on the Xtext framework.

        power - the power factor.
        the power of this vector.
        See Also:
        power(int), ""