.. topic:: Old F2PY NEWS March 30, 2004 F2PY bug fix release (version 2.39.235-1693). Two new command line switches: ``--compiler`` and ``--include_paths``. Support for allocatable string arrays. Callback arguments may now be arbitrary callable objects. Win32 installers for F2PY and Scipy_core are provided. `Differences with the previous release (version 2.37.235-1660)`__. __ http://cens.ioc.ee/cgi-bin/cvsweb/python/f2py2e/docs/HISTORY.txt.diff?r1=1.98&r2=1.87&f=h March 9, 2004 F2PY bug fix release (version 2.39.235-1660). `Differences with the previous release (version 2.37.235-1644)`__. __ http://cens.ioc.ee/cgi-bin/cvsweb/python/f2py2e/docs/HISTORY.txt.diff?r1=1.87&r2=1.83&f=h February 24, 2004 Latest F2PY release (version 2.39.235-1644). Support for numpy_distutils 0.2.2 and up (e.g. compiler flags can be changed via f2py command line options). Implemented support for character arrays and arrays of strings (e.g. ``character*(*) a(m,..)``). *Important bug fixes regarding complex arguments, upgrading is highly recommended*. Documentation updates. `Differences with the previous release (version 2.37.233-1545)`__. __ http://cens.ioc.ee/cgi-bin/cvsweb/python/f2py2e/docs/HISTORY.txt.diff?r1=1.83&r2=1.58&f=h September 11, 2003 Latest F2PY release (version 2.37.233-1545). New statements: ``pymethoddef`` and ``usercode`` in interface blocks. New function: ``as_column_major_storage``. New CPP macro: ``F2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY``. Bug fixes. `Differences with the previous release (version 2.35.229-1505)`__. __ http://cens.ioc.ee/cgi-bin/cvsweb/python/f2py2e/docs/HISTORY.txt.diff?r1=1.58&r2=1.49&f=h August 2, 2003 Latest F2PY release (version 2.35.229-1505). `Differences with the previous release (version 2.32.225-1419)`__. __ http://cens.ioc.ee/cgi-bin/cvsweb/python/f2py2e/docs/HISTORY.txt.diff?r1=1.49&r2=1.28&f=h April 2, 2003 Initial support for Numarray_ (thanks to Todd Miller). December 8, 2002 Sixth public release of F2PY (version 2.32.225-1419). Comes with revised `F2PY Users Guide`__, `new testing site`__, lots of fixes and other improvements, see `HISTORY.txt`_ for details. __ usersguide/index.html __ TESTING.txt_ .. References ========== .. _HISTORY.txt: HISTORY.html .. _Numarray: http://www.stsci.edu/resources/software_hardware/numarray .. _TESTING.txt: TESTING.html