by kripper A hacked version of cvs2cl used to update DP's Changelog file How To by John Pritchard (20 Feb 2003) SITUATION You have a WIN2K workstation with Cygwin, WINCVS, and SSH capabilities installed. You want to execute Kripper's dotProject script "" to create a ChangeLog from the dotProject CVSROOT. EXECUTION 1) Make sure you have a working copy of dotProject downloaded. Basically, you just need access to the script. Navigate to the root of the dotproject installation. C:\{path}\dotproject\> 2) Set path to the SourceForge DotProject repository: C:\{path}\dotproject\> set CVSROOT=:ext:{username} C:\{path}\dotproject\> set CVS_RSH=ssh 3) Run the "" script C:\{path}\dotproject\> perl misc\cvs2cl\ --dp OK this is all that is necessary to generate a new ChangeLog file that is nicely formatted with Kripper's dotproject output. Very nice tool provided by Kripper. 4) Your dotproject Root will now contain a new "ChangeLog" file. Simply check this into CVS to update the ChangeLog.