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/se3-unattended/var/se3/unattended/install/linuxaux/opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/CPAN/ -> HandleConfig.pm (source)

   1  package CPAN::HandleConfig;
   2  use strict;
   3  use vars qw(%can %keys $loading $VERSION);
   5  $VERSION = sprintf "%.6f", substr(q$Rev: 2212 $,4)/1000000 + 5.4;
   7  %can = (
   8          commit   => "Commit changes to disk",
   9          defaults => "Reload defaults from disk",
  10          help     => "Short help about 'o conf' usage",
  11          init     => "Interactive setting of all options",
  12  );
  14  # Q: where is the "How do I add a new config option" HOWTO?
  15  # A1: svn diff -r 757:758 # where dagolden added test_report
  16  # A2: svn diff -r 985:986 # where andk added yaml_module
  17  %keys = map { $_ => undef }
  18      (
  19       "applypatch",
  20       "auto_commit",
  21       "build_cache",
  22       "build_dir",
  23       "build_dir_reuse",
  24       "build_requires_install_policy",
  25       "bzip2",
  26       "cache_metadata",
  27       "check_sigs",
  28       "colorize_debug",
  29       "colorize_output",
  30       "colorize_print",
  31       "colorize_warn",
  32       "commandnumber_in_prompt",
  33       "commands_quote",
  34       "cpan_home",
  35       "curl",
  36       "dontload_hash", # deprecated after 1.83_68 (rev. 581)
  37       "dontload_list",
  38       "ftp",
  39       "ftp_passive",
  40       "ftp_proxy",
  41       "getcwd",
  42       "gpg",
  43       "gzip",
  44       "histfile",
  45       "histsize",
  46       "http_proxy",
  47       "inactivity_timeout",
  48       "index_expire",
  49       "inhibit_startup_message",
  50       "keep_source_where",
  51       "load_module_verbosity",
  52       "lynx",
  53       "make",
  54       "make_arg",
  55       "make_install_arg",
  56       "make_install_make_command",
  57       "makepl_arg",
  58       "mbuild_arg",
  59       "mbuild_install_arg",
  60       "mbuild_install_build_command",
  61       "mbuildpl_arg",
  62       "ncftp",
  63       "ncftpget",
  64       "no_proxy",
  65       "pager",
  66       "password",
  67       "patch",
  68       "prefer_installer",
  69       "prefs_dir",
  70       "prerequisites_policy",
  71       "proxy_pass",
  72       "proxy_user",
  73       "randomize_urllist",
  74       "scan_cache",
  75       "shell",
  76       "show_unparsable_versions",
  77       "show_upload_date",
  78       "show_zero_versions",
  79       "tar",
  80       "tar_verbosity",
  81       "term_is_latin",
  82       "term_ornaments",
  83       "test_report",
  84       "unzip",
  85       "urllist",
  86       "use_sqlite",
  87       "username",
  88       "wait_list",
  89       "wget",
  90       "yaml_load_code",
  91       "yaml_module",
  92      );
  94  my %prefssupport = map { $_ => 1 }
  95      (
  96       "build_requires_install_policy",
  97       "check_sigs",
  98       "make",
  99       "make_install_make_command",
 100       "prefer_installer",
 101       "test_report",
 102      );
 104  if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
 105      for my $k (qw(
 106                    mbuild_install_build_command
 107                    make_install_make_command
 108                   )) {
 109          delete $keys{$k};
 110          if (exists $CPAN::Config->{$k}) {
 111              for ("deleting previously set config variable '$k' => '$CPAN::Config->{$k}'") {
 112                  $CPAN::Frontend ? $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn($_) : warn $_;
 113              }
 114              delete $CPAN::Config->{$k};
 115          }
 116      }
 117  }
 119  # returns true on successful action
 120  sub edit {
 121      my($self,@args) = @_;
 122      return unless @args;
 123      CPAN->debug("self[$self]args[".join(" | ",@args)."]");
 124      my($o,$str,$func,$args,$key_exists);
 125      $o = shift @args;
 126      $DB::single = 1;
 127      if($can{$o}) {
 128          $self->$o(args => \@args); # o conf init => sub init => sub load
 129          return 1;
 130      } else {
 131          CPAN->debug("o[$o]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
 132          unless (exists $keys{$o}) {
 133              $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Warning: unknown configuration variable '$o'\n");
 134          }
 135          my $changed;
 138          # one day I used randomize_urllist for a boolean, so we must
 139          # list them explicitly --ak
 140          if (0) {
 141          } elsif ($o =~ /^(wait_list|urllist|dontload_list)$/) {
 143              #
 144              # ARRAYS
 145              #
 147              $func = shift @args;
 148              $func ||= "";
 149              CPAN->debug("func[$func]args[@args]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
 150              # Let's avoid eval, it's easier to comprehend without.
 151              if ($func eq "push") {
 152                  push @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}}, @args;
 153                  $changed = 1;
 154              } elsif ($func eq "pop") {
 155                  pop @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}};
 156                  $changed = 1;
 157              } elsif ($func eq "shift") {
 158                  shift @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}};
 159                  $changed = 1;
 160              } elsif ($func eq "unshift") {
 161                  unshift @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}}, @args;
 162                  $changed = 1;
 163              } elsif ($func eq "splice") {
 164                  my $offset = shift @args || 0;
 165                  my $length = shift @args || 0;
 166                  splice @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}}, $offset, $length, @args; # may warn
 167                  $changed = 1;
 168              } elsif ($func) {
 169                  $CPAN::Config->{$o} = [$func, @args];
 170                  $changed = 1;
 171              } else {
 172                  $self->prettyprint($o);
 173              }
 174              if ($changed) {
 175                  if ($o eq "urllist") {
 176                      # reset the cached values
 177                      undef $CPAN::FTP::Thesite;
 178                      undef $CPAN::FTP::Themethod;
 179                      $CPAN::Index::LAST_TIME = 0;
 180                  } elsif ($o eq "dontload_list") {
 181                      # empty it, it will be built up again
 182                      $CPAN::META->{dontload_hash} = {};
 183                  }
 184              }
 185          } elsif ($o =~ /_hash$/) {
 187              #
 188              # HASHES
 189              #
 191              if (@args==1 && $args[0] eq "") {
 192                  @args = ();
 193              } elsif (@args % 2) {
 194                  push @args, "";
 195              }
 196              $CPAN::Config->{$o} = { @args };
 197              $changed = 1;
 198          } else {
 200              #
 201              # SCALARS
 202              #
 204              if (defined $args[0]) {
 205                  $CPAN::CONFIG_DIRTY = 1;
 206                  $CPAN::Config->{$o} = $args[0];
 207                  $changed = 1;
 208              }
 209              $self->prettyprint($o)
 210                  if exists $keys{$o} or defined $CPAN::Config->{$o};
 211          }
 212          if ($changed) {
 213              if ($CPAN::Config->{auto_commit}) {
 214                  $self->commit;
 215              } else {
 216                  $CPAN::CONFIG_DIRTY = 1;
 217                  $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Please use 'o conf commit' to ".
 218                                           "make the config permanent!\n\n");
 219              }
 220          }
 221      }
 222  }
 224  sub prettyprint {
 225      my($self,$k) = @_;
 226      my $v = $CPAN::Config->{$k};
 227      if (ref $v) {
 228          my(@report);
 229          if (ref $v eq "ARRAY") {
 230              @report = map {"\t$_ \[$v->[$_]]\n"} 0..$#$v;
 231          } else {
 232              @report = map
 233                  {
 234                      sprintf "\t%-18s => %s\n",
 235                                 "[$_]",
 236                                          defined $v->{$_} ? "[$v->{$_}]" : "undef"
 237                  } keys %$v;
 238          }
 239          $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
 240                                   join(
 241                                        "",
 242                                        sprintf(
 243                                                "    %-18s\n",
 244                                                $k
 245                                               ),
 246                                        @report
 247                                       )
 248                                  );
 249      } elsif (defined $v) {
 250          $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf "    %-18s [%s]\n", $k, $v);
 251      } else {
 252          $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf "    %-18s undef\n", $k);
 253      }
 254  }
 256  sub commit {
 257      my($self,@args) = @_;
 258      CPAN->debug("args[@args]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
 259      if ($CPAN::RUN_DEGRADED) {
 260                               $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(
 261                                                      "'o conf commit' disabled in ".
 262                                                      "degraded mode. Maybe try\n".
 263                                                      " !undef \$CPAN::RUN_DEGRADED\n"
 264                                                     );
 265      }
 266      my $configpm;
 267      if (@args) {
 268        if ($args[0] eq "args") {
 269          # we have not signed that contract
 270        } else {
 271          $configpm = $args[0];
 272        }
 273      }
 274      unless (defined $configpm) {
 275          $configpm ||= $INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"};
 276          $configpm ||= $INC{"CPAN/Config.pm"};
 277          $configpm || Carp::confess(q{
 278  CPAN::Config::commit called without an argument.
 279  Please specify a filename where to save the configuration or try
 280  "o conf init" to have an interactive course through configing.
 281  });
 282      }
 283      my($mode);
 284      if (-f $configpm) {
 285          $mode = (stat $configpm)[2];
 286          if ($mode && ! -w _) {
 287              Carp::confess("$configpm is not writable");
 288          }
 289      }
 291      my $msg;
 292      $msg = <<EOF unless $configpm =~ /MyConfig/;
 294  # This is CPAN.pm's systemwide configuration file. This file provides
 295  # defaults for users, and the values can be changed in a per-user
 296  # configuration file. The user-config file is being looked for as
 297  # ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm.
 299  EOF
 300      $msg ||= "\n";
 301      my($fh) = FileHandle->new;
 302      rename $configpm, "$configpm~" if -f $configpm;
 303      open $fh, ">$configpm" or
 304          $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Couldn't open >$configpm: $!");
 305      $fh->print(qq[$msg\$CPAN::Config = \{\n]);
 306      foreach (sort keys %$CPAN::Config) {
 307          unless (exists $keys{$_}) {
 308              # do not drop them: forward compatibility!
 309              $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Unknown config variable '$_'\n");
 310              next;
 311          }
 312          $fh->print(
 313              "  '$_' => ",
 314              $self->neatvalue($CPAN::Config->{$_}),
 315              ",\n"
 316          );
 317      }
 319      $fh->print("};\n1;\n__END__\n");
 320      close $fh;
 322      #$mode = 0444 | ( $mode & 0111 ? 0111 : 0 );
 323      #chmod $mode, $configpm;
 324  ###why was that so?    $self->defaults;
 325      $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("commit: wrote '$configpm'\n");
 326      $CPAN::CONFIG_DIRTY = 0;
 327      1;
 328  }
 330  # stolen from MakeMaker; not taking the original because it is buggy;
 331  # bugreport will have to say: keys of hashes remain unquoted and can
 332  # produce syntax errors
 333  sub neatvalue {
 334      my($self, $v) = @_;
 335      return "undef" unless defined $v;
 336      my($t) = ref $v;
 337      unless ($t) {
 338          $v =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
 339          return "q[$v]";
 340      }
 341      if ($t eq 'ARRAY') {
 342          my(@m, @neat);
 343          push @m, "[";
 344          foreach my $elem (@$v) {
 345              push @neat, "q[$elem]";
 346          }
 347          push @m, join ", ", @neat;
 348          push @m, "]";
 349          return join "", @m;
 350      }
 351      return "$v" unless $t eq 'HASH';
 352      my(@m, $key, $val);
 353      while (($key,$val) = each %$v) {
 354          last unless defined $key; # cautious programming in case (undef,undef) is true
 355          push(@m,"q[$key]=>".$self->neatvalue($val)) ;
 356      }
 357      return "{ ".join(', ',@m)." }";
 358  }
 360  sub defaults {
 361      my($self) = @_;
 362      if ($CPAN::RUN_DEGRADED) {
 363                               $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(
 364                                                      "'o conf defaults' disabled in ".
 365                                                      "degraded mode. Maybe try\n".
 366                                                      " !undef \$CPAN::RUN_DEGRADED\n"
 367                                                     );
 368      }
 369      my $done;
 370      for my $config (qw(CPAN/MyConfig.pm CPAN/Config.pm)) {
 371          if ($INC{$config}) {
 372              CPAN->debug("INC{'$config'}[$INC{$config}]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
 373              CPAN::Shell->_reload_this($config,{reloforce => 1});
 374              $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("'$INC{$config}' reread\n");
 375              last;
 376          }
 377      }
 378      $CPAN::CONFIG_DIRTY = 0;
 379      1;
 380  }
 382  =head2 C<< CLASS->safe_quote ITEM >>
 384  Quotes an item to become safe against spaces
 385  in shell interpolation. An item is enclosed
 386  in double quotes if:
 388    - the item contains spaces in the middle
 389    - the item does not start with a quote
 391  This happens to avoid shell interpolation
 392  problems when whitespace is present in
 393  directory names.
 395  This method uses C<commands_quote> to determine
 396  the correct quote. If C<commands_quote> is
 397  a space, no quoting will take place.
 400  if it starts and ends with the same quote character: leave it as it is
 402  if it contains no whitespace: leave it as it is
 404  if it contains whitespace, then
 406  if it contains quotes: better leave it as it is
 408  else: quote it with the correct quote type for the box we're on
 410  =cut
 412  {
 413      # Instead of patching the guess, set commands_quote
 414      # to the right value
 415      my ($quotes,$use_quote)
 416          = $^O eq 'MSWin32'
 417              ? ('"', '"')
 418                  : (q{"'}, "'")
 419                      ;
 421      sub safe_quote {
 422          my ($self, $command) = @_;
 423          # Set up quote/default quote
 424          my $quote = $CPAN::Config->{commands_quote} || $quotes;
 426          if ($quote ne ' '
 427              and defined($command )
 428              and $command =~ /\s/
 429              and $command !~ /[$quote]/) {
 430              return qq<$use_quote$command$use_quote>
 431          }
 432          return $command;
 433      }
 434  }
 436  sub init {
 437      my($self,@args) = @_;
 438      CPAN->debug("self[$self]args[".join(",",@args)."]");
 439      $self->load(doit => 1, @args);
 440      1;
 441  }
 443  # This is a piece of repeated code that is abstracted here for
 444  # maintainability.  RMB
 445  #
 446  sub _configpmtest {
 447      my($configpmdir, $configpmtest) = @_;
 448      if (-w $configpmtest) {
 449          return $configpmtest;
 450      } elsif (-w $configpmdir) {
 451          #_#_# following code dumped core on me with 5.003_11, a.k.
 452          my $configpm_bak = "$configpmtest.bak";
 453          unlink $configpm_bak if -f $configpm_bak;
 454          if( -f $configpmtest ) {
 455              if( rename $configpmtest, $configpm_bak ) {
 456                  $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(<<END);
 457  Old configuration file $configpmtest
 458      moved to $configpm_bak
 459  END
 460              }
 461          }
 462          my $fh = FileHandle->new;
 463          if ($fh->open(">$configpmtest")) {
 464              $fh->print("1;\n");
 465              return $configpmtest;
 466          } else {
 467              # Should never happen
 468              Carp::confess("Cannot open >$configpmtest");
 469          }
 470      } else { return }
 471  }
 473  sub require_myconfig_or_config () {
 474      return if $INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"};
 475      local @INC = @INC;
 476      my $home = home();
 477      unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($home,'.cpan');
 478      eval { require CPAN::MyConfig };
 479      my $err_myconfig = $@;
 480      if ($err_myconfig and $err_myconfig !~ m#locate CPAN/MyConfig\.pm#) {
 481          die "Error while requiring CPAN::MyConfig:\n$err_myconfig";
 482      }
 483      unless ($INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"}) { # this guy has settled his needs already
 484        eval {require CPAN::Config;}; # not everybody has one
 485        my $err_config = $@;
 486        if ($err_config and $err_config !~ m#locate CPAN/Config\.pm#) {
 487            die "Error while requiring CPAN::Config:\n$err_config";
 488        }
 489      }
 490  }
 492  sub home () {
 493      my $home;
 494      if ($CPAN::META->has_usable("File::HomeDir")) {
 495          $home = File::HomeDir->my_data;
 496          unless (defined $home) {
 497              $home = File::HomeDir->my_home
 498          }
 499      }
 500      unless (defined $home) {
 501          $home = $ENV{HOME};
 502      }
 503      $home;
 504  }
 506  sub load {
 507      my($self, %args) = @_;
 508      $CPAN::Be_Silent++ if $args{be_silent};
 509      my $doit;
 510      $doit = delete $args{doit};
 512      use Carp;
 513      require_myconfig_or_config;
 514      my @miss = $self->missing_config_data;
 515      return unless $doit || @miss;
 516      return if $loading;
 517      $loading++;
 519      require CPAN::FirstTime;
 520      my($configpm,$fh,$redo);
 521      $redo ||= "";
 522      if (defined $INC{"CPAN/Config.pm"} && -w $INC{"CPAN/Config.pm"}) {
 523          $configpm = $INC{"CPAN/Config.pm"};
 524          $redo++;
 525      } elsif (defined $INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"} && -w $INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"}) {
 526          $configpm = $INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"};
 527          $redo++;
 528      } else {
 529          my($path_to_cpan) = File::Basename::dirname($INC{"CPAN.pm"});
 530          my($configpmdir) = File::Spec->catdir($path_to_cpan,"CPAN");
 531          my($configpmtest) = File::Spec->catfile($configpmdir,"Config.pm");
 532          my $inc_key;
 533          if (-d $configpmdir or File::Path::mkpath($configpmdir)) {
 534              $configpm = _configpmtest($configpmdir,$configpmtest);
 535              $inc_key = "CPAN/Config.pm";
 536          }
 537          unless ($configpm) {
 538              $configpmdir = File::Spec->catdir(home,".cpan","CPAN");
 539              File::Path::mkpath($configpmdir);
 540              $configpmtest = File::Spec->catfile($configpmdir,"MyConfig.pm");
 541              $configpm = _configpmtest($configpmdir,$configpmtest);
 542              $inc_key = "CPAN/MyConfig.pm";
 543          }
 544          if ($configpm) {
 545            $INC{$inc_key} = $configpm;
 546          } else {
 547            my $text = qq{WARNING: CPAN.pm is unable to } .
 548                qq{create a configuration file.};
 549            output($text, 'confess');
 550          }
 552      }
 553      local($") = ", ";
 554      if ($redo && !$doit) {
 555          $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(<<END);
 556  Sorry, we have to rerun the configuration dialog for CPAN.pm due to
 557  some missing parameters...
 559  END
 560          $args{args} = \@miss;
 561      }
 562      CPAN::FirstTime::init($configpm, %args);
 563      $loading--;
 564      return;
 565  }
 568  # returns mandatory but missing entries in the Config
 569  sub missing_config_data {
 570      my(@miss);
 571      for (
 572           "auto_commit",
 573           "build_cache",
 574           "build_dir",
 575           "cache_metadata",
 576           "cpan_home",
 577           "ftp_proxy",
 578           #"gzip",
 579           "http_proxy",
 580           "index_expire",
 581           #"inhibit_startup_message",
 582           "keep_source_where",
 583           #"make",
 584           "make_arg",
 585           "make_install_arg",
 586           "makepl_arg",
 587           "mbuild_arg",
 588           "mbuild_install_arg",
 589           "mbuild_install_build_command",
 590           "mbuildpl_arg",
 591           "no_proxy",
 592           #"pager",
 593           "prerequisites_policy",
 594           "scan_cache",
 595           #"tar",
 596           #"unzip",
 597           "urllist",
 598          ) {
 599          next unless exists $keys{$_};
 600          push @miss, $_ unless defined $CPAN::Config->{$_};
 601      }
 602      return @miss;
 603  }
 605  sub help {
 606      $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(q[
 607  Known options:
 608    commit    commit session changes to disk
 609    defaults  reload default config values from disk
 610    help      this help
 611    init      enter a dialog to set all or a set of parameters
 613  Edit key values as in the following (the "o" is a literal letter o):
 614    o conf build_cache 15
 615    o conf build_dir "/foo/bar"
 616    o conf urllist shift
 617    o conf urllist unshift ftp://ftp.foo.bar/
 618    o conf inhibit_startup_message 1
 620  ]);
 621      undef; #don't reprint CPAN::Config
 622  }
 624  sub cpl {
 625      my($word,$line,$pos) = @_;
 626      $word ||= "";
 627      CPAN->debug("word[$word] line[$line] pos[$pos]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
 628      my(@words) = split " ", substr($line,0,$pos+1);
 629      if (
 630          defined($words[2])
 631          and
 632          $words[2] =~ /list$/
 633          and
 634          (
 635          @words == 3
 636          ||
 637          @words == 4 && length($word)
 638          )
 639         ) {
 640          return grep /^\Q$word\E/, qw(splice shift unshift pop push);
 641      } elsif (defined($words[2])
 642               and
 643               $words[2] eq "init"
 644               and
 645              (
 646               @words == 3
 647               ||
 648               @words >= 4 && length($word)
 649              )) {
 650          return sort grep /^\Q$word\E/, keys %keys;
 651      } elsif (@words >= 4) {
 652          return ();
 653      }
 654      my %seen;
 655      my(@o_conf) =  sort grep { !$seen{$_}++ }
 656          keys %can,
 657              keys %$CPAN::Config,
 658                  keys %keys;
 659      return grep /^\Q$word\E/, @o_conf;
 660  }
 662  sub prefs_lookup {
 663      my($self,$distro,$what) = @_;
 665      if ($prefssupport{$what}) {
 666          return $CPAN::Config->{$what} unless
 667              $distro
 668                  and $distro->prefs
 669                      and $distro->prefs->{cpanconfig}
 670                          and defined $distro->prefs->{cpanconfig}{$what};
 671          return $distro->prefs->{cpanconfig}{$what};
 672      } else {
 673          $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Warning: $what not yet officially ".
 674                                  "supported for distroprefs, doing a normal lookup");
 675          return $CPAN::Config->{$what};
 676      }
 677  }
 680  {
 681      package
 682          CPAN::Config; ####::###### #hide from indexer
 683      # note: J. Nick Koston wrote me that they are using
 684      # CPAN::Config->commit although undocumented. I suggested
 685      # CPAN::Shell->o("conf","commit") even when ugly it is at least
 686      # documented
 688      # that's why I added the CPAN::Config class with autoload and
 689      # deprecated warning
 691      use strict;
 692      use vars qw($AUTOLOAD $VERSION);
 693      $VERSION = sprintf "%.2f", substr(q$Rev: 2212 $,4)/100;
 695      # formerly CPAN::HandleConfig was known as CPAN::Config
 696      sub AUTOLOAD {
 697          my $class = shift; # e.g. in dh-make-perl: CPAN::Config
 698          my($l) = $AUTOLOAD;
 699          $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Dispatching deprecated method '$l' to CPAN::HandleConfig\n");
 700          $l =~ s/.*:://;
 701          CPAN::HandleConfig->$l(@_);
 702      }
 703  }
 705  1;
 707  __END__
 709  =head1 LICENSE
 711  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 712  modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
 714  =cut
 716  # Local Variables:
 717  # mode: cperl
 718  # cperl-indent-level: 4
 719  # End:

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