Atari Portfolio as a Linux-Terminal

Connect your Atari Portfolio to your Linux computer !
You need a serial interface for the Portfolio, a serial link cable, and a free serial port at your Linux-PC.
Copy the terminalprogram to your Portfolio and start a agetty process on the Linux and you will have a Linux terminal.


If you have a parallel port and no a serial port for your Atari Portfolio, go to this page (written in german): SerPort - Serial Communication over the Parallel Port for Atari Portfolio

How to get the terminalprogramm

There are different ways to get

Copy to the Portfolio

If you got PCMCIA Cards, you can copy with a card.If you haven't any PCMCIA Cards, so you can copy with the serial port.


Init the serial port:
stty 1200 cs8 -parenb -parodd < /dev/ttyS1
on the Atari Portfolio you initalize the serial port and type:
copy aux
Execute the command: (hurry, there are only a few seconds of time)
cp /dev/cua1
On the Portfolio, the size of should be 52 Bytes.


Use the PC-DOS-Batch apt.bat file to transfer the program to the Atari Portfolio.
Start apt.bat on the DOS PC and follow the steps.

File: apt.bat

@echo off
mode com2,1200,n,8,1
echo Initialize the RS-232 with 1200 baud on the Atari Portfolio
echo Type 'copy aux' and 'ENTER' on the Atari Portfolio
copy /a
copy /b com2:
echo Type 'apterm' on the Atari Portfolio
echo Ok

Start apt.bat on the DOS-PC and follow the steps on the screen.

Install the Linux terminal:

There are two ways to start the terminal process on Linux. A temporary way and a permanent way. Before you start the agetty process, you should start the program on the Atari Portfolio.


Type in the shell:
agetty /dev/cua1 1200 vt100 &
If you terminate the shell, the agetty process will terminate too. After the next login, you have to start the agetty process again.


Write into the file /etc/inittab:
# Serial line to Atari Portfolio
s1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty /dev/cua1 1200 vt100
At every start of the linux system, there will be an agetty process for your Atari Portfolio. The command
init q
re-examine the /etc/inittab file. After that or after a system reboot, the agetty will start up a terminal process.
If everything is ok, the Linux login will appear on the Portfolio screen !

APTerm: How to stop a running output:

If you start a Linux command, that has a big output on the screen, use CTRL-S for stopping and CTRL-Q for starting the output.

APTerm: How to terminate

Press both shift keys simultaneously to terminate the terminalprogram.
APTerm will terminate and return to DOS.


Use the /dev/cuax device for the communication with apterm. They were once built for outgoing modem connections and are working more direct than the /dev/ttySx devices.
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File: apt_main.htm Last update: Thu Jul 3 08:40:09 2003