Update: image "squeezelite" = squeezelite only Raspberry Pi 3: If using only WiFi, edit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf, otherwise /backup/wpa_supplicant.conf, for SSID/passwd. login/passwd: root/root I don't use Roon. RoonBridge has not been tested. We normally only use one of the three musical environments LMS, UPnP and Roon. And maybe Apple Airplay, Spotify Connect. To disable one of the players, stop the player and move its startup script out of /etc/init.d For example to disable Upmpdcli/MPD: Method 1: Connect via ssh # /etc/init.d/S99upmpdcli stop Stopping upmpdcli: OK # /etc/init.d/S95mpd stop Stopping mpd: OK # mv /etc/init.d/S99upmpdcli /root/ # mv /etc/init.d/S95mpd /root/ Method 2: Put the microSD card into another computer and move the two files /etc/init.d/S99upmpdcli and /etc/init.d/S95mpd out of /etc/init.d To enable Spotifyd: edit /etc/spotifyd.conf, move /root/S99spotifyd to /etc/init.d, reboot or '/etc/init.d/S99spotifyd start'